My motivation!



  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    well I would like some new jeans. I currently own 2 pairs. Went shopping for girls day out yesterday and all the stuff I looked at was either xs, s , m, or large. Saw some tank tops for 6 dollars very tempted to buy 2 or 3 but no xl. So why waste my money. It has been a couple of years since I have bought anything new. CLOTHES

    I always see stuff like this, I went once and found something that was so cute, I bought it in a smaller size as motivation lol.
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    My motivation is to be healthy, my Son and i want to get on a personal training course so i need to be fitter for that :)
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    My motivation is to be healthy, my Son and i want to get on a personal training course so i need to be fitter for that :)

    That's awesome!! I would love to be a personal trainer! I'm still way too out of shape for that though! One day I will!!
  • armoredcore
    armoredcore Posts: 48 Member
    Life. Family. BTW you look great. Congrats and keep on keeping on:smile:
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    In all honesty, my motivation is looking back at my wedding photos. I'd never had a problem with my weight, my husband loved me for me, we got married 4th June 2011, and on that day I felt amazing, my dress was perfect and I couldn't of been happier...


    Then the wedding photos came back a few weeks later, I was disgusted by my size, I looked awful, why had I never seen it before!? I was 221lbs, a size 18 (UK) and disguising! 26th June 2011 I joined my local slimming world, I'm now 177lbs, still got a way to go, but I see that photo of me and my husband on my living room wall everyday and it's that that keeps me going!

    *edited: finally got photo to work!!*
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    In all honesty, my motivation is looking back at my wedding photos. I'd never had a problem with my weight, my husband loved me for me, we got married 4th June 2011, and on that day I felt amazing, my dress was perfect and I couldn't of been happier...

    Then the wedding photos came back a dew weeks later, I was disgusted by my size, I looked awful, why had I never seen it before!? I was 221lbs, a size 18 (UK) and disguising! 26th June 2011 I joined my local slimming world, I'm now 177lbs, still got a way to go, but I see that photo of me and my husband on my living room wall everyday and it's that that keeps me going!

    Aw, sweetie! I pulled up the picture, you were a beautiful bride! That is so amazing!!! Great job!!!
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    Aw, sweetie! I pulled up the picture, you were a beautiful bride! That is so amazing!!! Great job!!!

    my dress was a 24 (UK) :( even tho i was a size 18, if that wasnt bad enough, i have side on photos where all my back is hanging over at the back of the dress and my arms are huge!! my face aswel is really big compared to now! When i met my husband 10yrs ago i was a size 10! it just shows what hapiness, love and contentment can do lol!
  • nazashi
    nazashi Posts: 93 Member
    You and your dress are lovely! You're going to make a gorgeous bride!

    My husband was diagnosed to be diabetes about 2 months ago;at the age of 38!
    We had a 360 lifestyle change and was just told by the doctor 2 weeks ago that his sugar is back to normal!

    This is my ultimate motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle..the idea of him unwell scared the **** out of me!
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Aw, sweetie! I pulled up the picture, you were a beautiful bride! That is so amazing!!! Great job!!!

    my dress was a 24 (UK) :( even tho i was a size 18, if that wasnt bad enough, i have side on photos where all my back is hanging over at the back of the dress and my arms are huge!! my face aswel is really big compared to now! When i met my husband 10yrs ago i was a size 10! it just shows what hapiness, love and contentment can do lol!

    lol!! I was a a happy 170 lbs when I started dating my fiance, I slowly made my way to 258, so I feel ya there haha.


    thats a dress I tried on when we first got engaged. It was a 22, and barely zipped. Now my dress is a 16!

    I think even skinny girls have that back fat in their dresses!
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    You and your dress are lovely! You're going to make a gorgeous bride!

    My husband was diagnosed to be diabetes about 2 months ago;at the age of 38!
    We had a 360 lifestyle change and was just told by the doctor 2 weeks ago that his sugar is back to normal!

    This is my ultimate motivation to be lead a healthy lifestyle..the idea of him unwell scared the **** out of me!

    Wow!!! That is amazing!! Congrats to your hubby!!

    Thank you :)