Discouraged before I even begin....

ok, so here's the "pity me" post.

I've decided I want to loose weight by Halloween to look extra hot in my costume. I'm currently 260lbs and I've never been this heavy. I feel so unprepared to do this.

I've been to the gym twice this week but I can already see it becoming incredibly boring. I've done the ellipitcal for 15 minutes, then the weight machines, then finish on the bike. (I have bad knees so I can't do the treadmill yet...hopefully if I ever get this weight off it'll take the strain off my knees and I can do the treadmill without pain). My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.

My husband has an incredibly physical job as a uniform deliveryman and I have a desk job. Most days of the week, he comes home too tired to do anything but relax for a few hours before bed. He's maybe 20-30 pounds overweight and what his body needs and what my body needs are on complete opposite ends of the scale. My friend said she was going to join my gym but instead joined Curves so I don't know what I'm going to do.

I keep stressing to my husband that I need him to push me to go to the gym on the nights he doesn't want to go. I've started writing on our calendar the nights I go in big black marker so it'll be a way to keep myself accountable.

What is a realistic goal of weight to loose by Halloween? (I'm going to be a super hot Alice in Wonderland, btw) I don't want to set my goal so high its unattainable but to be honest, I've never been able to really lose weight. Any time I've tried a diet or exercise routine, I loose maybe 5-10 lbs and get stuck.

ok, thats enough ramblings now...


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Take this one day at a time

    Get connected with a group on MFP to get encouragement and motivation

    Let your husband do whatever he wants :laugh: :laugh:

    Do you have an MP3 player so you can listen to music while you exercise or walk
    that will decrease the boredom.

    Never, never, never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'd say between 6 and 12 lbs should be attainable if you really stick to a diet program, and do 3 to 5 days of at least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise. That would be my guess, how aggressive within that range you want to be is completely up to you.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.

    take your gym stuff to work with you, change at work have a lil snack, and head to zumba/yoga,
    you have to get past the excuses and reasons that you can't do it, and just do it!

    i say this from experience, and zumba has gotten me out of my rut, twice a week its something i finally love to do.

    good luck.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    hey girl :flowerforyou:

    a couple of things:

    1. i know and understand couples motivate each other and lean on each other for support. however, if you truly want to do this, you need to learn how to lean and support YOURSELF. you shouldnt give him the responsibility - it is YOU that is responsible for your actions :flowerforyou: same with your friend, you cant blame her for chosing something else - she is thinking of herself and her own health.

    2. diet is 85% of the battle. are you eating healthy? are you staying under your sodium and drinking your water? something i like to do is highlight my calendar (similar to what you are doing with excercise) the good eat days and bad ones. every month i evaluate to see my progress, and set goals to do better.

    3. if you dont think you can make it to the gym, how about a walk or two around the block? my doc suggests advil 30 mins before a work out to help my knees. do you have a child or a dog to take with you? once you start moving, you will find more energy.

    sounds like you are 'almost' there - you just have to reach with in your self to make it happen.

    btw, mfp suggest a healthy weightloss of 1-1.5 pounds per week. so you basically have about 6 weeks to lose the weight. if you take it day by day, step by step and hold yourself accountable you will see a change to your pounds AND inches.

    AND 5-10 pounds is A LOT! you just have to change your lifestyle, not think of it as dieting - dieting is a BAD WORD!

    hope this helps.
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member

    Make it about you, for you. Doesn't matter what your friend or hubs does or doesn't do. This is your personal journey.

    You only control you and the decisions you choose to make. Take it day by day and make the best choices that you can on each day....

    You can do this!

