Leaned out and ready to build! Time to gain some weight!

DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
My name is Ben and I'm 24. I currently weigh 157 lbs and I'm about to progress into a new phase of my bodies development. I've been calorie counting for over a year and a half using another app, and recently my sister-in-law recommended MFP.com and it's android application. In April 2011, weighing at 210 lbs, I finally figured out how to get passed all of the blocks that keep people from exercising and eating well. I started eating exactly as my BMR called for, balancing around 20%f, 30%p, 50%c. I ran on the treadmill every single day with very few exceptions, I started out running a 20 minute session with no incline at 5mph. I just finished my pure cardio phase. My workout consisted of two 30 minute sessions 2.5 miles each at full incline. With no incline, I am now capable of running consistently for longer than I've even had a chance to test... I have pushed passed an hour at 7.5mph.

It is now May 2012, I've lost well over 50 lbs of fat, and people tell me that I look like I'm starving. When people see me for the first time in a long time they say I look great, but then they ask if I feel week or better. I was unaware of this as I still see quite a bit of flab on my belly and my chest. It appears as though I am approaching the bottom of my healthy weight range yet I still have a little more fat on me than what is considered to be optimal. I think that because of the way I ate in the past, not eating all day and then eating a TON at night, my body turned that into what somewhere I read referred to as "permanent fat cells". I doubt these are actually permanent permanent but just REALLY hard to get rid of.

My objective in the next few months is to drop the remaining body fat, maybe even take my percentage to somewhere around 15 so I have a chance at seeing some six pack action. Mainly though, time to gain some weight so people don't call me starving... I am going to keep eating the same foods that I am eating as I am keeping it very healthy. Although, I am about to begin doing the Insanity training program. I WILL make it all the way through. In the last year my lifestyle has changed so drastically that I get frustrated when things or people keep me from my workouts.

Today will be my first day of insanity, I am going to be doing it at night. It appears as though I may have trouble getting in 2800 calories a day without having to load a bunch on in one period because the other 4-5 eating periods contained too little. The plan is to eat 4 300-500 calorie meals, 1 200-300 calorie meal at 8. And fill the rest in with snacks wherever needed. So I'm going to need to figure out how to adjust my snacks for around 500-1400 calories a day!!! So difficult! Luckily I think I can kill 200-400 of it with my pre and post workout drinks.

In the end, the hardest part about being healthy for me is when to eat how much. I have no problem eating food with really high nutritional value, even less of a problem being active, and little trouble keeping my daily energy intake in check. But.. keeping track of how many of which nutrients each meal needs, and when to eat them is the hardest part of all! I'm so happy to have found MyFitnessPal as I feel because of it's extensive food database I can actually utilize nutrient tracking. A lot of calorie counting apps track nutrients, but getting the nutrient values into the app are such a pain in the *kitten*. MyFitnessPal has such an amazing database full of foods I feel it's going to improve my nutrient and food content timing drastically.

I really enjoy talking about fitness and I'm really looking forward to an active community to discuss my latest discoveries. I have an addiction to knowledge, and the human body is so complex and amazing in it's ways I can't help myself, I have to know more.


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Get your BF tested asap.

    I would have recommended you start lifting from the get go. But it is what it is. Congrats on the weight loss.

    I'd probably start cutting the cardio by 1/2 and start lifting weights, up the protein and consider upping the calories a bit.

    I'm just north of you in Seattle.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I am similar to you in some ways. I am nearly 11-12% fat (125lb, 5ft 5in, I am slim built)- mainly on lower belly and it is not going low any more. Not sure, if I should stop cutting and start bulking or should I carry on cutting for a while. I can see my six packs though.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Man our stories are very similar. I started at 210 and Im down 40 and still have another 10ish to get my body fat to a good level. Then I plan to start building muscle. I started lifting and cardio from the start though. I had heard that cardio alone with a calorie deficit could cause more muscle loss along with the fat so that when I got down to my goal weight I would still not be as lean as I wanted. I still dont know for sure if this is true but I like lifting more than cardio anyways so I went with it. : )

    Another thing I have learn from this and other sites is that meal size and timing is pretty much a myth. So eating all your calories at once or spreading them out over the day really has no effect on weight gain or loss. Again no sources to back that up. Eating smaller meals more often did help me control my appetite and mood though. I was never starving but I was never very full so I think there is a benefit to it.

