I HATE exercise



  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I didn't think I liked to either but I really enjoy knowing my weights don't seem as heavy or stay longer on the machines or not getting out of breath so quickly. I like to challenge myself and that's such a great feeling knowing I'm getting more fit.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I don't see why I can't just restrict calories. It's not like I spend every day lazing around.
    I'm totally ok with never having to run a marathon. Chances are I can lift A LOT more than most females =)

    Ive lost 40+ pounds by diet alone. It can be done, but know that you lose muscle mass in the process, as well.

    Also, be smart about your restriction of calories. Too much and your body adjusts and you gain. There is a sweet spot.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member

    Which do you hate more?
  • allotmentwench
    I hate exercise, but as a working gardener, I do a lot of moving about 5 days a week, but not always very aerobic and I want to loose weight and tone up my wobbly bits. Zumba is my joy - I love to dance and prance around and have found a great class with a great bunch of ladies or all ages, shapes and sizes and I smile throughout. I do this for an hour twice a week, wish I could afford to do it more! I think it is a matter of finding the exercise that suits you and your lifestyle, even if it is just running up and down the stairs half a dozen times every day.
  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    work and school full time. Going to a gym or class is simply not an option.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I hate exercise, too! Except ballet, which I don't really get to do any more. Exercise is just so mind numbing to me. I don't even care about the physical exhaustion (in fact I like it sometimes) but I can't push myself mentally to slog through it because it is so boring.

    I figure that I need to prioritize my life in a holistic way. Meaning that not everything in my life at one time can be an unpleasant means to a far-off wanted end. Therefore, during times in my life when I'm really overwhelmed by those sorts of unpleasant means (like graduate school) I really just do not consider exercise a very high priority.

    Also, I'm equally as mindful about caring for and growing my hair very, very long as I am about being thin and it's hard to work exercise into that because washing my hair more frequently than three times per week is really bad for it. I do not heat style or blow dry and my hair is essentially wet all the time if I work out every day. It damages it and it's just not good for it. So I feel like that's a pretty legitimate reason but, again, my priorities are my own and other people prioritize differently.
  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    Exactly. If I get sweaty and smelly from a work out. I HAVE to shower. And I have thick hair that dries out very easily. My skin also gets DISGUSTINGLY dry if I shower every single day. So every other day, unless something really gross and unplanned happens (IE- Projectile dog vomit)
    I hate exercise, too! Except ballet, which I don't really get to do any more. Exercise is just so mind numbing to me. I don't even care about the physical exhaustion (in fact I like it sometimes) but I can't push myself mentally to slog through it because it is so boring.

    I figure that I need to prioritize my life in a holistic way. Meaning that not everything in my life at one time can be an unpleasant means to a far-off wanted end. Therefore, during times in my life when I'm really overwhelmed by those sorts of unpleasant means (like graduate school) I really just do not consider exercise a very high priority.

    Also, I'm equally as mindful about caring for and growing my hair very, very long as I am about being thin and it's hard to work exercise into that because washing my hair more frequently than three times per week is really bad for it. I do not heat style or blow dry and my hair is essentially wet all the time if I work out every day. It damages it and it's just not good for it. So I feel like that's a pretty legitimate reason but, again, my priorities are my own and other people prioritize differently.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    same problem, only sadly now I sit all day (used to run circles in retail), bumping this convo for suggestions,

