Low calorie rice alternatives?



  • Nellanad
    Nellanad Posts: 5
    go to your local asian store (or not so local) and get a bag of jasmine rice. They have 20 LB bags for $20 or somethin like that...1/2 cup cooked is only like 50 calories or so.
  • alex10121
    I don't know if any of you've heard of this, but black rice is amazing! It has a lot of fiber and fills you up a lot faster...it's not as low cal as cauliflower, but it's delicious and super filling! And I'm a rice lover so it's a great substitute. It's also a little lower calorie than high calorie rice like jasmine. Yeppppp (:
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Brown rice is more complex and better for you then white. You could also try quinoa which is a softer texture and full of protein.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Quinoa: This seed is an ancient source of protein, which the Incas considered sacred. Delicious in pilafs, salads, or with some vegetarian chili on top, quinoa has a unique texture that feels almost like a pop in your mouth. It has roughly 14 grams of protein per 100 grams of uncooked quinoa and contains a balanced set of essential amino acids, making it a very complete protein source. Before boiling, the saponins on the grains must be removed
  • bhbarros
    bhbarros Posts: 101
    The one thing I absolutely cannot part with is white rice. It's a staple of the Brazilian meal, and I just love it so much.
    I'm not too hung up on carbs (I stopped caring as much when I realized that a bunch of my favorite fruits are filled with carbs, and I wasn't about to limit fruit), so to me the question of white rice is just one of portion control.
    I try not to have more than 1/2-1 cup cooked a day.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Couscous: Made from durum wheat, couscous is a semolina pasta that is a staple of cuisines around the world, particularly in Northern Africa. In Morocco, couscous is served on Fridays after going to the Mosque. Traditionally, couscous is steamed three times, but modern preparations come par-boiled, allowing for quick cooking times.
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    I also second (or third) the cauliflower rice. I just take a head of cauliflower and grate some with a cheese grater and sautee that up with some olive oil, peppers, shrimp and low sodium soy sauce. YUMMMMYY!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I often use cous cous instead of rice :)

    You can also cook brown rice in some chicken stock, or some spices, to add a bit of flavour :)

    Yeah this ^ ...... I have to "flavor" my brown rice as well.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I roast veggies like pumpkin with garlic and salt. Or steam veggies - and have 2 cups worth instead of rice. I use low calorie rice noodles for stir fry also xx