    Another thing I have done is set a minimum goal for protein and fats instead of going off a percentage system. Once I meet my minimum macros for Protein and fat I just make up the remaining calories with whatever I want. Makes it much easier to eat more. Nuts are very high in calories and can get you to your calorie goals easily.

    Feel free to add me. I would like to have more friends on here looking to gain muscle.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    @ mustgetmuscle- Meal frequency- agree with you. I have been on IF for a month and it didn't help me. I used to eat like IF anyway, so I might be conditoned to that. So, I am on traditional 6 meals. I also like doing strength training but still eat in deficit. Might give carb cycling a go but I think I don't do well without carbs. My approach to macros are similar to you- 1 g protein/lb, 0.4g/lb fat rest, carbs. It translates into 40% carbs, 30% prot and 30% fat.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Yeah I'm going to be doing 15 minutes of cardio and then the insanity workout at night, 45 minutes-ish in the begining, 10-15 more as the workout progresses.

    Yeah I mean, I could have started with lifting, but I was afraid that if I started then with all the fat, that it would make me bulky. Keep in mind I didn't look that fat, just had a lot of fat content. So I wanted to lean out and get the super athletic build with extremely lean muscle. That's what I figured in my head at the time, it worked out for me in the end.

    I just want to feed my muscles from the insanity workout properly, so I'm going to be using a pre-workout and post-workout drink. And consuming around 2800 calories a day vs. 1800 which is what I was doing.

    I'm actually way closer than Lacey, that's just where my family and friends are. I work in Bellevue and live in Redmond. I see a picture of you on a mountain there haha. What kind of excursions are you into? Any mountain biking?

    Any chance you know of any gyms that have realllly good classes for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, or Wing Chun Kung Fu?
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I'd say I'm at like 23%+ still and that's my biggest problem. I weigh so little for someone who has such a high body fat content, and my arms and legs are pure lean muscle. So with an average sized core containing a belly and a bit of chest fat, I look like I've been starving myself. I need to fill out these arms and legs while continuing to cut at my chest and stomach. The insanity workout plus eating 1000 calories more seems like the perfect plan, you should do it. And I say this as opposed to doing something like P90X or creating your own cardio/resistance mix, because in the end I think this is going to give me the most lean efficient muscle for the things that I do. I'm not so much interested in bulk as I am efficiency, no strange workout chemicals, simply feeding my muscles with good nutrition before and after my workout. Lol well okay, I guess I really like NO Xplode hahaha but that is partly because my buddy uses it in his drinks when we ride and he makes me one so I'm used to it and I really like the taste combo I make.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    @ mustgetmuscle- Meal frequency- agree with you. I have been on IF for a month and it didn't help me. I used to eat like IF anyway, so I might be conditoned to that. So, I am on traditional 6 meals. I also like doing strength training but still eat in deficit. Might give carb cycling a go but I think I don't do well without carbs. My approach to macros are similar to you- 1 g protein/lb, 0.4g/lb fat rest, carbs. It translates into 40% carbs, 30% prot and 30% fat.

    Yep sounds very similar to my diet. Not gonna give up carbs though. lol. Losing just fine with them. I feel the heavy lifting has maintain a good majority of muscle while still providing the calorie deficit I need to loose fat. Should be be primed to pack on some beef once I can start eating in a surplus.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'd say I'm at like 23%+ still and that's my biggest problem. I weigh so little for someone who has such a high body fat content, and my arms and legs are pure lean muscle. So with an average sized core containing a belly and a bit of chest fat, I look like I've been starving myself. I need to fill out these arms and legs while continuing to cut at my chest and stomach. The insanity workout plus eating 1000 calories more seems like the perfect plan, you should do it. And I say this as opposed to doing something like P90X or creating your own cardio/resistance mix, because in the end I think this is going to give me the most lean efficient muscle for the things that I do. I'm not so much interested in bulk as I am efficiency, no strange workout chemicals, simply feeding my muscles with good nutrition before and after my workout. Lol well okay, I guess I really like NO Xplode hahaha but that is partly because my buddy uses it in his drinks when we ride and he makes me one so I'm used to it and I really like the taste combo I make.

    I wouldn't worry about being bulky. Lifting would fill out your upper and lower sides and help you burn more fat.

