How do i stay on track....

I have my boyfriends parents coming into town pretty soon and im afraid i will go off my diet while they are hear cause they love to eat out and i don't feel comfortable working out with them around. I don't know want to do about how am i going to be a good host but also stay on my diet and workout
Any tips or help that will help me stay on track!!! i've worked so hard to lose weight and i don't want it to go down the drain


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Maybe instead of working out in the house, go for a walk by yourself - that way they don't see you for a few hours. Maybe when they are sleeping, if you really want to not be seen.

    When you do go out, choose fish over other meats. Get options with lots of veggies. :] Or get something vegetarian to help with keeping to the calories and to be healthy.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    You can always ask a restaurant to prepare something that is healthier. Skip the fries/potato and aske for extra veggies. Have a salad with the dressing on the side and dip your fork into the dressing before you get your veggies on it. Order steak, chicken or fish without a sauce.

    As to the working out, I wouldn't feel comfortable bouncing around toa DVD either...but a run or walk would help
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    double post
  • Bella151
    I notice that in your picture, it looks like your boyfriend is in the military. Do you have access to any of the gyms on base? They are free to military and their dependents. If not, i totally agree with the other posts about going outside for a walk or jog. Keep your head up, i know you will do good!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    My boyfriend is gone right now and im hoping he'll be home by the time his parents arrive that way he can stay at the house with them so i can go walking or something to stay on track.. It's going to be a tough week cause they are coming in for my son's 1st birthday and we will be having chips, dip, cake, ice cream and all those yummy birthday foods.. but i have already plan on making a veggie dish and turkey burger for myself so i don't go grabbing for the chips.. Its tough to stay strong when everyone else is eating the food you want but i rather get to my goal weight then shove cake into my mouth :happy:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I don't have a military id... My friend does so im trying to get her to go with me but we live a hour away from the base he's stationed at.. so it's easier for me to just go walking around the neighborhood.. I want a gym membership but can't afford one..
  • ljkelly
    ljkelly Posts: 5 Member
    Plan. Figure out what restaurants you might go to. Look them up on the web and find the nutrition info for their menu. If the restaurant does not have any healthy options, go to another restaurant. Also, when everyone else orders desert, order coffee or a non-fat latte instead.

    Finally, you cannot undo months of work in one day or even a few days. So don't stress over the diet while your guests are in town. Losing weight is not about losing weight, but rather it is about learning to follow a healthy lifestyle. Bumps in the road like visitors happen. The trick is to minimize the damage by making the best choices you can and then get right back on track once they are gone.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    If they eat out a lot, steer them towards restaurants that you can make good choices at. Also, overcome that feeling of discomfort about working out around them. You are making a lifelong change, and should not have to change your routine when you have guests over.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Eating out Secrets:
    Drink water/diet soda instead of booze.
    If people are getting appetizers, get soup! It'll fill you up!
    Ask for a side salad with your meal if it comes with fries or cole slaw.
    Cut the portion in half and plan on bringing the other half home.

    Go for a walk, defintiely!
    Ask them if they'd like to join (probably not..)
    Do some pilates or yoga in the comfort of your room after they go to bed.

    Birthday parties are a perfect time to splurge, they come once a year! Just keep an eye on portions!

    Enjoy time with the family and don't stress about your diet! :flowerforyou: