New & wanna connect to support each other

Hi All,

After signing up quite a while ago I haven't quite got round to using this site properly or exercising consistently for that matter .
Recently decided that I had to make a start, so pencilled in 1st of May 2012 as Day One & I did start,.

Must say it's been a pleasure filling it in, as nearly every food I've had is on the list.

Where am I at?:
273 lbs or 19st 7lbs
Where I'd like to be (short-term Goal)?:
217 lbs or 15st 7 lbs

How long will it take to lose 56lbs?:
Losing a conservative 2lbs a week should take 28 weeks / 7 Months
So what is the Goal Date?:
Final weigh in : 20th November 2012

How am I going to go about it?
I have had stints at the gym when I go for a good 3 months or so and lose 2 or 3 stones (14-21lbs). But for one reason or another the regime has withered away and I've put on the weight again and usually more than I started with.

I've decided the only way I'm going to lose weight is to watch what I eat and to burn more than I consume - Simple Right?? LOL.
Having said that I want to do it the right way. Not starving myself or working my body to injury by capitulating to self-inflicted gym peer pressure (lifting or trying to lift or run/walk/x-train more than the level I am at. I understand at the same time I need to push myself.
Log as much as I can on here & hopefully make some good friends so we can help each other reach our goals.

What are my end Goals?

- Be more Healthy.
- Raise my self-esteem/confidence INTERNALLY as well as externally.
- To be able to run (a 5k or more non-stop).
- Enjoy buying clothes.

Thanks for taking the time to read and hope to connect with lots of you !!!
Wishing you every SUCCESS.


What is my long-term Goal?:
183 lbs or 13st 1 lbs
Target 45 weeks


  • michebo67
    michebo67 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, was nice to read your post too. I am a similar weight to you and have also lost weight in the past, but put it back again. This time I hope to lose and keep it off by taking it slow and not setting unrealistic goals. Lets hope by November we both have good news to share! x
  • HJMurray
    HJMurray Posts: 4
    I am a newbie too with a similar amount of weight to lose. I have tried to lose my weight lots of times but have never managed to find something i can stick to. Lets hope this is it :-)
    Wishing you lots of luck!! I would be happy to offer you support on your journey.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee. I started out at 304 and now weigh 204 3/4 lbs. I've lost this all since last September. I will be there for you along your journey. Please feel free to add me. I am on here several times a day.
  • twinmum1982
    twinmum1982 Posts: 31
    Im new have just started today, have about 60lbs or so to lose add me and we can support each other am gonna log every day.
  • Loozin
    Loozin Posts: 91
    Any more people out there?
  • normane5
    normane5 Posts: 10
    We have similar goals loozin, Let's do this!
  • melissab6968
    melissab6968 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started today and am looking for all the support i can get! You can add me and we can work together.