TO READ: no more diet ever again...but still losing weight

hi guys,
I sat down for a moment and thought about how much weight I gained and why? how I did so many diets that i couldn't commit to, that's when I sais to myself enough is enough. ok I will diet and lose the weight with frustration and then what? will I be able to maintain it? something i have always failed to do. So I found a solution that is working for me and I hope it will be long term. I want to know what are your feelings about this but it definately work. Also feel free to add me , Im new here and im willing to motivate and being motivated :)

ok then, previously what I meant is that, i have removed that word diet from my most of us ive always wanted to be eating what i want but not gaining weight but i was not that lucky...why should I spent my life yoyo dieting? for someone like me who is still young (21yrs old), i will have children and get older etc and will be more prone to gain weight.

Iet me say this, I lost 10lbs in the past 3weeks and that with no diet. please don't get me wrong I didnt eat whatever I wanted like junk food and all those stuff. let me explain what Im Doing....

All the information I have always read about nutrition, and with this simple knowledge i am taking time to discipline myself for the next years to come..anyone of you can have or create your own tricks but it really work guys, I assure you this is really working.
I am teaching my body and mind to be discipline with food and exercise, i am trying to make it a lifestyle change not something just for a short period of time because I want to lose weight...

so what is working for me?
first of all i am counting calories, but this im doing only for a short period of time. until my brain gets used to the meals and portion I mostly eat for example i've chosen a total calories i'll be eaqting for the rest of my life but which will still help me to drop th extra pounds and that is 1700 cals. i chose to eat 4 times a day, that works for me
breakfast: 300-400 cals
lunch: 600-700
snack: 200-300
dinner: 400-500
water: 1.5-2L

whatever I choose to eat, I always eat in those ranges above, and I make sure that i never skip my breakfast even if i couldnt eat lunch i eat my normal dinner, i will just try and not skip any meals the next day, it only become a problem if you skip meals for several days. After a certain time maybe 3 months or more it will become a part of me and I would not need count and weigh my food.
what i also is that i try to make more healthy choices that I can stick to in a long run, for example ive switched to low fat milk(dont like skim), i eat brown bread now,all bran flakes or whole grain cereals, but my rice and pasta stayed white, i just cant eat the brown one. I no more drink sodas and eat junk food, rather i will leave it for only those occasions that I am going out to friends, partys or whatever. and that happen usually every 2weeks and usually on weekends.
For me, no food is bad(except the processed one of course), its just how we prepare it or balance it in our meals. we need to consume in moderation.
yeah I also use smaller plates when I eat and drink 1-2 glass of water before I eat anything. there's a lot of other things I do, but i try and do them eveyyday so that it becomes part of me and its really working because sometimes when i cook and i serve myself i dont need to measure i know already this look like a 500 cals meal even if i eat out...i just use those principles.
i also exercise

i can go on like this and write ten pages, so please all I wanted to say is that you can really lose that weight and keep it off, rather than doing all those fad diets such as low fat or high protein diet that wont last. just reduce your portion size, make more healthy choices that you can keep long term.... just discipline yourself

if you have any more questions, just let me know. I will also loved to hear from you your comments and more.


  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    thanx these small principles and discipline takes you a long way... thanx for sharing... its working for me too
  • cicyluv
    cicyluv Posts: 3
    Yes for me it works, I've always failed when following a this may be my solution,the weight goes off slowly but at least I will keep it off long time