Diet, exercise and acne!

You always hear that diet has nothing to do with acne. I am wondering if anyone has experienced otherwise (for better or worse).

My story:

I'm 23 and have had moderately bad acne since I was about 13. Now that I am getting older I wonder if it will ever subside! I was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago, which is a likely contributed to my problems but for the most part my symptoms are under control.

Until now I've tried just about every topical remedy there is with no significant results. Finally, last year I cut out dairy from my diet and it seemed to work really well at first but acne slowly came back so I think I may have experienced a placebo effect. Personally, I don't want to resort to something harsh like accutane. I want to clear my skin up as naturally as possible.

I'm mainly wondering if anyone has seen significant improvement in their skin simply through diet and exercise. If so, I'd love to hear the details!! Or if anyone wants to vent about their failed attempts to cure acne I'd love to hear about that too.


  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    Oh I feel your pain! I had regular ol' teenage acne growing up, but didn't really start getting the bad ones until after I had my daughter at age 30. Do your pimples/cysts show up mostly along your cheeks and jawline? If so, in women that's *usually* caused by hormone issues. I tried just about everything under the sun too, until I went to a Dermatologist (while I was in Iraq of all places!!!) and she prescribed me spironolactone. It's a very common medication used for high blood pressure of all things, but they realized it works on hormonal acne in women only. I'm going on my third year of it and couldn't be happier. It took a good 6 months but I went from painful cysts on my jawline and chin to maybe one small *normal* blemish a month right before my cycle. I know you wanted to stay natural, but this medication is very safe, cheap, and has been around for years and years. It also has the added benefit of being a mild diuretic, so i don't bloat much. :) May be worth looking in to!

    Eating clean, or eating like crap, my skin would stay the same until I got on the right meds.

    ***Oh and for daily regimines, I love Mario Badescu skincare products!

    Hope that helps a little.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I also have struggled with acne... and I still do, I am 43. I find the best that works for me is using slightly hot water and 'steaming' open my pores of my face twice daily and cleaning with Dr Bronner's Tea Tree Oil soap (dilute!) Also I drink kombucha tea every day- it helps my energy, improves my immunity to colds, flu etc, improves my skin and acne and makes it so if I am sleep deprived- I can still function well. My 5 yr old drinks it also and when he does he does not bring colds or flu home with him from school.
    Best of luck.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I've had acne problems since puberty, and also have PCOS. I've found that since I started drinking a LOT of water, my skin is 10 times better. Steering clear of too many processed foods has helped too. I use Proactiv as well, it's a bit harsh for some people's skin, but since mine is SUPER oily, it works really well for me. I use the Proactiv wash in the morning and use the St. Ive's Apricot scrub (the really gritty kind) at night to wash off my makeup, sweat from working out, etc. Then the toner and repairing lotion from Proactiv after both. It's a chore keeping my skin clear, but all those things have really worked for me without being too harsh!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    You might consider spironolactone (an oral medication). It's made a *huge* difference for my wife who has PCOS. It takes a long time to build up to full force, you won't see full results until over a year. Ask your endocrinologist (best) or dermatologist.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I have had major changes in my skin....I hardly ever break out on my face anymore (not sure if due to changes in diet/exercise or due to charcoal soap)......but now, I have horrible break outs on my back....seems like I just can't win :(
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    My skin was the first place I noticed any difference once
    I started my new diet of healthier foods and more water.
    My skin wasn't awful to begin with but any redness or little
    bumps went away within a week!
  • misskgb
    misskgb Posts: 26 Member
    I also have struggled with acne and PCOS from 12-27. I am now 28 and still have slight acne but I find my skin clears up a TON when I steer clear of dairy and too many white carbs. Also I find LOTS of water (or green tea) and a vitamin C supplement help work wonders. I try to do all of these things and it really helps.
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    I have struggled with acne. All thru middle school and high school my skin was clear and smooth. Then all of a sudden I got adult acne when I was about 22. I had tried every treatment under the sun and nothing ever seemed to work. Even harsh Rx medications that made my skin burn.

    Then when I started getting healthy and changed my eating habits my skin cleared up right away. I never thought that what you ate really affected your skin either. I used to be addicted to sugar. I ate something sweet everyday. Candy, cookies, brownies, etc. Once I told myself that I could only have those things as a treat and only ate them like once a week or even less, my skin was smooth and clear again. Now, if I go on a sugar binge, you betcha my skin will be all broken out the next day.

    Hope this helps. good luck.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    You always hear that diet has nothing to do with acne. I am wondering if anyone has experienced otherwise (for better or worse).

    My story:

    I'm 23 and have had moderately bad acne since I was about 13. Now that I am getting older I wonder if it will ever subside! I was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago, which is a likely contributed to my problems but for the most part my symptoms are under control.

    Until now I've tried just about every topical remedy there is with no significant results. Finally, last year I cut out dairy from my diet and it seemed to work really well at first but acne slowly came back so I think I may have experienced a placebo effect. Personally, I don't want to resort to something harsh like accutane. I want to clear my skin up as naturally as possible.

    I'm mainly wondering if anyone has seen significant improvement in their skin simply through diet and exercise. If so, I'd love to hear the details!! Or if anyone wants to vent about their failed attempts to cure acne I'd love to hear about that too.

    How careful have you been with avoiding dairy? Are you reading labels and making sure not to have any whey or casein? Dairy hides everywhere. Eating out: beware; chicken, fish and beef are often marinated in butter.

