Anyone achieved anything amazing in 6 weeks?



  • Charlotte_Ashbridge
    Charlotte_Ashbridge Posts: 18 Member
    Oooh - 16 June must be a popular day for weddings. I have one that day too. I think you just have to do the best you can in the time - eat well but smart and up the exercise. The less you have to lose the harder and slower it is. Even a couple of pounds makes such a difference though so don't get disheartened if the scales don't say what you would like them to. You look fantasic on your pics and will look gorgeous on the day too! X
  • MaryMoo0512
    I've been on MFP for 22 days and lost 13 lbs! 10 lbs in six weeks should be a piece of cake. Be encouraged and get after it! :)

    Wow! Congrats!
  • MaryMoo0512
    Oooh - 16 June must be a popular day for weddings. I have one that day too. I think you just have to do the best you can in the time - eat well but smart and up the exercise. The less you have to lose the harder and slower it is. Even a couple of pounds makes such a difference though so don't get disheartened if the scales don't say what you would like them to. You look fantasic on your pics and will look gorgeous on the day too! X

    Ah thank you :) I'm positive you will look lovely too! You're right, the scales are not that important. I'm trying to focus on building up my fitness and eating for health and the weight loss will hopefully come with that. Thank you for your support x
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    This was more like 8 weeks for me...I've lost 12 more pounds since the pic on the right. Don't know if it qualifies as "amazing", but I definitely feel like a new woman.


    WHOA that counts as amazing! omgosh...i'm starting to feel like i'm a slacker, hahaha.
  • DonnaE77
    DonnaE77 Posts: 5
    I have lost 45 pounds in 10 weeks........just through focus and REALLY wanting to reach my goal :smile:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    Definitely possible! I just checked what I lost in the first 6 weeks - 18lbs! I think as other people have said, the first half stone or so can come off pretty easy with normal improvements to diet and upping your exercise. Would you rather regret not trying for the next 6 weeks, or would you rather be proud you acheived something great? I know how I felt when I had to be bridesmaid, and I lost 30lbs to look good for it! x

    Edited to say I started at 183lbs and I'm 5ft3, currently just under 11stone :)
  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    It's totally possible and I'm proof. I don't have pictures to post yet because right now I'm deployed and don't have a full length mirror anywhere -- very sad face because I would love to see my progress. But anyway, in the last two months I have went from 159.7 to 147.8 (started MFP on Mar 6) so this was about 12 lbs in 8 weeks. I am 5'8" and pretty active, but I drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and 90% of the time net AT LEAST 1200 cals/day and thats eating my exercise cals! FREE FOOD why not! I have done a variety of different workouts (Insanity was my favorite but I've had to take a 2 week break since I hurt my back) but tried to work out at least 5-6 days a week at least burning 200 cal minimum. Yes, i've even added cheat days in there where I ate at least 1800 cals net. I say yes and eat the yummy food when it fits into my cals for the day, I haven't said no to many foods while being on a "diet" (except soda and obviously booze cause i'm deployed - haven't had either in 4 months) I just try and make 95% of what I eat something that benefits me in the long run verse empty cals that I won't get anything from and kill my cal limit for the day. You can do it! Good luck!
  • om98
    om98 Posts: 48
    yes you can do amazing job in 6 weeks just be serious about it
  • cleavagefurrow
    cleavagefurrow Posts: 47 Member
    Mine's not amazing, but we have very similar stats. I'm 5'4, started around 145lbs, and now I'm at around 138lbs. I say "around" because weight is not really a good indicator as it fluctuates depending on water retention and all that. Anyway, check out my blog for my pics:
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    If you lose any weight, then it would be a positive thing.. Go for it and you may be surprised at the results...
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I am not sure that my results fit amazing, but not to bad.

    Here is the link:
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    The responses to your request have been inspiring. Any progress will be wonderful and it appears that you are committed to being your best. I just wanted to add as a older, wiser person don't focus your efforts just on the event with a hard goal in mind. Focus on eating and exercising in a way that you are comfortable doing every day not just because an event is on the horizon. That way when the event comes and goes you are still on a healthy path and haven't set yourself up for failure. Track what you eat, keep within a realistic calorie goal and exercise. And most of all enjoy life!!!:smile: