Need words of wisdom.. how do I stop the yoyo diet cycle?



  • Xena03
    Xena03 Posts: 12
    This is my take, and there's lots of back story I won't get into, but it really has less to do with whether you call it a diet or a lifestyle change, less than how many carbs vs. protien and certainly less than if you have a stressful day. The issue lies in how you perseve yourself. Did you know there are actually people in the world who eat when they are stressed or lonely and DON'T have a weight issue?!

    My impression from what you've written is that you obess about your weight, diet and exercise as much as I do. My husband's cousin told me that a woman whom I had only briefly encountered twice asked her what was my obession about my weight. I didn't have any idea I had even said anything in front of her!

    The backwards truth is that the more you obess about it the more you will fail. Stop stewing about how much you feel you are failing. If your friends are tired of hearing you talk about it ask them to catch you before you drone on and tell them to make you give yourself 5 sincere compliments (they can give a couple hints to get you started, I'm sure). Write down what you're grateful for every day. If you pray. Pray! If you don't. Start! Even if you don't believe in a God just the act of kneeling and voicing your sincere desires will give you focus for the day. Remember how great you are and spend the majority of your time thinking about how to help others. I think you'll find your obsession loosening it's death grip and then making changes because your deserve to treat yourself better will come much more easily!! That's my journey, anyway. I lost a lot of weight once and I truly feel it's because I listened to the scriptures on my ipod as I ran. I didn't need to binge because I felt it centered me and reminded me that someone far more powerful than myself loves me unconditionally so I can't be all that bad, right?