What Made You Quit the First Time and Start Again?



  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    My first time on here was last year, I was doing a weight loss challenge with someone and i had never counted cals before so I gave it a whirl, I was on for about two months? and the challenge was over, summer started and the horrible eating/drinking began again!!

    Just add a lot of supportive friends,
    stay active on here,
    and the MOST important one is DO THIS FOR A LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not just a diet...if you make it a lifetime commitment you'll never be waiting until it's over or wanting it to be! This keeps you from stopping when you meet goals, feel better etc, it motivates you to keep going and you don't have an excuse to stop:)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Last time I made an attempt, it lasted a month. Good results. And then my schedule changed because I started aggressively job hunting, doing a side job and I was too busy.

    I realized I needed to learn to prioritize myself and my workouts. And stick to counting calories.

    Also, over the long term, I need to know my limits in terms of my favorite treats. I like to have pastries for breakfast. So I need o limit it to about 2X a week. So I try to do it only on the weekends. And on a day where I have worked out. I also have to work out what is the minimum level of success for me. For example, if I aim to go to the gym/exercise MWF and one weekend day. At the end of the week I need to do 4 workouts to be successful. So I try to do M-TH at the gym, so if I skip one, I'll still be on track to meet my goal of 4 workouts.

    The last thing for me, is to take advantage of doing a little bit. I tend to think, well if I only have 20 minutes to workout, and my schedule is an hour for today, it is pointless to do anything. So to combat that, I have been coming up with short, intense workouts (hello circuit training) to take advantage of those short windows, when my schedule is off.

    I have also picked up a few weights so I can at least do something at home, if I have a really busy work day and I can't get out to the gym.

    I have a couple of food rules.
    1. starchy carbs 2X a day only
    2. On a day of indulgences, make lunch or dinner protein and veggies only
    3. You can really counteract a bad day with dessert of fruit or fruit and greek yogurt to get in your missing nutrients
    4. Don't wait until "tomorrow" to make up for a bad meal, make up for it in your next meal

    I hope this helps. It is working for me so far, and I have actually made it to month 5 now. So everything is almost feeling like a habit.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I've tried to "diet" in the past but I didn't take it seriously and it never lasted more than a day or two. I was also only looking at calories, totally forgetting about things like sugar, fat, protein and sodium. I was only doing it because my abusive mother was calling me fat.

    This time, I'm doing it for ME. One day I realized I needed to do something, so I did the research and I just did what I had to do!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Great topic!

    Things that made me quit diets in the past were that they were really too restrictive, and I had a mentality of "I can't eat a certain food ever again? Nope, can't do it, forget this" a few days or weeks into it. Restricting anything is a road to failure for me.

    Now I have the motivation to eat right and work out 6 days a week, and to be honest I don't know where it comes from. If I did, I'd bottle and sell it for millions :happy:
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    I started, lost, gained then stopped more times than I care to remember. In fact today is another start day :-( I am the heaviest now that I've been for the last 2 years and I really must get to grips with the whole healthy lifestyle and exercise concept once and for all. Good luck with your journey x
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    ED. I got to my goal weight, but unhealthily. Instead of learning how to eat healthy, I learned how to not really eat. At my doctor's suggestion, I quit keeping track of everything, because I was obsessing over it and about half the weight crept back on due to not learning anything about eating emotionally.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    The first time, I lost 12 out of the 30lbs I aimed to get rid of. Then the pressures of the final year of school seriously started to get to me. I was still doing sport up to four times a week, but was eating a lot more junk food and just pretty much gave up trying to think about anything but academics.

    What made me start up again was the fact that I could be classified as 'slightly overweight', and did not like at all the way I looked. Furthermore, I wish to eventually work in quite a physically demanding field, and thus needed to have adequate fitness levels.
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    The first time I don't think I was really mentally ready for it, I kept getting sick (still do *cry*) and was told my youngest needs to be tested for autism and it made me sad instead of motivating me to become a better me so I can help him be the best he can be.

