Hello...looking for friends

Hello....I am Dione...I just started with myfitnesspal and even have it on my phone so i can track my foods and exercise...i have a husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs and a cat...i went back to work last year after being a stay at home mom for almost 7 years....that is when i lost control and gained most of my weight...i pretty much cant stand to look in the mirror...i live in sweats and big t-shirts....i started my new plan yesterday.....most of my problems with food occur when i put the kids to bed and my husband goes to bed around ten oclock....thats when i watch my shows and eat....so i guess i am a closet eater.....im really putting forth an effort this time.....because i am afraid of all the health risks involved in being over weight...i estimate that i have about 115 pounds to lose...i want to be able to play tag with my kids and play on the floor without it taking me 10 minutes to get up....i want the "healthy me
' back! I am not sure how to add friends here ....so i hope someone will add me so i can have a friends list...
thank you and here's to living healthier!


  • rvpearson
    rvpearson Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I am Renee. I am a "closet eater" too! Trying to stop doing that! Add me, maybe we can help each other change this bad habit!! LOL
  • nicholettebell
    Hello! My name is Nicholette. I used to be a big (no pun intended) closet eater. Sometimes I still have my moments. Add me if you'd like and welcome to MFP!
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    I'm fairly new here too. Feel free to add me :)
  • plumlush19
    I'm also new to MYP. I also need friends to inspire me with this weight-loss. Please add me. :)
  • AddictedtoTattoos
    Welcome! I think you'll like it here, it's a nice spot to chat, relax and keep healthy, feel free to add me!
    Hello I am Jennie,I am looking for friends to help me on my weight lost journey.I know I am going to need some support to get me moving and to stay on track.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Hi, I'm new too.2 weeks!Loving it so far......I laughed when i read your letter,i too eat after everyone goes to bed.I stay up and watch reality T.V all night(I was a hot mess)I have only tried a diet 1 other time,lost 30 and gained 60 back!This time iam going to change Lmy eating habits and be accountable.I've lost 10 in 2 weeks,feel great and would love to have friends to share with!:flowerforyou:
  • cheavila
    cheavila Posts: 7
    need friends to support each other pls add me.. a mom of three, just gave birth 5 months ago thats why i want to get rid some extra fat. joined MFP last april and i can tell it help me to be discipline when it comes to my eating habit..
  • dollaqie
    dollaqie Posts: 74 Member
    Also new to MFP but since I've been here I am more motivated than ever, please feel free to add me!!!
  • Jenn807
    Jenn807 Posts: 8
    Welcome to MFP!!!! It is awesome and has been the only thing that has worked for me!!!! Please feel free to add me, the friends and motivation helps SO much!!! That is one of my favorite things and getting ideas and tips and support it is amazing!!!
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    feel free to add me too