    I work in Tukwilla and live in Renton. I'm at the newcastle YMCA. I don't know of any good martial arts classes though.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Man our stories are very similar. I started at 210 and Im down 40 and still have another 10ish to get my body fat to a good level. Then I plan to start building muscle. I started lifting and cardio from the start though. I had heard that cardio alone with a calorie deficit could cause more muscle loss along with the fat so that when I got down to my goal weight I would still not be as lean as I wanted. I still dont know for sure if this is true but I like lifting more than cardio anyways so I went with it. : )

    Another thing I have learn from this and other sites is that meal size and timing is pretty much a myth. So eating all your calories at once or spreading them out over the day really has no effect on weight gain or loss. Again no sources to back that up. Eating smaller meals more often did help me control my appetite and mood though. I was never starving but I was never very full so I think there is a benefit to it.

    Another thing I have done is set a minimum goal for protein and fats instead of going off a percentage system. Once I meet my minimum macros for Protein and fat I just make up the remaining calories with whatever I want. Makes it much easier to eat more. Nuts are very high in calories and can get you to your calorie goals easily.

    Feel free to add me. I would like to have more friends on here looking to gain muscle.

    Dude yeah cardio definitely murders muscle, I've gained a little on my arms but not much. However I mountain bike and run a lot so my legs are beast... no more massive cardio with a calorie deficit though. I'll only do that if I'm eating right on my mark for exercise and BMR.

    I would say that timing definitely has something to do with it. As your metabolism does run based on how your body is consuming and expending energy. If you are inactive and not eating, your body will know it, and it will spend less energy for you. For example, if you try interval training vs. endurance training your body learns to use energy more efficiently. I would never do interval training because in a situation where I need energy why would I want my body to be burning more of it... I'm training for a more efficient body, I care very little about aesthetics like being bulky or skinny. If that's not how it works than so be it, but to me it seems like a body uses energy as you teach it to, and I want it to learn to use energy really well. The first half a year of me attempting to eat correctly I wasn't eating in my breakfast window, it was a couple hours after and I was considering that breakfast, and that's just part of how bad my days were. All the while I was counting my calories and staying within my limits. I didn't do very well in those 6 months I made it from about 210-195, back up to 210 basically. Then I started again and ate all day long, I ate about 130 calories per hour, double or triple if it took me 2-3 hours to eat again. From there my workouts improved, my sleep improved, I started remembering **** I could never keep up on before, all sorts of things. I think that keeping my body flowing with energy like this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    And I'd say with the myfitnesspal thing it's gonna be really easy to track it by the number I'm looking for, no more having to do a ton of math to find out if I've been getting all my nutrients in the right amounts.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I'd say I'm at like 23%+ still and that's my biggest problem. I weigh so little for someone who has such a high body fat content, and my arms and legs are pure lean muscle. So with an average sized core containing a belly and a bit of chest fat, I look like I've been starving myself. I need to fill out these arms and legs while continuing to cut at my chest and stomach. The insanity workout plus eating 1000 calories more seems like the perfect plan, you should do it. And I say this as opposed to doing something like P90X or creating your own cardio/resistance mix, because in the end I think this is going to give me the most lean efficient muscle for the things that I do. I'm not so much interested in bulk as I am efficiency, no strange workout chemicals, simply feeding my muscles with good nutrition before and after my workout. Lol well okay, I guess I really like NO Xplode hahaha but that is partly because my buddy uses it in his drinks when we ride and he makes me one so I'm used to it and I really like the taste combo I make.

    I wouldn't worry about being bulky. Lifting would fill out your upper and lower sides and help you burn more fat.

    I work in Tukwilla and live in Renton. I'm at the newcastle YMCA. I don't know of any good martial arts classes though.

    Yep not possible to bulk up on a calorie deficit anyways.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I'd say I'm at like 23%+ still and that's my biggest problem. I weigh so little for someone who has such a high body fat content, and my arms and legs are pure lean muscle. So with an average sized core containing a belly and a bit of chest fat, I look like I've been starving myself. I need to fill out these arms and legs while continuing to cut at my chest and stomach. The insanity workout plus eating 1000 calories more seems like the perfect plan, you should do it. And I say this as opposed to doing something like P90X or creating your own cardio/resistance mix, because in the end I think this is going to give me the most lean efficient muscle for the things that I do. I'm not so much interested in bulk as I am efficiency, no strange workout chemicals, simply feeding my muscles with good nutrition before and after my workout. Lol well okay, I guess I really like NO Xplode hahaha but that is partly because my buddy uses it in his drinks when we ride and he makes me one so I'm used to it and I really like the taste combo I make.

    I wouldn't worry about being bulky. Lifting would fill out your upper and lower sides and help you burn more fat.