  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    all i'm gonna say is KUDOS for being able to do 15 mins on the elliptical....i do literally like 2 minutes and im dead....and i weight about the same as you. I have the same problem....when i come home i want to rest a little bit before i have to make dinner, then when i'm done with dinner i dont want to exercise, i jsut want to like be a bum lol......but make sure you def stick to your calorie intake, this will help ou very much so in losing weight.....and log EVERYTHING you eat.....working out will keep you from getting flabby nasty skin.....put a pic up of your alice in wonderland costume by the fridge or frame it and put it on the coffee table so when you go to sit you can see why you need to work out......
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I've decided I want to loose weight by Halloween to look extra hot in my costume. I'm currently 260lbs and I've never been this heavy. I feel so unprepared to do this.
    You are prepared. You have the desire. Stick with it. :flowerforyou:
    I've been to the gym twice this week but I can already see it becoming incredibly boring. I've done the ellipitcal for 15 minutes, then the weight machines, then finish on the bike. (I have bad knees so I can't do the treadmill yet...hopefully if I ever get this weight off it'll take the strain off my knees and I can do the treadmill without pain). My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.
    Eat a reasonable snack at 4pm. You won't be starving while at the gym. Eat dinner when you get home from the gym. Find SOMETHING fun to do at the gym. Join those classes. Take your clothes with you, drive straight from work to the gym.
    My husband has an incredibly physical job as a uniform deliveryman and I have a desk job. Most days of the week, he comes home too tired to do anything but relax for a few hours before bed. He's maybe 20-30 pounds overweight and what his body needs and what my body needs are on complete opposite ends of the scale. My friend said she was going to join my gym but instead joined Curves so I don't know what I'm going to do.
    Doesn't matter what they do -- you have to do this for YOU. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Make yourself healthy. Leave them at home. Be excited for your workouts. This is for YOU.
    I keep stressing to my husband that I need him to push me to go to the gym on the nights he doesn't want to go. I've started writing on our calendar the nights I go in big black marker so it'll be a way to keep myself accountable.
    Join a group here. Let THEM help motivate you and keep you accountable. I'm in the Sixers group. Look it up. We just started a new challenge Tuesday.
    What is a realistic goal of weight to loose by Halloween? (I'm going to be a super hot Alice in Wonderland, btw) I don't want to set my goal so high its unattainable but to be honest, I've never been able to really lose weight. Any time I've tried a diet or exercise routine, I loose maybe 5-10 lbs and get stuck.
    Start small. Set the first goal for 5lbs by Halloween. If you exceed it, GREAT!! Set another goal for Thanksgiving and another for Christmas. I like to set small goals. When I exceed them, I get super excited for myself. If I only meet them, then I've met my goal! Slow but steady wins the race.

  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    dont ever give up stick to your diet and do abs most inportant exersise find a buns of steel abs tape start with that its only a 15 mins and try to stick to a good diet you can lose twenty pounds just from your waist
  • mkwood10
    Take your gym clothes with you and go straight there after work. That's what I do, and that way I have NO EXCUSES not to work out.

    I don't know if you pay for a membership at your gym, but if you don't, you might consider Curves. You can do a 1 week trial for free; which means up to 6 workouts. I've gone to Curves for 2+ years and love it! :heart: :heart: Yes, it's a type of circuit training that works well. You are only on each machine for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can, then you switch to a recovery board for 30 seconds, then on to the next machine that works a different muscle group. Before you know it, you've completed the circuit 3 times and you're done except for 5 minutes of stretching. You can burn up to 500+ calories - depends on how hard you work and what resistance the machines are at once you're on the Curves Smart program.

    Whatever you decide to do - remember it's up to YOU to do it, don't rely on the hubby or friend; you have to DO IT FOR YOU.:wink::wink: Remember to eat healthy and drink LOTS of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    By the way, there is a Curves for Women thread on MFP......come check us out - we cheer each other on just like the ladies at our local Curves do!!!
  • tubbytabbytales
    First off, Welcome!

    Second off - I'm the queen of getting bored as hell at the gym. So I load my iPod with songs that make me smile and laugh, like NSYNC, Backstreet Boys...you know, things I shouldn't really admit I still listen to. :laugh: And so while I'm on the elliptical, all I can think about is..."if only that super hot guy knew I was rockin' out to some Hanson right now" HAHAHA It makes it fun for me at least.

    Third off (...that's not a phrase, really, but whatever) - The idea of joining a group is a FANTASTIC one, there are people that will keep you motivated. I'm in one too. And we send each other emails and what not to keep motivated. It's a group of 4 girls, and we're really close now, almost like sisters. To me, anyway.

    Fourth off - If anything, you'll have fun on this site, because basically, we're a HOOT.
  • fjm1061
    fjm1061 Posts: 8 Member
    What did it for me after many many false starts was the fear of ending up with diabetes. I was at 233. I've lost 20 pounds and this Sunday I'm running a 10 miler, in preparation for my half-marathon November 15. I am with you, exercise can be VERY boring for those of us that don't much care for it or are not wired for it. To me is something you have to do for your health, like brushing your teeth. It is up to you to find what's good about it and stick with it. I started walking back in January and got really serious about it around summer (jogging). Eat your vegetables, cut alcohol and sugars to nothing. When you don't want to go to the gym, get out there and start moving, start walking. And don't stop. Good luck!
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.

    take your gym stuff to work with you, change at work have a lil snack, and head to zumba/yoga,
    you have to get past the excuses and reasons that you can't do it, and just do it!

    i say this from experience, and zumba has gotten me out of my rut, twice a week its something i finally love to do.

    good luck.
    I just wanted to say this is what i do. if i didnt take my stuff with me to work and just go, i would never go! Also dont rely on others! your husband and your friend will have to do it on their own! you cant help anyone lose weight but yourself! good luck! it will work,

  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    welcome to the site!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I always get bored easily and I agree with Tabs..I listen to old songs (at least old for me) that I used to dance to in middle school...like the Cha Cha slide :laugh: :laugh:

    Or throw in some workout videos if you're bored of the gym one day.

