

  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    If I could do without it, I would.

    It is somewhat of a necessity to keep in touch with certain people in my social circles.

    I also prefer to send messages through Facebook as opposed to text messaging as it is easier to write in long form on FB than in text messages. I only use texting for the simplest of messages.
  • April4th
    April4th Posts: 140 Member
    I love Facebook. I use it to keep in touch with family and friends, and most especially my worldwide Supernatural (tv show) fandom family.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's the main way I stay in touch with friends and family, both close and more distant. It's how my brother will invite me to dinner when he's cooking, and how we gathered aunts, uncles, and first, second and third cousins to a family reunion.

    And George Takei. :heart:
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    I had one for about 4 years. Had maybe a total of 10 pictures I posted. I deleted it a few weeks ago.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    In all honesty, I see way more drama here on MFP than I do on Facebook.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    facebbok helps me keep up with friends and family but there is stuff I can't post on there because of friends and family
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    you know you have been on Facebook too much when you like what someone said and have nothing to contribute to it and look for the "like" button to click......LOL
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Never understood why people needed to stay in touch with old friends/friends that have moved away etc, I just don't see the appeal. After the 'hi how are you, how are things going?' I can't see what else there is to talk about. Also, I just don't care what people are up to, but I have issues so hey ho.

    Deleted facebook about 3 years ago, no inclination to ever use it again.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I like and use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, family and ex-students everywhere. I grew up in North Dakota but currently reside in Texas and Facebook has helped me get back in contact with them over the years. In the 25 years since I graduated, I've been back once, so Facebook certainly does exactly what I need it to do.

    I'm not, however, fond of the people who post every little thing they do:

    "I'm walking the dog"
    "I'm fixing dinner"
    "My toe hurts"
    "Time for bed"

    You know those type...annoying.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Never understood why people needed to stay in touch with old friends/friends that have moved away etc, I just don't see the appeal. After the 'hi how are you, how are things going?' I can't see what else there is to talk about. Also, I just don't care what people are up to, but I have issues so hey ho.

    Deleted facebook about 3 years ago, no inclination to ever use it again.

    Many of my friends come to Houston on business and we've been able to plan some meetings through Facebook. For example: the mascot for the Utah Jazz (the bear), we went to school together and when he comes to Houston, many of the people try and do business here during that time. Facebook has helped in that respect.

    BTW - I graduated with a class of 35, so we were all very close friends.
  • crise40g
    crise40g Posts: 60 Member
    I like it. I get to keep up with family/friends near and far. It's what you make of it. You go looking for drama, you'll find it.

    Someone posted something about all the booty pics on FB and it made me laugh. MFP is just as bad. Just saying.
  • happinessforevercm
    I actually deleted mine a couple of days ago.. I am addicted enough to MFP and I feel looking at this all day is more productive than sitting on facebook.. At least on here I have friends that support and motivate me for my goals! I wouldnt have that on FB :)
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    I'm not a Facebook fan, but I do have an account. Literally the only people on there are my family and a couple of close friends from college.

    I don't like it. I honestly would not be on there if not for the fact that I have some family members who I literally can't get in touch with them unless I Facebook them - like, they never check their email, yet they're on Facebook all the time, so that's the fastest way to reach them.

    Also - when 95% of my family joined FB, my 81 year old mother joined up. Now, I love her and all, but let's just say she's got a little bit of "Edith Bunker" going on. Plus, she's not very tech saavy. The first thing I thought was, "Oh, man, she's gonna do something like post her bank account or home address on her wall!" So I'm on there to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't post anything she shouldn't. She let me log onto her account, and I set all her account settings to "Private" and deleted all her friend requests for people she doesn't actually know. I did try to teach her the difference between her Wall and her Private Messaging inbox, but she still gets them mixed up.

    Last reason - I drifted apart from a college friend who I owed a huge, enormous apology to, going on 22 years back. I had no way of finding him until Facebook. I finally found him, and gave him the apology that he deserved to have for over two decades.

    Other than that - nope, I don't have any other use for it than that!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I use fb everyday... The only way I can keep in touch with some friends/relatives that live far, or even with ppl in my own city when we are kinda busy to meet for a coffee.
    The only about those sites, is that you have to know how to use your privacy settings. Mine is sooooo private, even friends have looked for me, using my email, my name, the link I give them, and nothing, they cant find me, so I have to find them.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I don't post anything to my FB page anymore. Too many of my close family and coworkers on there now, so everything I post is boring on purpose.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I deactivated facebook last september. best decision i've ever made.
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I like it for keeping up to date with friends I don't get to see very often

    I dislike as some of these people only have me as a friend to invite to the pointless apps/games - three strikes and I delete them from my friends list!

    I like "Draw My Thing" - that is the ONLY FB game I will play - not interested in anything else
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I love Facebook. I use it to keep in touch with friends and stalk cute guys. ;) haha Seriously, you can learn a lot about a person from their FB profile, which is helpful and scary...
  • NomadicKris
    NomadicKris Posts: 90
    I have a love / hate relationship with facebook. I have moved around a lot and have family all over the country so I love being able to stay in touch with them and see what they're up to. I travel around and visit most of them at least every year or so as well. I also love that I have people who enjoying seeing my kids grow up, that online network of people who actually know me has really helped me in the last 18 months with moving on from my marriage. I have used forums for a long time though so a number of those groups have now moved to fb. I also love supporting all the small businesses that set up pages as well as different causes that wouldn't be heard about.

    But, it also does my head in and I don't have too many family members on there as they just can't get over their **** with each other. I do walk away from it from time to time and actually have a separate account for my uni study groups so I can focus on that when I need to.
  • springermad
    springermad Posts: 242
    I used to always be on facebook but I am bored of it now and al the drama and lies people start on it. My fitness pal all the way from now on, nicer people and we are all here to support each other and help each other reach our goals x