any yo yo dieters out there?



  • Cookie_d
    Cookie_d Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I am or rather have been a yo yo dieter who has tried almost every diet known to man but I've finally realised that the only way for me to lose weight and stay in shape is by eating healthy and exercising but to do this and keep on the right track I need friends, support and motivation and even though I've only been a member for 2 days I believe I've come to the right place and actually feel quite excited about my new lifestyle. :-)
  • musicgal86
    musicgal86 Posts: 338 Member
    I am an ex yo yo dieter. I have tried every diet in the book and tried calorie counting. For me it often didn't work because I felt so restricted. I actually use MFP to make sure that I am getting enough food. My weight would go up and down though the years and for the first time in my life I have been able to keep the weight off and I am not really couting calories as much. I am just learning how to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Most of the time it is all about food choice. If you are restricting your calories but not giving the body the nutrients it needs your body will not function how it needs to. I would say start with 1200 calories, but if you find you are starving listen to your probably needs the fuel. Also try incorporating more veggies and whole grains into your routine. Like some other people have mentioned incorporating exercise into your routine will help a lot.
  • 4stephklug
    4stephklug Posts: 86 Member
    I agree with most everything here, listen to your body. I'm still tweaking calories, timing, etc. My best results come from hard workouts, (make sure you're adequately hydrated--keeps you 1/2 way full ;)) Also, get plenty of fiber and some good fat. I like to have a salad w/ reduced cal/fat dressing as my evening snack. I don't go to bed hungry and I get my veggies in. :) It takes time, we're all figuring out what works for us, slowly but surely.
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    Yo-Yo away...walk the dog and around the world. But I am getting two old to do it anymore 18 mos till the big 4 - 0. So I have to make the "life change" that everyone keeps telling me about! haha :bigsmile:
  • only2bfit
    only2bfit Posts: 44
    I have been for as long as I can remember!! I'm hoping thats in the past though.
  • Jenie0000
    Jenie0000 Posts: 12
    I've been Off and on for the last 10 years... I have struggled through 3 kids and major health issues and the 1200 Calorie intake is very restricting. The best advice I can give is find a few foods that you really like that are lean and easy for you to eat and incorporate them into your daily life... Before you know it you won't even notice the calorie restriction..... Try light popcorn and peanut butter with banannas they are filling and kinda tasty too!!
  • dianecasey1
    i never dreamed i could only eat 1200 calories a day. i have been doing this for 16 days. have a hard time eating that much. i cannot beleave it. i eat good meals. with lots of green vegies.
  • dianecasey1
    i have yoyoed sience i was 42 when i thought i was fat. now i am at 63, this is the tops for me. easy to stay with.
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    NOT ANYMORE!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Here! Honestly, don't try to control yourself. If you feel like eating 1200 cals one day, then awesome! If you feel hungry another day and eat 2000, then awesome, as well! As someone who's struggling out of my EDNOS, I try to tune into what my body needs. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. If I'm hungry, I eat... And I don't feel guilty about going over my daily limit of 1200 because I believe that my body is craving food for a reason. Because it needs it! The thing is, watch and pay attention to what you're fueling your body with. Don't fill it with junk! And don't mindlessly indulge (or emotionally eat). If you restrict yourself, you're just going to end up binging ("yo-yo"ing). Which has often happened with me.. So it's easier said than done.
    But it's all a process of ultimately listening to yourself and doing what's best for your body.
  • melisa_schow
    I swear I YO YO more then Oprah! In my 20s I would YoYo 100lbs up and down (during my kid havin days) I was 256 in my mid 20s and did a starvation diet, I lost down to 130 that year... deff NOT a healthy way to do it! Now I am working with a nutritionist and I YO YO Weekly, sometimes DAILY up and down 5 to 10 lbs... It is not helping that I have to quit smoking while trying to lose weight! UGH!
  • jmweyand
    jmweyand Posts: 1
    I was having the same problem, so at my last checkup I discussed it with my doctor and she suggested bringing it up to 1800, which has made a difference for me - I'm always short on calories for the day and I'm not hungery. I'm 55 years old and the body chemistry has changed in such a way that it harder for me to loss fat, so I do no less then 30 minute workouts everyday and cut out all sugar and breads - use good quality organic corn chips, Millet, and potatoes as my startches. Hope this helps - good luck!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Being athletic in high school, I took for granted that my body would stay in shape. I had contracted the flu a week before graduation and weighed the lightest I had ever been, 106lbs. The freshman 15 came on during college and it has been a yoyo diet life ever since. My heaviest may have been in the 140s, i don't know because i was to scared to weigh myself. The easiest and fastest way to lose weight was fasting. I grew tired of the cycle and now health is more important than how I look.

    I have decided that this is how I am going to live for the rest of my life. My basal metabolic rate is only 1200 calories, so I will pretty much be eating between 1250 - 1600 calories a day from now on. Since I started January 2012, I have gotten used to eating this much, with a day or 2 a month where an outing got me way over my allowance. I've noticed that I am not anxious over the speed of my weight loss and I don't feel guilt when I indulge myself once or twice a month.

    My weight loss has been slow and steady, just focusing on health and fitness. I may reach my goal this summer or fall but when I do, I will keep on coming to MFP to maintain for the rest of my life.... If MFP is still free.
  • Autry403
    Autry403 Posts: 88
    I used to be a yo yo dieter, and it was BADDD. But now, since I can see how much sodium I am ingesting, and all my other nutrients right in one table, it's like "Woah."

    You know what I did? I went out an bought a healthy living cook book (one of the best ones I have found as far as hints and tips is the Looneyspoons collections by Janet and Greta Podeleski) and seriously, you get to cook super delicious food that is really about 300 to 500 cal per serving (for the meals) and I find it fills me up. So now, I have a little bit of a hard time getting up to 1200 cal a day...

    Sort of in the same boat there , except I cook without even thinking about what I'm making . I just try to be creative with my meals , and eat all organic foods . Everything I eat is very low in calories and carbs , so I have a hard time some days reaching my 1200 calorie limit ... I get so full fast with my 200-400 calorie meals alone .
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    ive done slimming world on and off for years but do feel that portion control and calorie counting is the one for me and i know it works but am really struggling with keeping to 1200 cals, would be great to hear from anyone in similar position!

    1200 calories is a mythical unicorn that cannot be caught nor harnessed. It is THE REASON people yo-yo.

    Find your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). Eat somewhere in between them. Meet and maintain your goal.


    Insanity = doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    wut flavors do the yo yos come in? i might give it a try.
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    Me me me me! I am the worst Yoyoer! I hae lost and gained weight probably 5 times in the last 10 years. I plan on doing it right and keeping it off this time! As for the keeping up with cals.... I have had trouble and I finally decided that adding in zone bars and other easy healthy snacks helped fill the void. Good luck
  • gregse
    gregse Posts: 6 Member
    I am a confirmed yoyoer. (is that a word?) Using MFP on my phone helps me to stay aware all day that I need to eat all my meals and helps me not exceed cxalories