    I work in Tukwilla and live in Renton. I'm at the newcastle YMCA. I don't know of any good martial arts classes though.

    Yep not possible to bulk up on a calorie deficit anyways.

    Well I'll be consuming almost 3000 calories a day if I can now so I don't think that should be a problem lol. I gotta be like Bruce Lee guys come on...
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Dude yeah cardio definitely murders muscle, I've gained a little on my arms but not much. However I mountain bike and run a lot so my legs are beast... no more massive cardio with a calorie deficit though. I'll only do that if I'm eating right on my mark for exercise and BMR.

    I would say that timing definitely has something to do with it. As your metabolism does run based on how your body is consuming and expending energy. If you are inactive and not eating, your body will know it, and it will spend less energy for you. For example, if you try interval training vs. endurance training your body learns to use energy more efficiently. I would never do interval training because in a situation where I need energy why would I want my body to be burning more of it... I'm training for a more efficient body, I care very little about aesthetics like being bulky or skinny. If that's not how it works than so be it, but to me it seems like a body uses energy as you teach it to, and I want it to learn to use energy really well. The first half a year of me attempting to eat correctly I wasn't eating in my breakfast window, it was a couple hours after and I was considering that breakfast, and that's just part of how bad my days were. All the while I was counting my calories and staying within my limits. I didn't do very well in those 6 months I made it from about 210-195, back up to 210 basically. Then I started again and ate all day long, I ate about 130 calories per hour, double or triple if it took me 2-3 hours to eat again. From there my workouts improved, my sleep improved, I started remembering **** I could never keep up on before, all sorts of things. I think that keeping my body flowing with energy like this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    And I'd say with the myfitnesspal thing it's gonna be really easy to track it by the number I'm looking for, no more having to do a ton of math to find out if I've been getting all my nutrients in the right amounts.

    Cool. I do a lot of mountain biking and hiking. Not a runner though. I am not looking to be a bodybuilder or anything just all around strong with good stamina for the activities I like to do. My strength has vastly improved since I started lifting even though I have not gain any new muscle. I am pretty happy about that. The cardio I do has also gotten much easier. Started out not being able to go more than 10 minutes without gasping for air and heart pounding out of my chest. Now 20 minutes at full speed is my usual cardio session.

    PS I also live in WA down here in Vancouver.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    don't know the answers to your questions but did want to say congrats - what a great effort!! Good luck on the rest of your goals!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Dude yeah cardio definitely murders muscle, I've gained a little on my arms but not much. However I mountain bike and run a lot so my legs are beast... no more massive cardio with a calorie deficit though. I'll only do that if I'm eating right on my mark for exercise and BMR.

    I would say that timing definitely has something to do with it. As your metabolism does run based on how your body is consuming and expending energy. If you are inactive and not eating, your body will know it, and it will spend less energy for you. For example, if you try interval training vs. endurance training your body learns to use energy more efficiently. I would never do interval training because in a situation where I need energy why would I want my body to be burning more of it... I'm training for a more efficient body, I care very little about aesthetics like being bulky or skinny. If that's not how it works than so be it, but to me it seems like a body uses energy as you teach it to, and I want it to learn to use energy really well. The first half a year of me attempting to eat correctly I wasn't eating in my breakfast window, it was a couple hours after and I was considering that breakfast, and that's just part of how bad my days were. All the while I was counting my calories and staying within my limits. I didn't do very well in those 6 months I made it from about 210-195, back up to 210 basically. Then I started again and ate all day long, I ate about 130 calories per hour, double or triple if it took me 2-3 hours to eat again. From there my workouts improved, my sleep improved, I started remembering **** I could never keep up on before, all sorts of things. I think that keeping my body flowing with energy like this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    And I'd say with the myfitnesspal thing it's gonna be really easy to track it by the number I'm looking for, no more having to do a ton of math to find out if I've been getting all my nutrients in the right amounts.

    Cool. I do a lot of mountain biking and hiking. Not a runner though. I am not looking to be a bodybuilder or anything just all around strong with good stamina for the activities I like to do. My strength has vastly improved since I started lifting even though I have not gain any new muscle. I am pretty happy about that. The cardio I do has also gotten much easier. Started out not being able to go more than 10 minutes without gasping for air and heart pounding out of my chest. Now 20 minutes at full speed is my usual cardio session.

    PS I also live in WA down here in Vancouver.