    Hope you have great success here, plus you'll make great friends!
  • tubbytabbytales

    I always get bored easily and I agree with Tabs..I listen to old songs (at least old for me) that I used to dance to in middle school...like the Cha Cha slide :laugh: :laugh:

    omg I love the Cha Cha Slide. COME OVER LET'S DO IT
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    I always get bored easily and I agree with Tabs..I listen to old songs (at least old for me) that I used to dance to in middle school...like the Cha Cha slide :laugh: :laugh:

    omg I love the Cha Cha Slide. COME OVER LET'S DO IT

    I like to watch the Marines doing it :wink:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Welcome babe! This is a great place with a lot of encouraging, motivating women and men who are going or have gone through exactly what you are. I'm not going to repeat what everyone else has all ready said, but I promise you, that you can do this. Wanting to do and taking the positive action to actually DO it is half the battle. The big half, in my mind, because it's easy to lose that and decide f-it I don't care. To give up. You're all ready half there!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    ok, so here's the "pity me" post.

    I've decided I want to loose weight by Halloween to look extra hot in my costume. I'm currently 260lbs and I've never been this heavy. I feel so unprepared to do this.

    I've been to the gym twice this week but I can already see it becoming incredibly boring. I've done the ellipitcal for 15 minutes, then the weight machines, then finish on the bike. (I have bad knees so I can't do the treadmill yet...hopefully if I ever get this weight off it'll take the strain off my knees and I can do the treadmill without pain). My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.

    My husband has an incredibly physical job as a uniform deliveryman and I have a desk job. Most days of the week, he comes home too tired to do anything but relax for a few hours before bed. He's maybe 20-30 pounds overweight and what his body needs and what my body needs are on complete opposite ends of the scale. My friend said she was going to join my gym but instead joined Curves so I don't know what I'm going to do.

    I keep stressing to my husband that I need him to push me to go to the gym on the nights he doesn't want to go. I've started writing on our calendar the nights I go in big black marker so it'll be a way to keep myself accountable.

    What is a realistic goal of weight to loose by Halloween? (I'm going to be a super hot Alice in Wonderland, btw) I don't want to set my goal so high its unattainable but to be honest, I've never been able to really lose weight. Any time I've tried a diet or exercise routine, I loose maybe 5-10 lbs and get stuck.

    ok, thats enough ramblings now...

    It seems you're setting yourself up for defeat before you even begin- you have to change that mentality right away. Whether you believe or not that you can actually do this- once you look around the boards here at MFP, you'll see that you really can. It's not even all that complicated- hard, but not complicated. Follow MFP's guidelines as closely as possible, and the weight will come off.

    Sadly, you can't rely on hubby to give you the push you need, that has to come from within you. Really sit down and think about all of your reasons for wanting to be thin and more importantly healthy. Once it becomes about health, it changes everything, because you realize there's no way you can't do it. Looking good for Halloween is a great first goal, but eventually it will have to come down to you wanting to live the healthiest life you can.

    Exercise can get boring, and there are days that all of us don't want to do it...I do it anyway- just about every day. I've changed my mindset to realize that it's not an option- we need to move our bodies, and our bodies enjoy huffing and puffing and sweating, and so does the mind. It just feels so good afterward. If you don't use it, you lose it- that couldn't be more true.

    By Halloween, with a 2 pound weight loss / week (the maximum MFP supports), you should be down 12 pounds. You could probably factor in a few extra pounds for that beginning weight loss most of us seem to have, so you could be down 12-15 or slightly more or less.

    Just take it slow, follow MFP, get back at it on the days you fail- and trust me, we all have those days (or weeks or months!). Try to have a calorie deficit at the end of the week, and the weight will come off.

    Don't let yourself get bored of the exercise- if you're not enjoing something, try something else (like me, I hate exercise machines, and would probably die if that were my only means of working out). Check out sites with free workout videos like www.exercisetv.tv and www.sparkpeople.com.

    Good luck, and have fun!
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    Hmmm, I think just about everything has been said. Lot's of good advice being given.

    One thing, you can try to loose a lot of weight by Halloween, but realistically...it takes time and patience and sticking with it to make your goals happen. And they need to be obtainable goals. I say this because I wanted to be at my goal weight by last Christmas...and was devastated when it came and went with me no where near my goal. Sometimes, for me, it takes that kind of disappointment to push me...not my friends or my spouse. I had to get up off the couch, put the fork down and do it. I think once you find that strength within yourself, you'll do great! You're already half way there by joining this group of individuals that are in the exact same boat you are, or were in the same boat and have made it happen.

