I'm Mad



  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Your telling me to eat more? What!!!! I will try it out but if it backfires I will be very angry!

    Also more strength training it is........

    If you eat too little, your body will slow its metabolism to compensate. If you raise your calorie intake to an appropriate level, you may gain a bit at first, but it will soon go away as your body adapts.

    Don't be angry at the numbers, what matters is how you look and feel. The scale can be very deceptive.

    Couldn't have said it any better!
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    Genetics and family heredity often times rule here. Unfortunately we really can't spot reduce. Here is a great article that I have found
    that might help a bit. Be patient it will happen for you!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are 18, you are in your prime to pack on some muscle. Eat lots and lift heavy things
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    A male should eat no less than 1500 calories a day. If you aren't losing in your waist it's probably because you are losing muscle and not losing weight. Try eating no less than 1500 calories and work out. Do so strength training and then cardio after to burn the fat. (Weights before to burn carbs then cardio to burn fat.) Try reading Winning by Losing. It's helped me. I have lost more since I started reading it than I have for a month on weight watchers.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You are 18, you are in your prime to pack on some muscle. Eat lots and lift heavy things


    And stop being so angry.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Well i have been trying to do things right this time last time i lost weight i was loosing 4-6 pounds a week, eating 1100-1300 calories and running 3-6 miles a day seven days a week. I realize i was starving my self and oer doing it. That was two years ago i started having panic attacks and gained 25 pounds i am finally feeling better and started dieting i am just mad *kitten* hell.

    I been working out right and eating 1200-1500 calories i have gone from 198 to 189 but when i measure my waist i have only lost half and inch or less from my stomach! I realize that i wont reach my target weight lost before next Friday why have i not lost any inches of my waist when i am clearly loosing pounds?

    Try to eat 1500 calories or more a day. Drink plenty of water and try incorporating workouts that targets your waist into your workout routine. I believe if you try incorporating Tae Bo Insane Abs into your routine, you will see a difference.

    You can preview the workout on Collagevideo.com. See if your library carries it.
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    thats not enough weight loss to see inches off your waist. im about 37 pounds down with 4 inch loss of my waist lol so youll have to lose more to see more results in my opinion.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    thats not enough weight loss to see inches off your waist. im about 37 pounds down with 4 inch loss of my waist lol so youll have to lose more to see more results in my opinion.

    Eh... some of it is genetics though. I have lost 25lbs and 7 inches on my waist. It's just where I lose weight. Now, my hips and tummy are another issue all together, but some people have no problems there. There is no real "right" rate for weight loss versus inches in specific areas.

    I will also agree with the others that you need to eat more OP.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm really beginning to think this is a rather healthy kid with image issues.
  • VictorW2
    VictorW2 Posts: 18
  • VictorW2
    VictorW2 Posts: 18
    Your telling me to eat more? What!!!! I will try it out but if it backfires I will be very angry!

    Also more strength training it is........

    I have been in competitive bodybuilding and nutrition for 20 years. And I believe that the advice I give has changed many peoples lives and health. MY body fat is 11% and I still gain muscle slowly @ 45.

    Don't believe everything you hear or read, including me or anyone else. I am not asking you to believe me. Find out what works for you. If I went by charts and graphs and what the majority says, I would be overweight . Period. I know what works for me and has helped many of my fitness competitors and bodybuilding friends. Any one that wants to contradict anything, go ahead ! Hope it makes you feel better. Have an amazing Day !