Is anybody having 2-3 meals instead of 5-6 and still fit?



  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    With regards to meals I usually have:

    6:00am - 400ml natural yoghurt + coffee w/milk
    6:30 - 8am - training
    8:30am - Porridge w/protein powder and milk
    12:00pm - jacket potato w/chicken, salad, tuna
    3:00pm - porridge w/milk
    4:00pm-5:15pm - training
    5:45 - 4/6 eggs
    7:30pm - tea (meat protein + non refined carbs)

    This is based on my training program though
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    I just skimmed the replies, but here is my 'unscientific' take on things; this is what worked for me and my husband. I have lost about 30 pounds and he's lost almost 50. We eat only when we are hungry. I tend to eat 3 or 4 times a day. I hate eating breakfast, but I started when all the 'wiser' people said it was the only way to lose weight. I stopped after joining the intermittent fasting group. I only eat breakfast IF I'm hungry. I grew up with the three-meal-a-day mentality, and that is what I'm comfortable with, but for those who prefer to eat more often, there is nothing wrong with that. As long as you stay in your calorie range, you will lose weight.

    As far as exercising goes, hubby and I love to walk. We started out walking about two miles and day and gradually bumped up to walking at least 3 1/2 miles almost every day. When we first started, I hated getting out of my chair to do it, but I forced myself. Then, in January, I bought a Fitbit, and it did wonders for motivating me to walk. Now, if I don't get at least 10K steps, I feel like I cheated myself. Those who say that cardio isn't necessary to lose weight are correct, but cardio will speed the loss. It's a calorie burn. Strength training also burns calories, and muscle mass does speed up the metabolism, but it takes a long time to build substantial muscle mass, so the benefits aren't going to come overnight.

    On another personal note, I now love cardio so much that I started running, and I recently signed up for my first 5K. So, for those of you who hate cardio; if you make time to do it, and continue to do it for about a month, chances are that you will begin to enjoy it. I think I'm addicted to the endorphins.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Are you serious? I eat healthy snacks all day long in my office because I care way more about my health than how my snacking effects the rest of the world. You are already in great shape, so I would say keep doing what you are doing anyway.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You can eat 5-6 meals a day or 2-3. It doesn't matter. Meal timing is irrelevant. It's all personal preference.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    You can eat 5-6 meals a day or 2-3. It doesn't matter. Meal timing is irrelevant. It's all personal preference.

    This is the truth! I used to stress over getting 5-6 small meals in for years and it's all bs.

    Stay under your calorie goals...period. It's more important than exercise, when you eat, what you eat, cardio, weights, and on and on. NOTHING works better than simply staying under your calorie goal ;)
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I eat 6-7 times a day. I also workout 5-6 days a week (alternating running and strength training). I find I get hungry about every 2-3 hours!

    Breakfast (7:30am)
    Snack (10am)
    Lunch (12pm)
    Snack (2pm)
    Snack (4pm)
    Dinner (6:30pm)
    [Dessert or late snack (9pm)]

    I manage to stay under calories, it works for me! :-) but the key is not letting yourself get to the point where you are STARVING and would eat anything, haha. If that means 2-3 meals or 7 meals, whatever works, it's the calories (and content) that counts!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Sometimes I eat only one BIG meal. When I was trying to eat 5-6 times a day my entire day revolved around food.

    I usually have 2 meals. Unless you count coffee with cream and/or coconut oil a meal. I guess that could be.

    I've even gone 40 hours without food. True hunger is an amazing feeling. Almost euphoric. My energy levels increase. And my digestive system gets a rest. It's exhausting to the body when you are digesting food all day (takes about 5-6 hours for the digestion process to complete). And if there is no food in your system - what does your body do? Uses its own "resources" (fat!!) for fuel.

    If you aren't hungry then don't eat. If you are hungry then eat. Listen to your body. It will tell you the right thing to do.