    Then I actually >looked< at myself in the mirror one morning and didn't know who was looking back. Made me sad for the future me, and my family.

    So here I am. Taking it slower than I want to, but I'm still doing it. That's more than most people I know can say, and it means a lot to me that I'm doing it for myself for once.
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    Mine was a medical condition. Fortunately its been my only quit since I've been on here and it was only for a month of M.I.A. Unfortunately though it set me back a month when even though I was put on bed rest, I totally should of at least counted calories cause at the time I was at about 7 pounds lost, and I gained 10 during that month. Totally set me back but it's made me more determined than ever to finish and reach my goal!
  • I've had to quit a diet because the person I was with was unsupportive. I was just starting to get happy with how I looked and he was one to go on long business trips. Well, he took some time off and I once saw him throw a full stick of butter into a meal for two. I literally cried. He said I was being ridiculous and continued to fatten me up. :( I gave up. I didn't seriously get back into dieting till January this year. My boyfriend now is super supportive and is becoming healthy with me. He's lost over 20 lbs and I've lost 17 :) so having supportive friends makes a huge difference.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Huh, some really interesting answers :) Thanks guys :D
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    Not losing weight - seems no matter what I do (and I'm talking dealing with nutritionist, doctors and such like) I can not get to the weight I want, I'm always told the same thing and I get tired of hearing it and lose heart.
    I know to workout for eternal strength is important too, but I guess I'm shallow that I want to hit my goal weight as well lol
    So here's to another try with a different approach and maybe it will work :P

    Hope you don't hit the stop restart point :)
    Best of luck to you on your journey :)
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    First time was because my self esteem was already being walked all over by my then-boyfriend, and I felt like I deserved it. So I gave up and just kept eating, because it wasn't like he'd stop if I got skinny anyway.
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I have started and stopped a few times. I think it comes down to cravings and for some our health. I have a massive thyroid issue (TSH around 17) and I suck at taking my meds so it is mostly my fault. It comes down to the determination to make the change and just do it. Now, even if I have a bad day, I realize that tomorrow is a new day and I start all over again. You never really give up.
  • dilleight
    dilleight Posts: 50
    First time, final exams at university. Second time there was a takeover at work. Third time too many "special occasions". Fourth time, work.
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    I quit smoking. I ate a ton of crap, wanted to sleep all day, and just didn't feel like doing crap. So I pretty much got lazy! Looking at pictures is what got me back into it. I must say that I feel much better already.
  • I stopped the first time because I came very close to / pretty much did develop an eating disorder from obsessing too much about food.

    I decided being skinny wasn't worth being miserable or isolating myself or ruining relationships with bfs/family and friends for.

    Then I gained it ALL back and decided I needed to lose again but am trying very hard to maintain a healthy relationship with food whilst doing it (which sometimes I fail at, sometimes I do well) .. weight is less of a priority this time despite weight loss being an ultimate goal.

    I was happier being skinny than being fat, but I pretty much sacraficed my health and my relationships for it and that's not worth it.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Not just the first time, but the first and second times. I lost a ton, got about to where I am now, and just gradually lost motivation and gained it all back, plus some. I never did fad or quick fix diets, and considered it a lifestyle change, but didn't stick to it for maintenance. I remember trying to lose again in the meantime, but just didn't have my head where it needed to be.

    This is my biggest worry--that I'll gradually let those old habits come back AGAIN. I know that I need to take care of myself forever and not let go ever again.
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    I wrecked my knee, had surgery, slow recovery, and continued to eat like I was exercising regularly through it all.
  • Jeff0416
    Jeff0416 Posts: 14 Member
    I saw the Charles Barkley commercial about Weight Watchers for Men. I tried it for a bit and did not have any luck. The eat all the fruit in moderation you want was just too tempting for me. No will power lol. I actually gained weight. Much better results with MFP for me so far.