any yo yo dieters out there?

ive done slimming world on and off for years but do feel that portion control and calorie counting is the one for me and i know it works but am really struggling with keeping to 1200 cals, would be great to hear from anyone in similar position!


  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    1200 is bare minimum from what I've learn reading posts on this site for the last 119 days.

    There are a bunch of people that believe increasing your calories is the way to go, do you have MFP set to 2lbs per week? I would try setting it to a pound and one half... You'll see it adds another 130 - 150 calories in the day, and just having that helped me to mentally prepare for the day... 1200 is a mental block for me!
  • pugsley5
    pugsley5 Posts: 38 Member
    We are in the exact same boat!!! I am at the realization where its just going to have to be apart of life. I slip up but get right back on track. If I can do it ANYONE can do it! Good Luck!
  • Siren_Teffy
    Siren_Teffy Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I have trouble sticking to the 1200 calories as well. For me though the key in the past is activity. Consistant physical activity, not necessarly exercise, curves my appetite and also helps me crave healthier foods. So for me the focus is on getting off my butt. :)
  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    I used to be a yo yo dieter, and it was BADDD. But now, since I can see how much sodium I am ingesting, and all my other nutrients right in one table, it's like "Woah."

    You know what I did? I went out an bought a healthy living cook book (one of the best ones I have found as far as hints and tips is the Looneyspoons collections by Janet and Greta Podeleski) and seriously, you get to cook super delicious food that is really about 300 to 500 cal per serving (for the meals) and I find it fills me up. So now, I have a little bit of a hard time getting up to 1200 cal a day...
  • danni033081
    danni033081 Posts: 40 Member
    I definitely have trouble to sticking to 1200 calories a day. But what it's all about working my way down little by little so for now I'm happy eating under 2000 claroies a day and every week decrease by a little bit. And it's help me to count calories burn so I've been trying to up calories burn little by little every week. It's helped
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    ive done slimming world on and off for years but do feel that portion control and calorie counting is the one for me and i know it works but am really struggling with keeping to 1200 cals, would be great to hear from anyone in similar position!

    I've struggled with my weight since I was 11. I'm over 40 now. You could call me a "yo-yo" dieter. You'd be right.

    Before discovering this site, which I really only intended to use to calculate my calories once and leave, I "dieted" by exercising more and eating less. I did this A LOT. Then the "diet" would end and I'd regain the weight! Go figure! It sounds so obvious when you're not HUNGRY!!!!! because you've been starving yourself to try to make the scale read a specific number.

    I started reading about "eating exercise calories" and figured, "what the hell. What I've been doing certainly isn't working."

    The first thing I did was set a 2-pound-a-week goal and let the site calculate my calories. I got hungry and frustrated. I chewed cinnamon gum and upped my exercise so I could eat more, and it got a little better. And I was losing weight. And getting lots of exercise. So that's all good. But I was still hungry a lot. It was HARD to exercise portion control when I got home at night. My wife was very supportive and helpful and actually prepared separate meals for me so I had a specific portion of something, and that was it. But I couldn't keep that up forever, and I certainly couldn't ask my wife to, and I knew it.

    The second thing I did was start tracking my fats, carbs, and proteins. I found out that I was eating a LOT of healthy foods in proportions that were not filling me up properly (too many carbs, not enough proteins). I dropped a few healthy things and added other healthy things and.. *sound of Handel's Messiah!* I was more satisfied because I was satisfying more of what my body had been screaming for all along, I was just too ignorant to listen. I'm eating the same number of calories and losing weight just as fast, but with more energy and less hunger.

    Now, I won't say "full". But by switching to a "constantly snacking" mode and feeding my body what it actually wanted in proportions it could use, I spend the day feeling satisfied with my food, and I can get home in the evening and exercise good portion control and make rational decisions about what I'm missing in my diet and how to fill it. Am I perfect? NO! But I'm more in control than I used to be.

    I have tried not eating back my exercise calories - for 30+ years. It worked, in that I lost weight quickly.

    I've been working on this for over 30 years. "Quickly" is no longer my priority. "Permanently" is. I'm going to do this slowly, I'm going to do this without being hungry, I'm going to learn how to keep up these eating habits, which means at the end of this "diet" I'm going to increase my calories by about 800-1000 a day and find the caloric intake that allows me to maintain my weight.

