

  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    I said I would be at goal when I turned 40 I have started over and over. then I hit 260 at 5'2" ouch!!!
    I went 2 wks on nothing but fresh fruits and veggies but start thinking I can't keep this up, Now what am I going to do. I knew I had to do something. then I heard about MFP I am down 18 since joining Jan 23 and this is the easiest thing I've found. You can do it just make sure you log every day good and bad. log it it helps more then you think. oh I'm 51 yrs now but I am going to hit goal ;:flowerforyou:
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 441 Member
    Great words of wisdom.
  • dtanya177
    dtanya177 Posts: 2
    I am 57 and joined MFP today!! I hadn't even heard about it until my about-to-be sister-in-law introduced me. My hat is off to you, being a full-time Mom is soooooo demanding. My kids are mostly on their own so I have more time for myself. I STILL keep falling off many, many diet plans. I'm thinking this community support is going to be the difference this time! Together we can all get to where we want to be! I want to get lean and strong, gain energy and enjoy being active. The calendar motivator is a great idea, I'm going to try that!!
  • Pkiddy
    Pkiddy Posts: 145 Member
    I think you looked into my brain and wrote what i was thinking! i've done it all too, put others first, put off dieting, started, stopped, gained more, all of that. i vowed to be "thin" when my kid got married so i'd look great in my dress in their FOREVER pictures. that was 7 years ago and i didn't get thin then or when my second kid got married just last year. it wasn't until just this September that something clicked and i had had enough. That's what it took for me. Take before, during and after pics, measure frequently, make lots of supportive MFP friends, log everything and put yourself first!! and don't be afraid to ask for help, motivation and support or anything else you need, we are all here for you! That's what MFP is all about.

    Your kids may be mad now, but they'll be much happier in the end with the new YOU! and so will you!