I use to look like this 2 years ago


and some how ended up like this!


How have you lost the weight? I have started to track food but rarely go over 1200, did any women ever see weight gain in regards to the pill??


  • onmyway1101
    onmyway1101 Posts: 103 Member
    Can't see your pictures
  • Music_is_my_soul
    Music_is_my_soul Posts: 792 Member
    I use to look like this 2 years ago


    and some how ended up like this!


    How have you lost the weight? I have started to track food but rarely go over 1200, did any women ever see weight gain in regards to the pill??
  • Nicolette_Karls
    You have to eat over 1200! I'm having a similar problem. I wasn't getting enough calories, so the little that I was eating was getting stored instead of burned. What's your age/height/weight/activity level? I think you should be eating a lot more calories.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    1200 cals per day is not at all easy to do. The key is exercise plus MFP. With a conservative amt of ex each day, e.g. walking for 60 minutes, you can burn 300+ calories, thus giving you 1500 for the day... Eat every last one of the ex cals and then see what happens. Also, up your water and your fiber for as the cal deficit goes up, the body can sometimes shut down and go into starvation mode...
  • kryscallarman
    kryscallarman Posts: 114 Member
    Weight gain and the pill.

    I find it so much harder to lose weight while I am on the pill. My doctor has told me that others say the same thing, but I still do not understand why. But you are not alone. I could probably blame some of my weight gain over the years to the pill.
  • sammyjowedeking
    Yes! I was on depo for maybe 3 months and I gained so much weight! I started taking birth control when I was 16 and from 16 to 19 i gained over 200 pounds. Now I know that is not just the pill but it did have a role in it.

    As far as losing weight I try to stay as close to my calories as possible and I drink a gallon of water a day. For workouts I try to find fun things to do. 30 day shred, volleyball, swimming, etc. I am wanting to get into running!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Yes there can be hormonal weight gain due to the pill. I would talk to your dr and see if there is another one you can try. Also not eating enough is just as bad as eating too much. Try to hit between 1200 and 1300 calories. I have reproductive issues as some of my many issues and have a hard time with white carbs. I work hard to get most of my carbs from fruits, veggies, and whole grain. Also while you are not happy with the weight gained I would suggest some weight training and exercise if you toned up I bet you would find it isn't as bad as you think. You are a woman so no you will not get bulky. (I have a weight lifter friend who is female she can flip over a 400 lb tire and she is lean and thin) Good luck.
  • vickyywrites
    Hi, in regards to the pill do you mean birth control?
    I used to weigh 179 and am now weighing 145. I'm about to get one BC, but the doctor told me it shouldn't make you gain more than five pounds a year as long as you drink tons and tons of water and work out regularly. Hope this helps!
  • Psychoanalytic
    How have you lost the weight? I have started to track food but rarely go over 1200, did any women ever see weight gain in regards to the pill??

    Net more than 1200 calories, or else you'll set yourself up for failure right off the bat.
    Everyone is different. Personally, I saw about 30 lbs pack on to me after I started taking the pill. Doesn't mean you can't take them off though.
  • snkoyle15
    snkoyle15 Posts: 102
    i gained 25lbs in 6 weeks because of the mini pill after my daughter was born. i stopped taking it and the weight stopped going up. but from what ive read, weight gain is a very common side effect of birth control pills
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Not sure what you have your weight loss goal set at but with 30 pounds to lose, it would be best if you set it at 1 pound per week. You might lose more at first with changing eating habits and exercise but in the long run, 1 pound per week is a more realistic goal.

    Every person and every birth control pill is different so, as others have suggested, talk to your doctor about it if you think that is the root cause. There may be a better option out there for you. I've been on a few different pills - none of them have seemed to affect my weight but I was quite heavy when I started taking them so I can't say for sure.
  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 63 lbs on WW. However, maintaining the weight has been more difficult. For the past 6 weeks, I've been eating about 1800 calories/day. By the end of the day, the calories are made up of 40% carbs, 30% protien and 30% fat. I use the pie graph on the phone app to make sure that it's balanced. I've been really satisfied with this change of diet. I'm rarely hungry. I used to eat 75% carb, 15% protein and 10% fat.