    This "diet" ends when I die. So I'm not going to take any shortcuts or starve myself. Been there, done that, got the moobs to prove it.
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I struggled alot at first as well... Add more vegetables, it fills you up and they are lower in calories. Stay away from fast food, and sodas. Once I quit drinkin soda I have a problem getting 1200 in. :0)
  • mpizzle421
    mpizzle421 Posts: 80 Member
    Yes I have been a yo-yo dieter...

    Yes I have also done 1200 calories...

    Yes I have also done 1600 calories...

    From what I've read, and from what I understand, your body will compensate for the reduced calories by simply lowering your metabolism.

    From personal experience as well as quite a bit of reading, you'll have great success for the first 2-4 weeks, and then weight-loss will rapidly slowly down. Sometimes even stall.

    You CAN eat more than 1200 calories and STILL lose JUST as much weight.

    My suggestion. Start with 1600 net calories. Be active, even if it's just daily walking. Eat your exercise calories. Be meticulous about entering correct content and portions into mfp. Track your weight loss and measurements over the next 4 weeks. You'll find that you don't need to be nearly as restrictive to be successful. 1200 calories wont get you there any faster in the big picture.
  • Abigaillee15
    Abigaillee15 Posts: 100
    I'm a queen yo-yo dieter. I lose 20lbs, gain it back, lose 20lbs, gain it back. Currently gaining it back. Arghh
  • angie_sample
    angie_sample Posts: 190
    i eat closer to 1400 cal a day and lose weight at a stead pace. I've always been a yo yo dieter to. Started this new healthy thing June 2011 and am still going strong, lost 73 pounds hoping i never go back to the way i was.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I have previously lost over 100 pounds. Now I have gained over 50 of that back. Now I'm working towards losing again before it gets really bad!
  • luluwubu
    luluwubu Posts: 14
    I've gained and lost since my pregnancy 14 years ago and am 4 stone heavier now! I prefer to set my goal here to losing half a pound per week because it means at my weight, I get to eat 2110 calories per day which for me, is way more managable than 1200. Also, starting slowly and building up the exercise helps because obviously you can eat more as you burn it off quicker. MyFitnessPal is a great tool, I love it! :O)
  • jlinam80
    jlinam80 Posts: 8 Member
    Well it's hard to say without knowing your current weight and how much you workout, but I wouldn't do the 1200 calorie diets. I had doctors put me on phentermine because I was so hungry and couldn't live off of 1200 calorie. Then once I could feel hunger again I ate. I finally had a personal trainer who put me on 2,500 calories and I thought I was going to gain so much weight, but I ended up loosing every single week. I had a trainer after him since he quit, and he dropped me to 1600 and again I was hungry all the time and I stopped loosing weight and I couldn't complete my workouts or if I did my whole body would be shaking and I'd have a hard time moving the rest of the day. I started listening to the fat to fit radio pod cast and if you go to their website and they have a calculator that will tell you what you should be eating to loose weight. You'd be amazed at how you can actually loose weight while eating.
  • Runs4CupCakes
    Runs4CupCakes Posts: 132
    1200 is hard to cut not going to lie...log your exerice you get more so that my motavtor ok im hungray so better go work out withthat said i only eat back half of my calories i get for working out so if i get say 100 for working out i only eat 50 a yo yo-er have been for years i range from size 7 to 16 this site helps me keep up with what im doing with my day and of luck to ya if you need encouragement feel free to add me
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    I started out eating 1200 and not eating my exercise calories. I started getting cranky all the time (go figure) so now I eat more. My net is still 1200 but I eat my exercise calories back. I'm satisfied and I'm still losing weight so it's a win win. I feel like I could do this forever which is exactly what I need to do! (I've also done the lose it gain it back plenty of times)
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    i do the same as joniriaya. i find 1200 really hard so it motivates me into exercise, knowing that i can then eat more! most days i manage to eat 1500 and burn 300, so my net is still 1200. i find this much easier than 1200 where i really felt hungry
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    "Quickly" is no longer my priority. "Permanently" is.

    I just stopped dead. This is the 'lightbulb' moment I've been looking for! Thanks!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    "Quickly" is no longer my priority. "Permanently" is.

    I just stopped dead. This is the 'lightbulb' moment I've been looking for! Thanks!

    If I can light but one bulb a week, I have accomplished something worthy. :) Thank you.
  • mumbles1992
    I use those slim shakes meh they are alright
    But as i am a recovering bulimac
    I use cal counting

    Add me
  • SkinnyTopher

    I gained tons of weight in college, then lost 40 pounds and got thin... gained it all back PLUS 10, then lost about 60.... then gained all that back and another 20... now back to losing. Ugh.