    Many supplements contain lactose as an inactive ingredient.

    Dairy is a huge huge culprit for acne and it's easy to think you're avoiding it because you're not drinking milk.

    If you are truly avoiding all milk proteins, then perhaps it is something else, and you might want to have it evaluated to make sure it is truly acne, and not rosacea.

    edit: also . . . if you have let dairy back into your diet, it can be tricky -- usually the breakout happens a few days AFTER you consume the dairy, and, as you know, it can last for weeks. Every time you have "just a little" it's a cumulative effect.

    good luck.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Are you using any prescription topical treatment now? You say that it's under control for the most part, so a mild retinol treatment may be enough. Accutane is really a last resort and probably not appropriate unless you're dealing with serious nodular acne (particularly in light of the side effects).

    I had horrible nodular acne from the time I was 13 and nothing helped even a bit; my whole face was visibly swollen and I couldn't even touch my hand to my face without serious pain. I finally took Accutane for five months when I was 19 and haven't had a single problem since, but I did have some bad side effects that required careful monitoring at the time (notably, my cholesterol and triglycerides were literally off the charts). Worth it in my case, but I still think it's a last resort.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I've had acne problems since puberty, and also have PCOS. I've found that since I started drinking a LOT of water, my skin is 10 times better. Steering clear of too many processed foods has helped too. I use Proactiv as well, it's a bit harsh for some people's skin, but since mine is SUPER oily, it works really well for me. I use the Proactiv wash in the morning and use the St. Ive's Apricot scrub (the really gritty kind) at night to wash off my makeup, sweat from working out, etc. Then the toner and repairing lotion from Proactiv after both. It's a chore keeping my skin clear, but all those things have really worked for me without being too harsh!

    I suggest water too. I've had breakouts pretty regularly since puberty, and it seems to healthier i eat, and the more water i drink the less breakouts i have. :)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    my skin is looking so much better now, no acne at all.. well a pimple here or there every once in a while, not like before.
    I dont even use make up now, just eyeliner and mascara and im done!...
  • kimchi84
    kimchi84 Posts: 56
    I have never had an acne problem until after i have my second daughter, I didnt know what happen but my face just broke out, what help me heal the scar and clear it was drink lots and lots of water, eat fruits and veggies and the skin care product i use is organic aloe vera gel with organic extra virgin coconut oil on top of that at night. coconut oil and aloe vera does wonder to your skin, not only does it heal the scar and fade it but it also keeps the wrinkle away :) oh i dont use the coconut oil in the morning, i just put aloe vera, a suncreen and my makeup :) hope that helps!
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    I have a salicylate intollerance and I notice that when I eat certain foods (mostly tomato sauce) I will break out afterward. I don't just break out on my face though, I break out everywhere. So food can affect your skin condition.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I found out this monday I also have PCOS , Ive used almost everything under the sun for the acne it has caused ...before i even knew why I had it ...(most recent has been the pro active)
    ... I found that going back to the good ole basics worked for me
    ( clean with ivory soap, the wash with noxema, then wipe with stridex ..all this twice a day ..and sleep with a layer of noxema on at night...)
    PLUS, i drink 10-12 8 oz glasses of water a day. It has helped SOME but I still get T>O>M breakouts...
    Im hoping the hormone meds my Dr. put me on help with that
    . Are any of the rest of you on the MEDROXYPROGEST pill for your PCOS??? if so has it helped??? have you had any side effects from it??
  • brywal1
    brywal1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had acne problems since puberty. I did oral treatments, topical treatments, and even did a stint with Accutane back in the day. I still have acne problems but they have gotten better as I drink more water and I am eating food with more vitamins. I have fewer flare ups and the ones I do have are not as bad as they once were and they clear up faster than before.

    I know adult acne sucks but do give the diet change a may not clear you up completely but I have found it helps.
  • RachelK40
    RachelK40 Posts: 17
    GOT ACNE?...GET Mario Badescu ACNE skincare products!
  • sparrow747
    sparrow747 Posts: 87
    I was symptomatic for PCOS, and my drs (both obgyn and dermatologist) suggested I pair birth control with spironolactone. I agree... this changed my life! No more big jawline breakouts! I actually get compliments on my skin now which is incredible. I've been on this for about 2 years now, and she suggested I stay on it a 3rd year. She also stressed thats its a safe and relatively mild medication (NOT ACCUTANE!)

    However, I do drink a lot of water and use very gentle products on my face. I'd really would suggest seeing a dermatologist... mine also suggests staying away from sugars and "white" foods like white bread since this somehow triggers the hormones to create more testosterone (I believe, could be wrong...) which is in turn creating acne!
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I have made a couple of changes and my acne has almost disappeared. (only the occasional monthly spot). I drink 100-120 oz of water normally, and i started making sure i wash my face morning and night with Olay for sensitive skin.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I have had acne since...well forever! I don't remember life without it! I am 26 years old now. I will tell you that when I stick to eating clean and healthy and stay skin looks amazing. I have already accepted that I will always get the monthly zits that come when Mother Nature visits. When I eat like crap - my skin is dull, acne prone and ridiculously splotchy.

    Also, I have found that when I stick to my Olay skincare regimen it helps keeping my skin looking good. -- I do a face wash...which ever one I prefer that day....the toner and then the day/night creme.