    Haha you weren't kidding about the same goals and characteristics in our endeavors. The only difference between us is my weight fills out a 6 foot 1/2 inch frame so I look like a twig and my **** is all uneven haha. My arms are so tiny and I have a super skinny core with flab on it. Then beastlegs, my bottom half does not fit my top half lol.

    One of my buddies and myself ride just about every weekend. And then we have some others that go with us from time to time. If we ever decide to do something in Oregon or like Mount Hood / Gifford Forest you should def ride with us.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Sounds familiar- bump for when I can respond on something other than phone.....

    Woot! I look forward to it :-D
    @ mustgetmuscle- Meal frequency- agree with you. I have been on IF for a month and it didn't help me. I used to eat like IF anyway, so I might be conditoned to that. So, I am on traditional 6 meals. I also like doing strength training but still eat in deficit. Might give carb cycling a go but I think I don't do well without carbs. My approach to macros are similar to you- 1 g protein/lb, 0.4g/lb fat rest, carbs. It translates into 40% carbs, 30% prot and 30% fat.

    Yep sounds very similar to my diet. Not gonna give up carbs though. lol. Losing just fine with them. I feel the heavy lifting has maintain a good majority of muscle while still providing the calorie deficit I need to loose fat. Should be be primed to pack on some beef once I can start eating in a surplus.

    I'm gonna be switching to 20%f, 40% carbs/protein. This is what the insanity workout recommends what do you guys think?
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    don't know the answers to your questions but did want to say congrats - what a great effort!! Good luck on the rest of your goals!

    You.... are awesome :-D Thank you very much.
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    How are you measuring your body fat %? If I'm reading the thread right, it looks like you ar just over 6' tall, 157lbs, and ...23% body fat? Something seems off. My scale at home claims my bf% is 26%, but a recent caliper test shows 17.6%. So it could be dangerous if you are working from an inccorrect bf% measurement.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    So I started this journey at 5'8 188 many years ago, got down to 160 or so through cardio, then did p90x and got to 147 or so, then put on a few pounds and did insanity, and went to 140. At 140, I looked skinny fat--- still had a layer of fat but more appalling was the utter lack of muscle underneath. I am now 3 months into a bulk- 13 pounds up-- lifting heavy-- I know some of it is fat, but I will cut it later, I may even shift gears mid bulk to a more neutral cal intake and see if I can't transform some fat away that way.

    Som pics-- none of the body shots are over 160- funny there are no pics of me with my shirt off at 188


    In the below-- the lower right 150 is after lifting and gaining ten from 140 in lower left..



    That picture of you at 160 is almost exactly where I am at except less muscle so the flab shows up even more. To me anyway, it could just be the fact that I'm still seeing myself the way I used to and the gradual change just makes it look so much similar.

    But either way, I'm 157 now and going straight into insanity instead of P90X, I just don't want to deal with the extra stuff right now, moving from just cardio to this seems ideal as it's just more intense cardio that gives a bit of an actually muscle workout right?. I've done P90X for a couple weeks way in the passed and I feel it's something I could do after I get through insanity if I really want to. I would assume this is still going to cut at that fat pretty hard, so I will likely lose a little bit of weight before I start gaining, probably down to 140-145 similar to how it looks like it happened for you. What do you think?
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    How are you measuring your body fat %? If I'm reading the thread right, it looks like you ar just over 6' tall, 157lbs, and ...23% body fat? Something seems off. My scale at home claims my bf% is 26%, but a recent caliper test shows 17.6%. So it could be dangerous if you are working from an inccorrect bf% measurement.

    I used the one where you just measure your neck and waist, I know it is no where close to what the calipers can do but at least it gives me an idea.

    That's what I said... something is off haha. physically on my stomach and chest I can grab good amounts of fat, enough that I feel like there's probably a solid 10-20 pounds extra, but 135-145 seems below the healthy mark. I would assume the reason I weigh so little is the absense of muscle on my upper body. My biceps aren't much bigger than my upper forearm. And for the last year and a half I have been burning an extra 300 to maybe 1000 calories a day in cardio and eating right on my BMR. Been rocking a deficit of 300-1000 of pure cardio! I definitely don't have less than when I started that's for sure, but it can't have gained very much at all. The muscles are more lean that's for sure! Like my biceps, starting to take shape!!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Also, for my new friends who are interested. I started insanity last night, did the fitness test. I feel like I did everything on it with perfect form, and I outperformed the helpers in the video. Very proud of the way a fit body works, even if it is still full of fat and not super strong.