


  • mom4girlzfl
    I'm another coffee lover so I totally agree with the others! :smile: I drink just one cup per day. Coffee is a wonderful source of antioxidants. The caffeine issue is up for debate. If that is your only source of caffeine throughout the day, that one cup isn't going to affect your metabolism negatively. Like most things, too much of a good thing kind of negates the whole "good" aspect of it. So, moderation, of course...:wink:

    My three suggestions would be to switch to organic coffee (Google this topic and you will find that it's well worth the couple of extra dollars spent towards your health), wean off the sugar and transition your creamer to something more natural based, (Natural Bliss by CoffeeMate is a good start - the only 3 ingredients in the Sweet Cream flavor are milk, cream and sugar!) From there, I would wean down to something like almond milk or even half and half if you had to, to get away from the sugar. I LOVE my Natural Bliss Sweet Cream so that is what I use and it hasn't had any negative impact on my weight loss, thank God!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Coffee's got antioxidants in it, and I think I've read somewhere (and you should totally believe me just based off of this) that if you drink it regularly, it can help fight against the development of alzheimer's :)

    It's all the other junk people put into it, i.e. sugar, creamers, that can make it too calorically heavy for you, but that varies from person to person, too. No reason to exclude coffee!

    I love my black coffee. :):):)
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    I kick started this program almost 3 weeks ago by doing a 3 day smoothie fast. So, my regular POT of coffee on Saturday morning and I've not had a drop of it since then. The headaches were horrible. In fact, almost 3 weeks later they still hang around a bit, but not bad enough that I take anything for them. I'd NEVER quit caffeine cold turkey again. I now drink a lone cup of caffeine free green tea in the morning.
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I am trying to stop my am coffee as I was heavy creamer/sugar gal. Just too many cal and the sugar crash was bad and I don't like it black. Moved on to warm tea with milk and stevia. Not there yet but I'm tryin'.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You couldn't pry my coffee out of my cold dead hands. Coffee has like 5 calories. Who cares?

    LOL could not have said it any better... Have my travel mug size Keurig Donut Shop Coffee with Domino Pure Cane Sugar and a couple spoonfuls of International Delight Hershey Chocolate and Caramel creamer to start everyday and have lost a few pounds in the process...... Enjoy it.... :-)
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    No way in HE LL would I give up my coffee. I am hoping to switch to black coffee one of these days. I did however go from regular vanilla creamer to fat free vanilla and now to sugar free vanilla (less fat and calories) and for the longest time now I have actually measured my creamer portions usually just using 1- 1.5 tablespoons in each cup of coffee. I drink from a huge travel mug though, it's like 24oz so the fact that using only that tiny amount of creamer for that giant cup is enough for me really is BIG progress! :laugh:

    *I tried it with a little dash of Stevia and I didn't like it, too sweet then it turned bitter. I don't mind Stevia in other things, I bought it forever ago and used it as a sugar substitute in something I needed to bake. I also tried a little unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it made my coffee taste like burnt nuts. I like almond milk in other things though. Weird...

    I almost never use Splenda but when all else fails and that is all there is, I might use half a packet of that. Say, at a restaurant for example.
  • only_5mom
    only_5mom Posts: 28
    Why have I never thought of making my protein shakes with coffee?!?!
    It is SOOOOO YUMMY! It hit me a couple of days ago when this heat wave hit here in Virginia. Cold coffee left from the morning in the pot into the magic bullet, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, some 1% milk or almond milk and even a little shot of sugar free coffee syrup and fill it with ice and give it a whirr. I could drink them all day-but I won't!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I can't really do my coffee black yet. I need the milk to cut down the bitterness.
    If you don't like it bitter, you don't need to add anything to it, you just need to try a different blend, and make sure you brew it properly and don't leave it sitting on a heated element all day to burn.

    I used to hate coffee black until I started trying all different kinds. You'd be surprised how much taste variety there is from bean to bean, roast to roast, blend to blend.
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    OOOH this is such a touchy subject for me.

    I stopped coffee cold turkey last week.

