I'm new and in need of friends to help motivate me :)



  • alfie1313
    alfie1313 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there :-) Please feel free to add me if you would like a new friend to help and encourage you along the way :-)

    Lynn x
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    Hi there! Feel free to add me! I love seeing others succeed in their weight loss. This is a great place to be :)
  • svioleta
    svioleta Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. I started at 216.5 and am now down to 182.2. Goal weight is 145.
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    Add me on! Motivation within yourself and from others is key! Good luck!
  • shavonnetruax
    shavonnetruax Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm shavonne and I live in southern ca! I know how u feel I was 212lbs in oct and today (literally this morning) I weigh 165 :) you so can do it, it just takes time. One quote that really stuck with me through my journey so far was "everyday is a new day" obviously we have days that we go over our calories, sometimes more one week then others but you just have to keep going! I think you chose a great program, coming from someone who has tried EVERYTHING and had very little success until now! I love smart ones. Lots of fruit and veggies, the skinny cow 35 cal cheese triangles are amazing on a 100 cal English muffin sandwich and I notice if I go a week with eating lighter at night (like soup) I usually drop more that week :) although for me I always feel the most hungry at night :/ but if u can not eat past 7 you have this in the bag!!
    Good luck on your journey and I'll be here spying on ur weight that will be flying off and motivating u any way possible!
  • zen_mama
    zen_mama Posts: 51
    Welcome Lori! I've only been on here 2 weeks but already loving the tools and support available here. Definitely add me- I log every day. I'm 5'4" with SW: 211 and shrinking my way down to 140-150 range. I've found the daily food journal to be my biggest motivation for staying on track and it was such an eye opener when I learned the caloric value of foods I used to eat with complete abandon (like cheese pizza!). I managed to find a walking buddy in my own neighborhood and treated myself to a cute new pair of athletic shoes and workout pants so I feel pretty even when I'm sweating my way up and down hills :-) I figure the journey is 50% diet and exercise and 50% mindset. I'm changing the way I think about my body and now I make it a point to look in the mirror and find something to praise about myself. It really helps me to appreciate the journey!
  • Corrin17
    Corrin17 Posts: 14
    Hi! Welcome!! I have been here for since late February and have already lost 14lbs!! We seem to have the same goals (currently 5'4", 206lbs) so I am hoping we can encourage each other!! Good luck!!!
  • bobandrachel34
    bobandrachel34 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am new, well not that true actually, I tried this before but wasn't so committed. I just re-started today so it is nice to have someone else new to this as well. I am short as well, 5ft 1inches, my objective is to be within my BMI healthy range, right now my BMI is 29.9 :( which for my height is .1 short of obese. I have been struggling with my weight since I can remember, and just would really like to have some freedom from the ever present feeling of being overweight, and tired of always feeling like the biggest one in the room amongst my friends. I need to be healthy and take care of my heart, heart disease runs in my family. Last February 14th the hospital where I work was having a "heart healthy " day, where they took our blood work and sat down with us to do a summary of our health and weight etc. Well it turned out that I was the youngest employee (who did the tests) with the worst numbers! My BMI was obese, like I said earlier, my triglycerides were high, my LDL was high, HDL low... you get the picture. Since then I have increased my exercise and do feel healthier, but my eating sucks. I am addicted to sugar, and eat way too many calories. So to make a long story somewhat short, I need structure to my eating and need help to control my eating, I am really hoping to be successful for once and for all. I have realized that if I didn't devote so much time to worrying about my weight and appearance I would have a lot more time to focus on things that would add more pleasure to my life. I would really benefit from having some friends to encourage me as well!
  • reggiekalicious
    Add me! I am on a mission to live healthy, and MFP is helping me stay on track! Good luck on your journey!
  • dmlover76
    dmlover76 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new here too. I'm 5'4 and 159lbs, and my goal is 135. I've been successful before, but now that I'm 36 years old, it's so much harder. I could lose weight lifting a heavy book! I did bikram yoga for a long time, but I recently injured my back. So now I can't do it or run for awhile. It's frustrating because I get such a good workout from those two, and I can't do them right now! I've been walking, doing the recumbent bike, and core exercises. Another problem of mine is that I enjoy going out with the girls and having a few drinks. I don't drink sugary drinks, but it adds up. I drink a ton of water, take daily vitamins, rarely eat sugar, don't eat processed foods, and eat lots of veggies. Yet I'm struggling. There are days when I eat too many calories and there are days when I've eaten only 700 calories. I don't know what to do.
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all so much for replying! I'm so inspired already by seeing so many motivational people and your successes! I'm trying to add everyone but it keeps making me stop and wait for 10 minutes lol!