weight loss/hair loss? 's



  • majaminceva
    majaminceva Posts: 10
    lack of vitamins and protein
    even ponytail, so
    -take some vitamin supplements for hair loss
    -laser hair loss therapy can help
    but first you must visit a trichologist and endocrinologist
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Bumping to see if anyone else with similar effects can chime in here!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Doc to rule out thyroid issues. Also, B complex with Biotin and 3 -6 -9 Essential Fatty Oils may help
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    That happened to me as well but I was going through lots of emotionally stress, I assumed it was from that.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    The only reason you would start losing your hair is if you're not eating enough or getting enough of the right nutrition. My best friend started losing her hair when she was suffering from an eating disorder. So examine how much you're eating and i's nutritional content. If everything there seems in order, it might be something else that just happened to coincide with the weight loss.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    This has happened to me and is happening right now due to stress. For me the other reasons seem to be one of the following:

    Low iron (I'm severely anemic and have to take lots of iron supplements)
    thyroid (It's stable now with meds)
    not enough dietary fat
    not enough nutrients
    ...and after my pregnancies
  • llw1013
    llw1013 Posts: 31 Member
    My calorie intake is around 1,500. I work out 5 to 6 day's out of the week. 2 days out of the week heavy weight lifting and cardio.
    My Doctor said hair loss is normal due to the use of hairspray. But he didn't run any test. And I'm still worried...I take one a day multi vitamins and iron pills.

    Hairspray use?? Not sure I believe that one; I am a spray queen and the only time I lost a significant amount fo hair was when I lost 50 lbs about two years ago. Turns out I was also anemic, so I got the Rx strength iron supplements. I also started taking spirulina, krill oil and astaxanthin. Not sure which helped the most, but now my hair is very full and luscious!
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    While it could be several different medical conditions, I have to vote with the majority of people here and think the culprit is most likely the very fast weight loss. Did the same thing myself years ago, was eating healthy but too restrictive and after two months, it started falling out. Had to up everything, especially my carbs and proteins, and it took my metabolism a good six months to recover. And, a doctor who knows about your quick loss and tries to brush this off as too much hairspray is a doctor I would be looking to replace. I'm sorry,
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I can probably pin point mine to lack of veggies in my diet. I think I will try the super b complex and biotin and start upping my veggie intake. I know its not lack of protein. That is the one thing in my diet that is always high.
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    This has happened to me too, but I have not lost weight quickly. I have lost my weight over the past year and a half. I happen to have hypothyroidism, and have had to have my med dosage adjusted several times while losing weight. I just started losing hair big time about 5 months ago, so I checked the nutrients I was getting and noticed that I was lacking protien big time. So for the past few months, I have been taking in more than what is suggested on here and have noticed some new hair growth. So I'm hoping I solved my hair loss issue...
  • frostymelissa
    It is common. Try biotin st 1000 per day according to the dietitians. Aldo up your protein to 80 per day which I know id really herd. I Also use nutri-ox shampoo and conditioners and hair serum. I'be lost 73.5 in 5 months.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    My hair started falling out and thinning while I was losing weight. I lost 60 lbs. in 4 months. Since then I slowed my weight loss. Another 40 lbs. in 4 months. I take multiple vitamins everyday along with calcium citrate plus D. My doctor increased my vitamin D and I am taking biotin. Since those changes my hair is filling in and growing again.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I have had the same issue for many months now during weight loss and for 2-3 months after. The Dr said it would stop when I stopped losing weight but he is completely useless. I lost at an average of 1kg a week when I was losing weight so not that fast. I eat heaps of protein and fat especially fish oil. My cals are now ave 2500 a day. I have had vitamin deficiencies, gluten intolerance and thyroid function tested and they came back fine. I take multi's, iron, liquid zinc, and eat a well balanced diet with loads of fruit n vege.

    I have just been tested for hormone levels and I am hoping it is the issue and can be corrected.

    Has anyone else had any luck figuring out the cause of their hair loss?
  • twinmom2006
    After my weightloss surgery, I lost a TON of hair (luckily I had a lot to begin with). I wasn't getting enough protein!!! Use a GOOD protein powder (whey for me worked best) ad your hair should stay in place!!! It can fall out in CLUMPS if your deficient! Just make sure it';s a good powder...some have other additives that are bad for you. READ labels! Hope that helps!
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    When I lost 135 pounds this happened to me, right around 90 pounds lost. Extra oil - I would add a tsp of olive oil or coconut oil to LOTS of things, and Biotin/ Vit B6 both helped - by the time I got close to goal my hair was looking better than pre-weight loss.
  • derrick1991
    It happens and its natural. When losing weight you put a major strain on the body. Due to all of the exercise and dieting. Its natural and it happens to the best of us.
  • keishakylejohnson
    keishakylejohnson Posts: 42 Member
    Im new at myfitnesspal and not sure if i'm even doing this right lol but sadly enough, it's just something that happens when you lose extensive amounts of weight.. I am going through the same issue right now, as do I every time I diet.. I am currently taking a vitamin called Cod Liver Oil (the pills not the actual oil) and it seems to be helping me.. It's also supposed to support digestive health and be good for your nails, skin, and hair.. Hope this helps you.. Any tips on weight loss?? I've done the carb diet for a yr and lost 73lb total, but am at a complete and total stand-still, but im not gaining.. I'd love to hear about your journey, you've done awesome :)
  • cbrewer1029
    Happened to me! Lost about 55lbs in roughly 6 months. Went to the Dr. and had some blood work done, just to rule some things out. Blood work came back normal and my Dr. was not concerned, at all (after I explained the method of weight loss and it was deemed healthy)! I was congratulated on my weight loss and was told to keep it up! Recommended I take a multi-vitamin. Within another few months, it started growing back in :-) My hair is pretty unruly right now, as the new growth tends to stick up all over the place.

    I would recommend visiting the Dr., just to be positive, however, as it could mean a nutrient deficiency amongst other things - BUT, not something I would stress about. It does kind of stink, because you are trying to do something healthy for your body and then your hair goes and falls out. hah!
  • spottinghawks
    So farI I lost 56 lbs with bariatric sleeve surgery in March 2014. Previously, 75 lbs by doing Atkins, I have at this point noticed the hair loss again. I use as per recommended by my physician 5000 mcg Biotin and jello or gelatin daily. If that doesn't help there is upping fat and protein intake, otherwise, Rogain is what helped me the first time. When your weight loss stabilizes and you hit your goal the hair loss will stop and regrow. Sometimes with a little curl to it. Just keep up balanced nutrition and supplement with a good multivitiamin (Bariatric vitamins are great, they consider nutrients that are lacking due to weight loss) My surgery allows for relatively normal vitamin absorption unlike bi-pass....and the bariatric vitamins are terrific just a little pricey. Good luck....I'd still rather be in better health and shape, with a little hair loss.