    This is the 3rd time in my life I have done it. Each was for different reasons... trying to conceive, an operation and hospital stay, and now... just for health concerns.

    I LOVE coffee. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel high and almighty.. I have to give up the caffeine in my diet because of a stupid health thing... Hypothyroidism.. stupid, caffeine is a stimulant. Doesn't mean that I won't be having a cup every now and then.. just not the mega cups, and full thermos'!

    Yes. I had headaches and now they are fading away.

    I drink Green and Herbal tea in the morning in my mega mug... have not really missed the coffee too much. LIE.. OK.. I think about it every now and then.. But.. I am surviving.

  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member

    *Disclaimer, I really take my coffee with almond milk and splenda like my hippy music.
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Why have I never thought of making my protein shakes with coffee?!?!
    It is SOOOOO YUMMY! It hit me a couple of days ago when this heat wave hit here in Virginia. Cold coffee left from the morning in the pot into the magic bullet, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, some 1% milk or almond milk and even a little shot of sugar free coffee syrup and fill it with ice and give it a whirr. I could drink them all day-but I won't!

    My coffee addiction is so bad that I have a pot of coffee chilled in the fridge at all times. My family does NOT want me to run out of coffee!

    I drink a pot of coffee every day. All day long -- first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Iced coffee with a dash of stevia and a splash of sugar-free chocolate syrup.

    Throw in a scoop of vanilla protein powder and I'm in HEAVEN.

    Seriously -- they are delish. Ooh...I think I'll make one now.....
  • michaelsgirl1210
    michaelsgirl1210 Posts: 37 Member
    Like you, I have coffee with vanilla cream EVERY morning, only mine is not sugar free. I've weaned myself down on the amount I put in it though. My theory is that we'll lose more weight if we stay positive and happy about life. If I had to give up my coffee/cream every morning, I'd be depressed and feel deprived. I've cut out sugar and caffeine everywhere else, so I think that one cup is more than acceptable.
  • star5558
    star5558 Posts: 4
    I love my coffee! I used to put a ton of coffee creamer in it though, since starting MFP I've realized how much sugar I was drinking in the morning so I've been drinking it black. I've been wanting to try sugar free coffee creamer or almond milk as cream and see how it is.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Howie's Cold Brew Iced Coffee

    One 10oz brick of good but not psycho expensive coffee (Save the Kona for special occasions, I use Cafe Bustello personally.)

    9 Cups of Water
    One huge Jug or Container

    Put coffee and water in container. Stir lightly and let sit for 16-24 hours at room temperature.
    Filter, filter again. Gives you a huge thing of DOUBLE strength brewed coffee. Trust me this is strong stuff. I put it in my shaker bottle with one scoop of chocolate protein powder, one cup of almond milk, and ice and it lasts me an hour but it's a lot of coffee.

    Cold brew works really well because the more bitter flavors of coffee come out at higher water temperatures. Why you never brew coffee at boiling, (always knock it back a few degrees).
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why have I never thought of making my protein shakes with coffee?!?!

    I do this! 1 cup of coffee + 1/2 cup steamed milk + 1 scoop vanilla protein powder = vanilla latte breakfast/heaven
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I like my creamer with a touch of coffee.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have like 10 servings of caffeine a day, It works for me. I think other bad habits would be keeping one is okay.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm addicted! Normal day would be 7-10 large starbucks/costa cups easy.....

    Black. no sugar!

    this morning was an exception but from 6:40 to 12:34 (<<cool eh it was on the bill) I had:

    5 large americanos
    1 single esspresso
    1 double esspresso

    I may need help.....
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Give up coffee. Umm...never! Did that twice with both pregnancies and I was counting the days out of 1st trimester. I was told by my ob to quit the 1st trimester for high risk of miscarriage.
  • JoyousJustine67
    JoyousJustine67 Posts: 50 Member
    I give up other things NOT my coffee I did give it up for a week for a detox and i did well but i love it to much to not have it i use SF French Vanilla creamer and lots of ice :) i do have to get other creamers if i can't get the one i like no sugar needed for me with this flavored creamer :)