    Are you referring to birth control? I have not gained weight using that. It throws my hormones out wack and get too emotional. Therefore, I don't use it anymore.
  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with Nicollete about calories being to low. Try calculating your BMR. BMR x .2 is suppose to be lowest amount of calories you should eat without it (dieting) destroying your metabolism. Which does change as you get older. Not sure if you have to deal with that yet, but it can happen.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I've been on Depo for about 6 months and have lost 15 pounds since starting it even though my doctor told me up front I would gain weight. I haven't been on the pill, but I hear the link to weight gain isn't as accurate as it used to be. This is becuase the hormones in it are not as high; however, you still have the craving which can cause overeating=weight gain. I would say that you should eat WAY more than 1200. Slightly above your BMR but below your TDEE. This should help to lose some weight. Good luck!
  • Autry403
    Autry403 Posts: 88
    Gained 30lbs on Depo alone; I got off Depo around last November . Now I'm doing 30 day shred , I'm on day 5 starting 2moro. I eat around 1200-1400 calories/day , big meals just very few calories . Maybe because I don't eat any meat really now .,, So I've been eating a lot of veggies , and fruits , whole grains , beans and nuts .
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    Those are some tight panties! ;-) You look great!

    But if you want to lose a little body fat, CUT THE CARBOHYDRATES.

    It is the only real solution.

    Aim for 72 grams of carbs - strictly - per day, and everything else is automatic.

    The amazing thing is that after a few weeks, you'll only WANT to eat 72 grams of carbs a day. And then you'll very easily lose any fat, quite quickly.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    Honestly, I don't think you look bad in either picture >>'

    I've done research for myself, and while there is no statistical evidence of hormonal birth control contributing to weight gain, anecdotal evidence from women who do take it claim that they may retain more water-thus appearing to gain weight. when it's simply water retention.

    I am on 1200 calories a day and have actually found it difficult to come up with all of it at the end of the day, today has been the first day I was close to my goal by lunch time and that's because I had a big ol bowl of rice with my meal.

    Normally I do sit ups, weight lifting, squats and lunges, and have begun bike riding. I haven't done too much weight stuff and sit ups since I got back from out of state simply because I am feeling yucky. Depending on what I do during the day I have anywhere from 300-500 'earned' calories on top of the 1200 and I rarely can consume all of it back.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    "Birth Control Pills and (Very Little) Weight Gain
    All medications can have side effects for some of the people using them. Aspirin may cause heartburn. Cough medicines can make some people sleepy. The most common birth control pill side effects are breakthrough bleeding, breast tenderness, nausea, and headache.

    For a few women, the pill may cause some weight gain, often due to fluid retention. But not significant amounts, and not for most women. Indeed, a review of 44 studies showed no evidence that birth control pills caused weight gain in most users. And, as with other possible side effects of the pill, the minimal weight gain is generally temporary, going away within two to three months.

    While weight gain is an uncommon and temporary side effect to the pill, if you happen to be one of those few women who put on pounds, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may suggest a different type of birth control pill. Why? Because all pills are not the same.

    There are two types of birth control pill: combination pills, which contain estrogen and progestin, and progestin-only pills. While most birth control pills use the same type of estrogen in various doses, the progestin formulation in each can differ. This means that each brand of pill may offer a slightly different type of the hormone, at different doses. The result? Potentially different side effects.

    Whichever pill you try, remember to give it at least three months for any side effects to pass."
  • Nicolette_Karls
    Honestly, I don't think you look bad in either picture >>'

    I've done research for myself, and while there is no statistical evidence of hormonal birth control contributing to weight gain, anecdotal evidence from women who do take it claim that they may retain more water-thus appearing to gain weight. when it's simply water retention.

    I am on 1200 calories a day and have actually found it difficult to come up with all of it at the end of the day, today has been the first day I was close to my goal by lunch time and that's because I had a big ol bowl of rice with my meal.

    Normally I do sit ups, weight lifting, squats and lunges, and have begun bike riding. I haven't done too much weight stuff and sit ups since I got back from out of state simply because I am feeling yucky. Depending on what I do during the day I have anywhere from 300-500 'earned' calories on top of the 1200 and I rarely can consume all of it back.

    1200 a day is seriously not enough. Especially when you're working out. Check your BMI and figure out a healthy amount of calories to be eating. And make sure to eat at the very least 1250. I've found that eating all three meals and having small snacks between is really effective.
  • BettyBlueEyes
    BettyBlueEyes Posts: 56 Member
    I started at around your weight in December, having been on the pill since last September. Maybe it puts a few pounds on, but I think mostly for me it was an excuse - since then I've lost over a stone through MFP and plenty of exercise. I would agree with the other comments though, under 1200 cals releases a whole load of "starvation" hormones which make sure that every little bit you eat is stored, and your metabolism goes down. Over the last 3-4 weeks I've increased the amount I'm eating and have actually lost more weight that way :) I'm sure you'll lose it in no time. Weight training excellent too ;)