    I know you can do it, I learn something new everyday here...:wink:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    ok, so here's the "pity me" post.
    FIRST OFF... welcome!!! dont be discouraged... its a long road but youll get there..
    I've decided I want to loose weight by Halloween to look extra hot in my costume. I'm currently 260lbs and I've never been this heavy. I feel so unprepared to do this.
    No unprepared.. you have the tools, you have the resources, and you have some free cheerleaders here... including your sister... :love: and what a pair you two are... i dont want to get side tracked, its easy for me to get distracted by beautiful women... :wink: anyway you have everything you need here, you just need to keep yourself motivated. how badly do you want to look sexy for your hubs?
    I've been to the gym twice this week but I can already see it becoming incredibly boring. I've done the ellipitcal for 15 minutes, then the weight machines, then finish on the bike. (I have bad knees so I can't do the treadmill yet...hopefully if I ever get this weight off it'll take the strain off my knees and I can do the treadmill without pain). My gym offers spin zumba and yoga, but I work so far from home, there's not enough time after work to get to the gym and get changed in time for the class to being.
    if spin and biking work better for you knees, do those... dont do anything that hurts... thats the quickest way to ruin your motivation... find out if your gym offeres personal trainers, they often have 5 pack training sessions that are cheaper than buying 5 individual sessions... PLUS if you dont go you are wasting money.. somthing i hate doing.. so it motivates me... you could always ask or request that they offer a later class, or find out if there is an earlier class...
    My husband has an incredibly physical job as a uniform deliveryman and I have a desk job. Most days of the week, he comes home too tired to do anything but relax for a few hours before bed. He's maybe 20-30 pounds overweight and what his body needs and what my body needs are on complete opposite ends of the scale. My friend said she was going to join my gym but instead joined Curves so I don't know what I'm going to do.
    dont worry about what youre friend is doing... I have found that when I put in my ear buds everything else just melts away and i just focus on what I gotta do at the gym... and I get a chance to listen to my favorite music... you dont NEED someone else to work out with you... if youre a little nervous or shy, youre going to have to get over that eventually right? how else are you going to show off that super hot bod next summer if you dont get over your shyness now?
    I keep stressing to my husband that I need him to push me to go to the gym on the nights he doesn't want to go. I've started writing on our calendar the nights I go in big black marker so it'll be a way to keep myself accountable.
    its a good idea to practice a few times a day, I do it, in the morning when i first started i told myself when I woke up "im going to the gym today" then at work I would tell people that I was going to hit the gym tonight, and then at lunch I would tell myself again... and i did this until I felt really good about going to the gym and now I look forward to it, in fact i get a little down if I dont go... that sounds wierd but I have heard from many people the same thing... those endorphins are great :wink:
    What is a realistic goal of weight to loose by Halloween? (I'm going to be a super hot Alice in Wonderland, btw) I don't want to set my goal so high its unattainable but to be honest, I've never been able to really lose weight. Any time I've tried a diet or exercise routine, I loose maybe 5-10 lbs and get stuck.
    realistic, no more than 2 pounds a week... healthily... :love: I always loved Alice I had a crush on her when I was a kid... :laugh: I think someone else said betwen 6 to 12 pounds. KEEP IN MIND.. 6 pounds of fat takes up more space than 6 pounds of muscle... the density is different... I noticed for every 2 pounds of fat I lost I gained about a pound of muscle... so even though I was loosing only one pound I was getting slimmer and much much more toned, so dont be discouraged if you gain some muscle in your quest to loose the fat... in fact you will notice sometimes you will not loose anything weight but youre cloths fit looser... AWESOME!!! that means you have muscle in place of the fat, and you will start to notic ethat youre getting more toned! :wink: dont take that as discouragement... take it as a GOOD SIGN!!! :happy:
    ok, thats enough ramblings now...
    i rambled enough now... :happy: :laugh: :wink: good luck, and most importantly have fun.. turn this thing into a game, talk to your sis, she has great rewards programs :wink: if you want any nutritional coaching let me know... its a hobby of mine! :happy:
  • Shelley130
    I think diet is the most important thing. I started 7 weeks ago at 248 and have just watched calories NO exercising at all. I am a SAHM so I don't have a really active job either.
    Here is what I lost is 6 weeks (equivalent to 6 wks from now will be Oct 29th)

    Start 7-29-09 248.0
    wk1 08-05 242.2 -5.8 -5.8
    wk2 08-12 238.4 -3.8 -9.6
    wk3 08-19 237.4 -1.0 -10.6
    wk4 08-26 235.2 -2.2 -12.8
    wk5 09-02 234.0 -1.2 -14.0
    wk6 09-09 233.2 -0.8 -14.8
    wk7 09-16 229.6 -3.6 -18.4

    I do eventually plan to start exercising... just hasn't happened yet. I also include at least 1-2 cheat meals a week so you might have better results if you are stricter.