Why did I freakin GAIN weight?!?!



  • veromancha
    veromancha Posts: 158 Member
    Everyone has a weight "range" No big deal. Unless you are saying you ate 5250 calories over your maintenance in the last day. Chill. Not a big deal.
    Agree!! The last time I checked my wieght I had gained about 6lbs! But I know it's due to lifting! It's all good, just keep up the hard work and dump the scale :)!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I feel like effin crying right now. I have been working so hard to loose weight, and I've really stepped up my game this past week. But somehow between last Saturday and today I've managed to gain 1.5 pounds. Maybe to some of you this may not sound like much, but that's 2 weeks worth of hard work I've just put right back on. I don't freakin get it. I've been staying at or slightly under my calories and I've been eating healthy. I've pushed harder during my workouts and even added a second session in the evening of 30 minutes jogging/walking. I don't understand at all why I gained weight. Do you think it is in the realm of possibilities that it could be water retention/swelling from the additional workout? I'm at a loss right and and feeling really effin down.... :*(

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far. Great job.

    I see that you are getting close to your goal. The only thing I can say is be ready for many MANY ups and downs. It's part of the game now. You may want to search around the forums for advice about how many calories to consume the closer you are to goal....I'll leave it at that.

    It's DEFINITELY not actual fat that you've gained. And it's definitely not 1.5 lbs of muscles either (before someone jumps in and says you've gained muscle this week).

    Please don't panic though. No need.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    I understand where you are . I have been working very hard on nutrition and exercise only to see a gain - for weeks. I had to learn to eat more. It took 3 WEEKS before I saw the scale go back down after fluctuating by 2-3 pounds daily.

    I am only 5 feet tall, I only want to lose 10-12 pounds. I am probably at the point where many get to - those last few pounds to lose after quite a long road.

    Then I finally learned - stay away from the scale!

    I started taking pictures and measuring myself weekly. I track this on an Excel-type spreadsheet. Finally I am starting to see progress. The scale is simply not your friend as it does not tell the whole story.

    I have also started getting back into the strength training - I see the bod firming up already.

    Try using other measures than the scale. You have made so much progress to acknowledge your continued success.

    also, for cardio I do high intensity interval training - it bumps up my metabolism, combined with the weight training.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    1.5 pounds is nothing. I log my weight every day, and have seen it jump up by almost 5 pounds overnight, in some cases. Those short-term ups and downs are just water.

    Check out the wacky fluctuations in my graph for the last 30 days. There's still overall progress, but if I let the increases stress me out, I'd be a mess:

  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    i think its because someone is writing stuff across your waist ... theres at least a few pounds there
  • Goosiesnougs
    Goosiesnougs Posts: 420
    In my experience, when I'm working out more and I have muscle soreness (from weight training) I DO NOT WEIGH myself. I read that when you're recovering your body will hold onto water to help the muscles repair themselves. I've "gained" upwards of 4-5 pounds some weeks. Totally disheartening, but I looked at your diary and you've been doing a FANTASTIC job! Don't sweat it! I would definitely assume it's water weight!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    It's water weight from the increased activity level. Your weight is going to fluctuate. You won't necessarily lose every week. You need to take measurements and photos so that when you have a gain week or a 0 week, you will see results elsewhere.

    You can not freak out every time you have a week where you don't lose.

    ^^^^^^^ THIS . and will reiterate cannot freak ....
    To gain an actual pound of real weight ie FAT .... 3500 calories EXTRA consumed
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Yep...muscles need water to heal.

    Every time I kick up my exercise for a few days..or a week, I lose nothing or gain a pound or two. I rest for two days and lose anything I gained, plus pretty much exactly what I should have lost based on calories alone.

    I created a spreadsheet to track body bugg calories in vs fitness pal calories out...and over a period of 60 days, the calorie deficit is EXACTLY what I lost in pounds. Daily, weekly, not even close.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    One other reason that I don't think has been mentioned yet, is your menstrual cycle about to start? I always gain a couple prior to my cycle but it goes quickly.
    And I also always "gained" when I ovulated.
  • kozmatt1
    kozmatt1 Posts: 1
    Hello, I have been doing the Ideal Protein diet for the last 4 months. I have lost 70 pounds and have figured out that in that time that if you work out really hard that sometimes your gain weight either by building muscle to replace the fat or you still have food in your digestive tract and your body hasn't used it up yet. I fluctuate between 1 to 3 pounds depending on my workout and what I eat. I have gone from 225 to 158. So good luck and I hope that I could help you out. See ya, Matt
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Weight loss is never linear. There's weeks you go down and weeks you stay the same or even go up. It happens. To everyone. If you didn't eat about 4200 calories over maintenance, it's not fat.

    ^^This woman took THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH. When you train, your muscles retain a LOT of water as they heal and repair...it's actually a GOOD thing. Take a deep breath and don't worry about it for one more second!!. It is just water...it is meaningless. :flowerforyou:
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I REALLY appreciate all the advice you guys. I seriously burst into tears this morning, but for so many people to have the same opinion there MUST be truth to it. So thank you thank you thank you.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I REALLY appreciate all the advice you guys. I seriously burst into tears this morning, but for so many people to have the same opinion there MUST be truth to it. So thank you thank you thank you.

    Good for you girl!! Those tears should be tears of JOY!! You obviously worked your muscles hard and they're retaining water so they can repair and rebuild--giving you some lovely, shapely muscle curves...that's all. :wink: