What Made You Quit the First Time and Start Again?

cspong Posts: 260 Member
So, I've noticed a fair amount of people on here lost a bit of weight, stopped trying, gained it back and are on their second try.

I was wondering, what is it that made you stop? Was it gradual or sudden?

I'm hoping to use foresight and know some warning signs so I can really stick to my guns and see this through. My whole family is a bunch of "Fad Dieters" and when they don't see results right away they give up. I never want to be that person.

Absolutely no judgement! I'm proud of anyone who is trying! I just want to keep trying with you all and not give up! :D


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    which first time? there's been several. last first time it was because i hit a goal and got sloppy. one cheat meal turns into a day, turns into a week, turns into a month, etc.
  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    Plateaus- but I'm there now and I plan to keep at this time until I figure out what to do
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I had a medical condition/surgery that required me to take 6 weeks off of exercise (all exercise). I never got back in the swing of things.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Failure lollll
    junk food is so yummy lol
    No room to work out
    Petrol to get to the gym
    Lack of self worth
    TODAY IS IM SO BLOODY HUNGRY!!!! but im being good.......this is day 2....of trial 449
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    I had lost 15 of the 30 i was after last yr i did awesome for months on end. i think mentally i was burnt out, i was a 2 workout a day 1,000 calorie burn a day A+ student at sticking to my diet chick ......depression got to me and i stopped trying, gained it all back and some and now im in a better place and i want it so badly ive done it once im stronger im smarter and more determined than ever. and i quit my part time job in a bakery, that helped haha
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Failure lollll
    junk food is so yummy lol
    No room to work out
    Petrol to get to the gym
    Lack of self worth
    TODAY IS IM SO BLOODY HUNGRY!!!! but im being good.......this is day 2....of trial 449
    and seeing everyone else achieve and know that u tried and tried and got nowhere....
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    i quit my part time job in a bakery, that helped haha

  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    For me it has always been crash diets, I would lose weight rapidly and then I would be so tired of dieting as soon as I got to my goal weight I would go back to my old ways and gain it back within a couple of months. Never made it a lifestyle change.
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I never knew if what I was doing was the right thing or not. I figured if the weight wasn't "falling off" (like I hear so many people say) I was doing something wrong and wasting my time. I tried personal trainers and every fad diet but nothing "worked" (because I quit too soon) It wasn't until I found P90X, was told what to do & when to do it (and what to eat) that it clicked. I know its going to take time to come off if I want it to stay off.

    Also, I can't miss workouts and I can't have cheat days. One turns to two into three, etc.

    Daily consistency + Support is what is working for me now.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    i quit my part time job in a bakery, that helped haha


    Seriously started right before the holidays and it was awful everything was ridculously good. Eventually over the months u get so SICK of everything from looking at it everyday you dont want anything anymore......the bread however i was alwaaaaaaays sneaking me some bread....i love bread :(
  • TrishPretti
    TrishPretti Posts: 51 Member
    which first time? there's been several. last first time it was because i hit a goal and got sloppy. one cheat meal turns into a day, turns into a week, turns into a month, etc.

    THIS JUST ABOUT SUMS IT UP! Exactly what I did! Realized I wasn't where I wanted to be and got back in there
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Live a healthy lifestyle. Never quit. Ever.

    Many people quit "diets" because they believe they must starve to lose weight, or that they must entirely cut out foods that they love. Some people even cut out entire food groups or try to adhere to strict "diets" (eat 7 almonds, 1 hard boiled egg, 2 cups cabbage soup, etc. etc.).

    These people go hard at their chosen method, and they find that it is unsustainable, or that after a while, it doesn't work any more. Some people do this over and over and over and they still don't get it.

    Insanity might be making them quit.

    Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    Honestly it is a mental thing. When you stop seeing it as a race to a finish line but as a lifestyle that you are going to continue for the rest of your life, you won't gain it back. If you make changes that and stick with them you won't gain it back. That being said, in the past I have let things get away from me like tracking, and working out. This is the longest stretch I have ever been on of living a healthy lifestyle, (2+ years) and I continue to make create new goals and keep going.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Hitting my goal was the worst thing that happened to me. I went from 240 lbs to 170 from April-sept last year and maintenance was an unmitigating disaster.I piled on 20 lbs from september to february .

    What am I doing different this time? Working out slightly less, but eating more. it swear, it's what you eat that balloons on the weight, not how much you work out. working out won't lose you the weight the same as good nutritional habits and portion control..but combination of diet+exercise = WIN
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Simply put - I stop believing I could do it. Didn't have any support to tell me anything different. So, I changed the environment around me. Found support, here! I found my "happy"! I'm determined not to loose it again. : )
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I did the Body for Life program once. In 12 weeks I dumped a bunch of fat, and got pretty fit. Everybody told me I looked great. I think it triggered some subconscious thing making me think that I was "done". So I fell off the exercise wagon, for a whole year. My eating was actually halfway decent, but as that year went on it went worse and worse.

    One day for lunch I had a big plate of steak fries. And you know that overeating feeling that happens sometimes? It stayed with me for over 24 hours. I just felt like a lazy fat fvck again. The next day I hit the treadmill. And like that *poof* I was back in business.

    Not planning on having that happen again. Because now I know, I will never be "done".
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I got lazy. Twice. Got lazy with exercise. Made too many excuses for too many weeks. Got lazy with food. Was "cheating" 5 times per week. Just laziness.

    I also kinda "got used to being fat" if you can imagine that feeling.
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    My first time on here, I was doing P90X and I broke my foot (not related to P90X) and had a really hard time getting back into it once it healed. Puttered around, returned to work after being at home with my daughter a year and a half, packed on 10 more pounds of stress... I did weight watchers for a bit, didn't see as much loss as I wanted, and here I am!
  • Last summer I lost 20lbs with MFP and a year later I'm 30lbs up starting all over again. I quit MFP because I reached my goal weight and instead of keeping up with it I fell back into my old habbits. I'm back on it now even more determind than I was last summer. I feel great when I eat better and I keep telling myself that I need to remember this feeling when I think I want to go back to eating junk all the time. I work crazy hours which make it harder to make good decicions but I learned that if I plan out what I'm going to eat BEFORE I get hungry I reduce the chance of me getting cravings for something that is going to ruin my calorie intake for the day. I hope this helps and good luck with your goals!
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    One word: Kolaches.

    Why I got back on? Need to eventually get me a husband eh? :) Oh yea, and my health. :laugh: