What's the best excercise for your tummy?



  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member

    One of the best core exercises you can do.

    EDIT: But yes so I don't sound like a moron, defined abs are a simple matter of total body fat %. Less padding on top means clearer visibility of what's underneath. Deadlifts will build overall muscle and give you that "toned" look that most people mistakenly means doing a *kitten* ton of reps at low weights at 15 different exercises all while balancing on a bosu ball with a half wit 24 hour fitness personal trainer yelling at you.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Heavy squats. As a side benefit if you get good and low (your upper legs past parallel) they build a nice butt too.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    From my perspective, nutrition is the most important key to losing weight and fat. I've heard that it's 80% nutrition, 20% exercise. Then, I would suggest a combo of aerobic (to lose fat from all around) and strength training to tone your abdominal muscles - you will look ultra good! :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Compound Lifts!

    but no matter how much muscle you have, you can't see your abs if there is a layer of fat on top. Deal with that with your diet.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Overall weight loss and overall fat loss are not the same thing. Your tummy will shrink with overall fat loss! Good luck!
  • HeatherDerexson
    HeatherDerexson Posts: 9 Member
    I am going to sound so partial saying this b/c I teach it, but do Zumba. Its good cardio and if you have a good instructor can be good to tone too. After you get used to it there is such a thing as a Zumba toning class too. I teach my classes and luckily I teach at Curves locations so I get to use their machines. They have a few good ab machines there and they are hydraulic vs the normal weights at the gym w/all the heavy metal weights. If zumba isn't your thing, planks I've heard work well, I just tried them today for the first time and let me tell you they aren't easy but you can feel it working. I also have a weighted hoola hoop- you can pick them up at Wal Mart for $20, made by Danskin. Don't try too much at first though b/c you will bruise your hips (true story-lol). I've also been lying down and resting my hands under my tail bone I will slightly bend my knees and raise and lower my legs together without putting them on the floor and repeat as long as I can. Then I will do scissor legs, kind of the same thing but alternate your legs w/o putting either of them on the floor until you can't stand it!! Hope this helps!! Your welcome to friend me and if I figure out other things I'll keep you posted :happy:
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    curious to know
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member

    what i do know is you need to lose fat overall your body (you cannot dictate your body in burning on one spot only)
    and tone your belly muscles (by tensing them with every movement you make, or hold it in all the time & during exercise) so they will be more defined.

    This lady is so right! I am pear shaped and I wish I could just lose a little weight on the bottom without losing weigh up top, but, our bodies lose weight all over.
    And she's VERY right about flexing your tummy muscles during every exercise you do, I do this and it really works for me! I tighten my stomach muscles when doing arm curls, shoulder press, leg press, squats, etc.

    And to chime in with someone else's advice in this thread- I have really found that my diet has a big impact in my belly being flat or not. As soon as I cut out dairy and grains, my stomach was flat in 1-2 weeks! I have heard other people saying the same was true for them.

    Good luck!

    Good Luck!
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Overall weight loss and overall fat loss are not the same thing. Your tummy will shrink with overall fat loss! Good luck!

    good point!
  • amaryllis88
    amaryllis88 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all. I seem to be doing quite well, losing weight and toning up over most of my body. But I can't seem to shift the old flabby post babies tummy! Any suggestions to what works best? Appreciated! :o)

    I can't comment on any baby-related body changes since I have not experienced that yet. However, I do have a belly, and what I've noticed that has helped has been doing cardio on the bicycle (with increasing the resistance level), increasing the level of incline on the treadmill, and swimming. Sit-ups will probably help too, any kind of movement that is related to the belly area.

    I've read a lot of people's opinions on the forum, especially the ones that like to tell you that you can't spot reduce, but sometimes when I see the changes on myself, I'm open to trying anything inventive & creative. Good luck! :smile:
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Overall fat loss and strength training. I lose fat last on my stomach, so I have to get pretty lean. I like to do planks for core strength as well as plain old weight lifting - dead lifts, squats, push ups, etc. engage your core while you workout.