lack of weight loss

How can I stay under my calories and not lose weight, I should stick to 1200 and most days I am under, I also line dance at least 5 times a week and zumba twice..... What am I doing wrong


  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    I was having the same problem a few weeks ago. What I found is that you need to eat your calories back from your cardio and also try and eat to the 1200 goal for the day.

    Leep in mind that your 1200 calorie diet is already putting yourself at a defecit. Sometimes if you defecit is too much your body will start holdong onto everything it can. In other words you will not lose weight.

    Search the forums and you will find more articles on this.
  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    So on my days I have done no excercise stick to the 1200 and the rest of the time try eat the excercise one back, will give that a go this week see if it gets me on track thank you, I am getting a bit disheartened by it
  • also have protine right after . you have up to 30 min to eat. and to see if you did lose anything check your mearments every week . 1 time you could have lose weight but gain muscle that could be messing up how much you lose/gain:smile:
    sorry for the bad spelling:embarassed:
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Totally agree with the above - you're doing heaps of exercise, so you need to give your body heaps of fuel. If you don't, it'll throw a hissy fit and cling on to all the calories it gets.

    The times that I don't eat back at least half of my exercise calories, I feel like rubbish and don't lose. If I do, I feel great and lose. It's counter-intuitive but it really does work!
  • Ok, so here's how it works:

    Go into a deficit for a while and your body is going to catch on. It's going to find a more efficient way to do everything on your new supply of calories. Doesn't happen immediately or very fast, but given a deficit long enough, it will happen. You basically have two options when this happens: 1) Increase cardio more and drop calories lower still(not the best idea), or 2) give yourself an occasional refeed to reassure your body you're not trying to starve it to death. A refeed simply meaning you have a day out of every week(maybe even two) where you go slightly ABOVE maintenance. Don't worry about this though because you'll still net a deficit at the end of the week. Think about it: 6 days a week on a 500 calorie deficit and then one day a week in a 500 calorie surplus?.....for the week you are STILL in a considerable deficit!!

    On a side note: Do not be surprised if you look a lil' puffier the day after the refeed. This is normal. The extra calories will most likely make you retain some more water weight. You did NOT gain fat though! Extra carbs will do this(carbo-HYDRATE). Once you go back into your deficit, a day later you are going to look and feel amazing.

    On a second side note: While dieting down, I would advise to first make sure you're meeting your necessary protein intake, and then filling your remaining calories from fats and carbs. If you're not making your protein intake, VERY easy for the metabolism to get slow and shoddy because of increased muscle loss. Less muscle = lowered metabolism. Hope this help yeh. Cheers
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    Ok, so here's how it works:

    Go into a deficit for a while and your body is going to catch on. It's going to find a more efficient way to do everything on your new supply of calories. Doesn't happen immediately or very fast, but given a deficit long enough, it will happen. You basically have two options when this happens: 1) Increase cardio more and drop calories lower still(not the best idea), or 2) give yourself an occasional refeed to reassure your body you're not trying to starve it to death. A refeed simply meaning you have a day out of every week(maybe even two) where you go slightly ABOVE maintenance. Don't worry about this though because you'll still net a deficit at the end of the week. Think about it: 6 days a week on a 500 calorie deficit and then one day a week in a 500 calorie surplus?.....for the week you are STILL in a considerable deficit!!

    On a side note: Do not be surprised if you look a lil' puffier the day after the refeed. This is normal. The extra calories will most likely make you retain some more water weight. You did NOT gain fat though! Extra carbs will do this(carbo-HYDRATE). Once you go back into your deficit, a day later you are going to look and feel amazing.

    On a second side note: While dieting down, I would advise to first make sure you're meeting your necessary protein intake, and then filling your remaining calories from fats and carbs. If you're not making your protein intake, VERY easy for the metabolism to get slow and shoddy because of increased muscle loss. Less muscle = lowered metabolism. Hope this help yeh. Cheers

    Thanks for the clear advice! I think it will be quite helpful.

    "defore5050--I find it difficult to comment as your food diary is closed and we cannot see what it is you're eating each day. We also don't know how big you are or how much weight you wish to lose and how long you have been tracking your weightloss.

    I'm over 50 and have found that the wild hormone fluctuations and associated water retention are often reflected on the scale. Also this naturally reduces your metabolism so you have to find ways to boost it though a proper diet and a varied exercise routine. If you are eating processed foods and drinking diet drinks you may find it difficult to see the results you desire. I would also take a look at how you are counting your excercise as it may be actually under the calories listed on MFP based on your level of fitness and how you move. You may also want to check portion control and use a scale initially until you get it right as a small difference can show up big at the end of the week.

    I would also recommend you do some weight bearing exercise for your bones and some light lifting will prevent any further muscle loss and build long term upper body strength.

    I agree with all who have commented! What ever you do do not get discouraged this is a lifetime path and you take it one step at a time.
  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    Thank you for your help
  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    I have will take every body's advice, thank you all for taking the time to reply, I will also measure myself and see if I lose inches