Having a bad day

Not sure what I am really expecting by posting this, but I really need to have a miserable rant.

I'm just finishing four years at university and as I have spent the last 6 weeks writing my dissertation, I decided that I would have a break from exercising and would allow myself to eat anything I wanted. Big mistake. I've gained about 9lb in those six weeks.

I handed my dissertation in yesterday, and while I should be celebrating, I feel hideous. I can really feel the weight I have gained and have absolutely no motivation to eat right or do any exercise. I am right back where I started....unhappy and overweight.

Just when I need support the most, my boyfriend is flying back off to an oil rig where he works, and I'll all on my own to try and deal with it.

I am so so disappointed with myself that I let myself slip back into my old routine, when I had made so much progress. How do I gain my motivation and determination back?!


  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Look at the success from finishing school. The achievement here takes the mental strides from beginning all the way to end. Turn that positive to the mindset of your next greatest goal....a healthier YOU!!!!!!!

    You know what you want, or you would be here. You are aware of your present being, or wouldnt have said so. Now is the time to Choose, Act, and Succeed!!!!!!! You know the steps on the journey, the choices to make. Your success comes down to you acting upon them. It's not a matter of starting over, it's a matter of starting now.

    YOU CAN DO THIS. But to do so, you MUST take action.
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    Congrats on turning in your dissertation! That is a huge accomplishment! Seriously!

    Okay, you've gained 9 pounds in six weeks, at least it wasn't 12 pounds in six weeks. It sucks, but give yourself a break, you were under a lot of pressure. It's not an excuse, just a reality. It doesn't make you a bad person. Instead it gives you a new opportunity. Now you can look at it this way: the pressure's off now, the dissertation has been turned in, now I can focus on my health and get back on track. Forgive yourself for slipping up.

    My suggestion, celebrate your hard work (just not necessarily by overindulging in food), get some rest, and start a new day tomorrow by doing at least one thing that's healthy for you.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I know the feeling... I let myself have a pass while I was on vacation for 6 days and I gained 4 lbs. Imagine what I could have done in 6 weeks! Yikes :-) But...

    If you did it once, you can do it again.

    The dissertation's done... that was a huge push and energy suck. Right now you're probably drained... no wonder you don't feel well.
    Give your self a day or two to relax... go on and walk and start eating healthy foods, but wait a few days to start logging.
    I suspect you'll start to feel better and your motivation will return.
    Drink tons of water too...

    Good luck! Hope you feel better soon!
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks guys :)
    I got up this morning and actually did a workout! So proud of myself, and feeling really good about my eating for the rest of the day :D
    I CAN DO IT!!
  • marlad33
    marlad33 Posts: 37
    Great job for getting up a doing your workout first thing. See you already placed yourself on the correct path :-) have a great day.

  • you can do it!!! believe in yourself you are gorgeous!! you already lost 9ibs so far you can do it again plus much more!!

    believe in yourself. xxxxx
  • sailorsiren13
    sailorsiren13 Posts: 460
    That's the way you do it you pick yourself up and just get back up and back to it! You slipped for a while but now your rededicating and your going to be fabulous! Congratulations on finishing your dissertation and graduation that is an amazing accomplishment.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Get off the computer. Lase up your shoes and go for a run. Or what ever your favorite workout is. You always feel better after you workout.
  • nvestli
    nvestli Posts: 38 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about this - so you slipped up, it happens sadly. Rather than let it get you down, celebrate your achievement in finishing up uni and your dissertation and now get back to being good. I am really pants at motivating myself so I have signed up for the 24 hours (1440 mins) exercise in May challenge - that works out to abour 50 mins per day so to meet it, I really need to move my behind which is exactly my problem in the first place!

    Of course I am feeling great right now, I've had a rare good couple of days and the sun is shining but I reckon that this challenge will help me focus when I'm struggling. Maybe try something like that?

    Either way, don't beat yourself up about it. Just make good choices from here on out and you'll be surprised how quickly the 9lbs comes off again. Good luck :wink:
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    As was said, don't beat yourself up and be down on yourself for it. You just finished your dissertation and handed it in. You are bright and motivated. You can turn that motivation into getting back where you want with the eating and exercise.

    Pick yourself up, brush off and just move forward....don't look back cause that's not the direction we're heading.