Is MFP weight estimation accurate?

Hi I was curious to hear from people who have found success on MFP about the weight mfp suggests on the food log. When it says "if everyday were like today you would weigh....." How accurate would you say that has been with you? For me I'm not sure what's wrong but it's been 2 weeks and i'm 228 and it's been saying I will weigh 208 in 5 weeks...but the scale hasn't been budging. Any ideas? Thanks


  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    It's just a simple formula and can't take into account any of the twists and turns of the weight loss journey - I ignore it.
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    20 pounds less in 5 weeks??? Are you eating all of your calories?
  • shatoora_amoora
    I actually am usually always under. Not because I intend to..but because that's how much I'm satisfied with..I checked a few members diaries and they were usually way under and lost a ton in a few months time. This can be so frustrating :(
  • shatoora_amoora
    I guess I'll try to and give myself another couple of weeks to see how things go. :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    might be worth sharing some numbers to see if you're getting some odd result for some reason.
  • shatoora_amoora
    Options what exactly?
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    THe quicker you loose weight, the more of a chance you have to gain it back.

    Have you run your BMR and TDEE yet? That is something you should do, and NEVER eat below your BMR. You are robbing your body of the nutrients it needs to survive and be healthy.

    Don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change.
  • shatoora_amoora
    I'm going to do my best to reach my daily calorie goals. THank you so much for everyones input :)