    I kayak, hike, walk my dogs, do yard work... I love outdoor - doesn't feel like exercise - exercise-
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Pretty much the only exercise I can tolerate are Pilates type classes. Most of the dance-based ones are ridiculous (Zumba, etc) and I avoid them, except for the Barre Method/Cardio Barre types. Cardio is the worst. I can barely do it for 4 seconds before I just want to stab myself in the throat just for amusement.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    find something fun for you. Bike ride, walking, running, swimming, flying a kite?? Climbing a tree to get the kite?? As long as your active its good. exercise doesnt have to be blah and demanding. Make it for you.
  • wooder1958
    wooder1958 Posts: 2
    I am way older than you but hatred of exercise is a universal thing. Personally I would rather sit on the couch and drink a glass of wine while watching my trashy reality shows but of course, that is why I've ended up here. If you hate exercise (like I do) but realize you must do something....I got a DVD by Leslie Sansone called Walk at Home and Burn Body Fat, which gives you the option of a 1, 2 or 3 mile walk. Now the more exercise savvy people on here may snicker at this suggestion but I will tell you, the 1 mile work out is 15 (yes, 15!) minutes and it is a good little workout. The 2 mile kicks my butt. I do the 1 mile workout followed by Leslie Sansone's You Can Do Pilates, which is roughly another 15 mins. That's 30 mins out of your day. I do the 2 workouts in the morning and it gives me energy throughout the day. Also, the Pilates will firm up areas like your abs and rear. The DVDs are inexpensive and can be found on Amazon or I've even seen them at Target. You will need 2 pound weights for the burn body fat one.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    The problem isn't that you hate exercise. The problem is you haven't found an exercise you like yet.

    I used to think I hated exercise too until I found things that I actively enjoyed doing. :)

    So, keep searching, keep trying. You'll find an activity you enjoy.

    Also, exercise doesn't HAVE TO BE STRUCTURED. As long as you're off your *kitten* and moving you're doing your body good. Anything that doesn't involve a couch is probably good for you. Even if you don't have a routine in place around it. ;)
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    All I can say then is that you have to hate being overweight more than you hate exercise so that you'll do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Honstley, if your job is as active as you describe it. You don't have a sedientary lifesyle. To me you don't need to work out. Eating right is fine. .
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I personally have gotten addicted to how I feel after I'm done exercising . I need it now....
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I don't see why I can't just restrict calories. It's not like I spend every day lazing around.
    I'm totally ok with never having to run a marathon. Chances are I can lift A LOT more than most females =)

    You might be able to do that now...but I have to tell you the older you get you have to rely more on just counting calories. Your metabolism gets slower and you have to get your heart rate up to burn calories. You may be active now...just wait until you have kids or switch to a desk job.
    There are so many benefits to exercising besides for just weight loss. Also, when you do get to your goal weight, how were you planning to keep it off? All the fit people I know make exercise part of their life; to stay that way. Otherwise the weight will creep back up.
    But find something you love. Do you like yoga? Dancing? Can you hike a few times a week?
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    All I can say then is that you have to hate being overweight more than you hate exercise so that you'll do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I agree. To be blunt, it sounds like you have already made up your mind that you don't plan on trying to find a way to exercise and you are just trying to get other people to validate what you are saying... because you are just shooting down every one else's suggestions for things to do for exercise with reasons why it wouldnt work. If you really wanted to exercise, you would make time and would stop complaining about your hair.

    Edited for spelling.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You get used to it. I used to hate exercise as well and try for any excuse not to go workout. Now.. I hate it whenever I CAN'T exercise.
  • monkeygirl351
    I was a vet tech for close to 15 years and yeah it is a work out! I stayed skinny for a long time, but my bad eating habits ie missing lunch because we were too busy, and eating fast food for dinner finally caught up to me. Even though I was still doing that job, my weight slowly crept up, maybe a pound here or there but it did. Now I have a desk job, so my weight crept up even more. Now I am determined to lose the 30 pounds i've gained and get healthy again. I'm only 33 yo, but man I'm realizing how hard that job was on me. I have arthritis in both knees, a bad lower back, (from lifting more than I should have on my own because we were too busy), plus I have a bad right shoulder from a horseback riding accident that continued to get aggravated as a vet tech. I have to be careful with my exercises that I do to not worsen anything, but I do it cause I know I will be better in the end. I've realized running isn't for me, but I love using the elliptical or powerwalk on the treadmill with inclines. I walk my dog everyday as well, but since he is older, we don't go that fast. So I guess in the end you can try the calorie deficit and that should work, but make sure to not miss meals like I did cause it will mess up your metabolism and you'll gain weight even in the active job. Oh and be careful lifting those doggies! Back injuries never completely go away. I even remember the dog I lifted that injured mine, a huge chocolate lab named Beast and he certainly was a beast!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Nobody said you have to just go to a gym. Just find something worthwhile that you can get into and just do it.