What's wrong with people?

Sick of hearing people tell me I lost too much weight. How come people never come up to you and say "Hey, you better be careful - you're getting too fat!" or "You really ought to brush your teeth!"? But they have no ****ing problem saying "You're losing too much weight"?


  • Microfiber_wechange
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    From the look of your photos you look great! I can see your hard work is really paying off! Well done!

    I think people will never understand what we are trying to achieve and what drives us if they don't have that same drive. People will judge us for the tiny snap shot they see, it doesn't make them right!
    I know I get judged when I wont have chocolate or ice cream, they don't understand that my goal is more important than that chocolate bar!

    A lot of people will just be plain jealous!

  • lenaa50
    lenaa50 Posts: 34
    I completely agree with you.

    no one ever says, hey your putting on weight, watch your health.
    but as soon as you lose some weight, BAM you hear the niggly comments come out...aww your losing so much weight, you feeling alright.......well actually, yes, feeling so much better and healthier than before, but people just don't get it.
    and I agree that my goal is so much more rewarding to me than having chocolate or ice cream...
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Well done.

    Pay no attention to them, there are hundreds of unqualified experts on this site.

    Find out a small piece of information and use that to base all there assumptions
  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member
    absoultely! its annoying!, ive only lost 6 pounds but when people notice they always say - careful or ull loose too much! why would they need to make that comment? x
  • niksinnotts
    niksinnotts Posts: 62 Member
    god i agree totally!! when people say "ooo don't lose too much" or "don't lose anymore", its not helpfull, i would guess they are jealous that we are doing something positive in our lives!! when i lost weight a few years ago i had people saying these things to me and i was still significantly overweight!! maybe they think they are being flattering?!?! but just try and ignore it is all i can say:flowerforyou:
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Two reasons:

    A. They are fat and envious of your weight loss.

    B. They are used to seeing you at your former weight and that is their reference for "normal" for you, even if you were overweight. Now you lose some weight and look skinny or sickly to them. Given time with the new you, they will get used to it.

    I got that a lot when I first lost my 30 lbs. Hell, I still get it from people I don't see too often. Don't sweat it.
  • Tbarr3000
    Tbarr3000 Posts: 9
    I don't know about you guys but when I hear this it is always from the same type of people. They are unhappy with their own weight. I know because they have said so. They have also done little to nothing to change that.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Opinions are like AH's, everyone has one
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    haters gon' hate
  • jcgrant43
    jcgrant43 Posts: 64
    Wow! How timely..I had the same thing said to me yesterday, and it actually was bothering me. Kinda of glad to hear that it isn't just me that runs across this. I'm not going to change my goals because of it, as they are very specific, and I'm close to achieving them. I hope you do the same.
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    9 times out of 10 the people who say that are jealous because you are doing what they really want to do...Just ignore them. Let your haters be your motivators :flowerforyou:
  • martina123321
    martina123321 Posts: 115
    Opinions are like AH's, everyone has one
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Oh well there is a word for this called 'Jealousy!'
    90% of the people around you would never feel good if you are happy or doing way too good in your life
    so just IGNORE and keep up the good work!!
    make them Jealous as much as u can ;-))
    I enjoy it now :D
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    To be fair, my dad DID say "you're getting FAT!" *pokes my muffintop*

    So it does happen, but no, that didn't feel good either lmao.
  • sasarafo
    sasarafo Posts: 18
    I don't get it. Looked at your photos and you just look like a very fit and toned person? If you were a walking skeleton then I could see folks commenting out of true concern but you look great!
  • specialtreat
    I had a friend notice I have lost a "little" and asked me how much more I want to lose. She snapped at me when I told her my goal weight and told me thats too much and not to worry cause she will tell me when I am looking gaunt and have lost too much. What The!!
    My goal weight isn't even the lowest I have been before or for my height, Geees! So I totally get what you are saying.

    I had a look at your photos and yes you are thin, but not skin and bone thin, looks like you have some serious muscles growing there which will bulk you up a bit. They are just jealous that you look better than them.:wink:
    Well done on your success at losing weight.
  • Dublinmum
    Dublinmum Posts: 19 Member
    Funny that. When I lost the first 10lbs I had some people tell me that I was looking great but cautioning me not to loose too much more. 10lbs!, I needed to loose 70lb in total to get back to the top of my healthy weight range. I just smiled and said nothing.

    Now I'm down 31lbs, almost halfway to my goal and nobody is saying 'anything'. Absolute silence. Well that's not true, my husband is fantastic and has supported me every step of the way, and a couple of friends have commented that I'm looking great. But as for the rest, nothing. Maybe they feel that by commenting on the weight loss they are actually saying that I was grossly overweight in the first place. I like good manners, but sometimes you can bring it too far :smile:
  • kacbldmm07
    kacbldmm07 Posts: 96
    My husband told me this last night. He also said he doesn't like me skinny, he likes me healthy. Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm healthy? Wow I never knew this. :explode:
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    Thats because you didnt translate it.
    'youre losing too much weighta' lots of time means:
    "youre looking good. Stop that because I cant/wont do it!".