Needs to lose 35 lbs in one month......



  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    After some quick googling, yes they do have some weight requirement that tends to get people disqualified. However there is nothing in there that states you must wait 3 years. You are placed on "hold" until you meet the weight requirement and when you do, you reenter the hiring process from where you left off.

    If I were you I'd just lose the weight over the next couple months in a HEALTHY way. There's no way you'll be fit enough or have the strength to pass their physical requirements after starving yourself for a month, so you're going to be in the same boat regardless. Just do it right the first time, your body will thank you later.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    What about HCG? Or The Master Cleanse???

    Oh, good gravy, don't encourage those! :noway:
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    I dont know enough to give advice, but I have an inkling that tuna, chicken and vegtables are in your near future.
    Best of luck to you.

    Its been done before and im sure you can do it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Short of the feeding tube diet (and even then I don't think you can do it), it's impossible.
  • boo333
    boo333 Posts: 53 Member
    If it were me I would not stress about something that 's no going to happen . I would focus on losing the weight this year and then you can tryout in three years. :smile:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    35 lbs in one month is too much to do safely. I will not sugar coat it. If you lose weight that fast, a big chunk of it will be muscle loss. Maybe another opportunity like this will present itself... but no job is worth dying for.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    you can get it off but it won't be healthy and most probably won't be permanent. Severe calorie restriction - I'm talking 500-800 calories a day. Workouts 6-8 hours a day. That's assuming you are under medical guidance at all times since the chance of cardiac arrest are maximized....

    Why did you wait so long to start getting ready? You may need to wait the next 3 years just to stay healthy...

    Whatever you decide to do...good luck!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Go for it! You can be your own first customer!
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I would do it properly - and I don't think it can be done in a month... besides, would you want someone on your crew who can pass the weight test but not be strong enough to back them up when they need a hand? Just because you lose the weight doesn't mean you're strong enough physically to do the JOB.
    That sounds mean and *****y but I mean it in the most constructive way possible, I swear. I wish you the best of luck whatever you decide!! Be safe! :flowerforyou:
  • hcglindsey
    hcglindsey Posts: 37 Member
    honestly your only hope would be wonderslim beriatric shakes( liquid diet shakes) for people to loose wieght fast before lap band surgery.If your healthy and have no medical issues you may be able to do it with cardio and the liqiud diet.I would do a cleanse as well( most people have 10-20 pounds in their intestines) Good luck
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    What about HCG? Or The Master Cleanse???
    This is a reportable offense in most users eyes right here.

    --- To OP:
    Goodluck on trying to lose anywhere near that goal number. I personally don't think it's possible without doing something drastic and harmful to your body.

    I also think it's absolutely ridiculous that a program is saying you HAVE to be under a certain weight for a certain height to even be considered for a class.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Just doing some basic math here. You would need a deficit of 4083 calories per day. You would have to eat nothing and spend every day in the gym for hours and hours. Unless you are going to be on some sort of medically monitored fast, this wont work.

    15lbs in a month takes a lot of effort and motivation. 35 is unreasonable.
  • Connie_Cupcake
    It is possible, but it ****ing sucks. I did it and I WAS FINE. I did it to enlist but I didn't have any physical activity to do immediately after, weigh in is early in the morning so you bet your *kitten* I ate right afterward. If it is height weight stand as tall as you can (most of the time you can wear your socks to get your h/w taken, so pad your socks a little. it will make you taller thus, making you be able to weigh a little less. Workout like a crazy fool and eat as little as possible. It isn't healthy, but it answers your question. Under a doctors supervision would be best. Good luck.

    I know that no matter what anyone says, you are going to at least try to lose the weight, so you may as well have some answers to your question.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    your targeting to lose 1.x lb per day, viable solution is to do the HCG. But even so, i know someone done the HCG but only able to lose about 0.5lb per day. HCG is extreme, so you need a more extremeeerr than HCG which is not known to me yet..
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    That's a lot to lose in a month, short of starvation I'm not sure what you can do to lose hat much weight in 1 month.
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    I think it is absolutely ridiculous that they would have weight guidelines this strict. 140 pounds can be a very different thing depending on body composition. For example, if you check out this girl's story, you cannot POSSIBLY tell me that she would have made a better fire fighter at 117 than she would at 142

    Seems to me that a little bit of muscle mass on a firefighter would be desirable. Sorry I don't have any ideas on how to lose the weight that quickly. :( I hope things work out for you.
  • Fe1sty
    Fe1sty Posts: 16
    Well so far I've lost weight. I've known about the weight requirements thing is... There's a long waiting list that I've been on for about a year. And they finally called me. This is a New York City Fire Dept Emergency Medical service job. Look it up online. Most definitely different than any other requirements of any state in the US. Ny is incredibly strict. Also majority of EMTs and fire Dept anywhere else are all volunteers. It's all union paid full benefits. Medical. Pension. 401k.... Ect. It's a dream job. That's why I love being a New Yorker. However. I'm down 10lbs so far. If I don't drop 20 within the next few weeks they are allowing me to try back in January which is amazing lol thank you all for you advice!