    My general view is our ancestors probably just did some "grazing" here and there throughout the day and had the biggest meal of the day in the evening after "hunting and gathering" all day. They didn't worry about getting food immediately upon waking because "breakfast is the most important meal of the day".
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member

    Some days I only have 1 meal.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    A lot of the people who do intermittent fasting do 2 meals a day. I used to do it (IF) before my current work schedule so my body got used to the 2 meals and I'm still eating like that. 1 moderate meal before work/after workout and a huge meal for my second meal. This is usually only 5 days a week and on my off days I tend to eat more times since I go out for drinks, but I tend to stick with it during my work week. I'll sometimes have snacks but that's only if I haven't met my protein goal.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I work two jobs and do not have time to eat 5-6 times a day. I feel happy and full with three miles. I also run four days a week and have a snack imbetween my three meals. I think 5-6 is alright if you are burning that many calories.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    it's hard to snack in office healthy (people think you are an idiot while you eat a carrot or a cucumber)
    Well I think your co-workers are idiots, so it balances out.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I think people confuse what 5 meals per day means. Snacks count. It only meant to eat so that you are never super hungry. It will help increase your metabolism and help keep you from overeating througout the day. Meals are meals, regardless of the food or the time of day you it them.

    This. In most cases, the extra 3ish "meals" are what most people call "snacks." I think the nutrition/fitness people wanted to get away from the "it's a snack, so I can have Twinkies" mentality by making people equate the extra eating times with the stereotypical "meal."

    If you have three meals and two snacks, you're still eating 5 times a day.

    That said, if it works for you, go for it, regardless of whether that "it" is 3 meals a day or 12. What matters is that you eat when you're hungry, but not ravenous, so that you don't end up binging. If you aren't ravenous on 2-3 meals a day, and it's working for you, then stick with that.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    I have 3 "meals" - but I do snack quite a bit in between...which could be considered small meals.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    it's hard to snack in office healthy (people think you are an idiot while you eat a carrot or a cucumber)
    Well I think your co-workers are idiots, so it balances out.

    ^^ Brilliant. I don't care what my co-workers say or think...i'm making healthy choices while they're on high blood pressure meds
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    You have to do what your body needs. For those people who are saying cardio doesnt help with weight loss, that is not true. I have a circle of friends who all wanted to loose 10-20 lbs, but didnt know where to start outside of changing eating habits. I have been a runner for years and enjoy it, and it does keep the weight off. Most of the people running have lost almost all of their weight and have not once gone to tthe gym for strength training. Cardio is proven to be one of the fastest, easiet ways to loose fat. Once you have lost the weight you have wanted, then start your weight training. Women, should always eat breakfast, there are studies out to support that women who eat breakfast tend to eat less during the day, therefor will loose weight with greater ease as it will provide you with nutrients and energy throughout the day.
  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member

    You can of course lose "weight" by cardio alone, but Strength/resistenace training will shape your body.On cardio alone, you will sacrifice water, Muscle and fat. Strength training on a calorie controlled diet slows down the loss of muscle/preserves muscle mass. DEFINATELY something i would recommend strongly from personal experiences.

    8 years ago i was around 17.5 stone, lost a lot of weight quickly, down to around 10.5/11 stone within 6 months or so.
    I was happy at first, but i made it very hard for myself to "tone up" as i was skinny fat, as people call it. i had lost a large amount of muscle mass and was a size 30 inch waist but withNo definition, just a bag of bones and skin really.
    I have been working with weights on and off since, but have been following a good diet and solid resistance training program for around 6 months now and definately have a lot more definition and muscle mass.
    im now a 32 inch waist, 13% body fat, 13 stone 6lbs.
    My whole point in this is saying dont wait until youve lost loads of weight and then build up. Why not start preserving muscle mass now as over all it will help you all along the way and once youve reached your maintanence level.
    It will make it a whole lot easier!
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you so much for all your answers! I LOVE how supportive and helpful people are on this site. You are all welcomed in my friendliest and I hope you all will achieve your ideal results and me too with your help!