30-something gals with 10-30 lbs to lose...

shoegal517 Posts: 56 Member
Hey there!

Looking for some friends with similar goals to me- I recently started running (training for my first 5K on June 15) and am a total food/wine lover and find the diet piece hard for weight loss. Also interested in incorporating strength training into my routine. Looking for ladies with similar goals to cheer each other on!


  • cpashun
    cpashun Posts: 1
    Hey Shoegal,

    Good luck with your goal.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I'm 30 something and want to lose about 25lbs! I have a bad knee and back but I started the C25K recently and am making pretty good progress and the pain is easing up! I love tennis and that is my goal to get back into the game! I'm hoping to start weights soon too! I don't believe in "Dieting" as much as a life style change...aka I will eat what I want but in less portions and a lot less frequently! lol! Feel free to add me!! :-)
  • AyanaSan
    AyanaSan Posts: 93 Member
    I love shoes, strength training and I'm a runner. 36 too.. feel free to add me! :wink:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Hey, I'm 34 and a runner. I have about 15 or so pounds to lose still. I've been doing P90X for strength training.
  • sabrinahull
    sabrinahull Posts: 1 Member
    Right there withz you, week 4 of insanity and not seeing much difference yet:( hope that keeping up with others will help keep me motivated!
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    Your fitness goals are very close to mine. I'm 33 with at least 30lbs overall to lose. I had been running but quit for about six weeks. Tomorrow I'm starting the C25k program since I need the structure. I can definately use the encouragement and someone with similar goals also.
  • shoegal517
    shoegal517 Posts: 56 Member
    oh yay! Glad to see others w/similar goals....I've gained about 10 lbs since getting married in Sept. and just want to feel better and fit in my clothes. I've been doing Couch 2 5k for the second time but didn't get past week 6 last time (On W7D2). I'm starting to love running but have heard so much about "heavy lifting" and see so many people with amazing results from it...
  • shoegal517
    shoegal517 Posts: 56 Member
    Your fitness goals are very close to mine. I'm 33 with at least 30lbs overall to lose. I had been running but quit for about six weeks. Tomorrow I'm starting the C25k program since I need the structure. I can definately use the encouragement and someone with similar goals also.

    C25K is fabulous! I'd never been a runner and had the, "I can't run" mentality but am starting to love it (I seriously want to cry every time I finish a week that sounded impossible to me).
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm 36 years old and also love food and wine. I've learned how to remake some of my faves so that I don't lose out on the food I love and still drink as long as it fits in my calories. I've lost about 32 lbs and am working on the last 20.

    I've done the training for a 5K but can't bring myself to run outside. I'm also working with a trainer and starting to strength train. Feel free to add me.
  • Pretty_Mrs
    Pretty_Mrs Posts: 20
    I like this thread! I'm early 30s, plan to lose 30 pounds and am heading for day 2 of c25k tomorrow morning! Feel free to add me!
  • takkia177
    takkia177 Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great way to get support! I am 32, turning 33, and have over 100lbs to lose (close to 130). I just need to find more motivation and support, in order to do this. What can I do, everyone? I have the fitness pal app on my phone and it is great for logging in my progress. How do I not stray from this path every day? Any tips are welcome, please :)
  • shoegal517
    shoegal517 Posts: 56 Member
    I like this thread! I'm early 30s, plan to lose 30 pounds and am heading for day 2 of c25k tomorrow morning! Feel free to add me!

    Happy to have you added! P.S.- c25k is amazing! I'm telling you- I could barely run for 1 minute without feeling like I was going to die when I first started but now I'm able to go for 20 minutes and am looking forward to running my first 5K in 5 weeks!
  • otads12
    otads12 Posts: 5
    I am 37, and though I have more than 10-30 to lose I know this is something that is not easy regardless of the number someone is trying to lose. Now getting that mind set and getting over the frustration will in itself become the next obstacle for me to overcome. I was glad to see a group here in a similar predicament. (As far as the age and goals). My goal is to be able to start running again after losing my first 20 or so to prevent any joint damage to my knees, I have about 60 pounds to go on this weight loss roller coaster, but I am hopeful that I have found something here to help with this journey through interaction with others going through the same thing. :)
  • shoegal517
    shoegal517 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it! It's never easy- but it feels super good when you succeed and I'm becomming addicted to this site for support :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    hi and good luck to you!
  • Hey..I'm 30 and looking to shed about 10-15 more pounds! I'm a runner as well but gonna switch up to more weight training since I've reached that awesome plateau..feel free to add me and good luck on your journey!
  • otads12
    otads12 Posts: 5
    Thanks. I will have to figure out how to use this site and how follow message boards I interact with. :tongue:
  • ChrissyWCU
    ChrissyWCU Posts: 24
    Hi! I have been on this site for about 4 months and I love it! Lost 25 lbs so far and have about 10 more lbs to lose (I think!). Looking to vary my workouts and add some lifting...I bought a 20 session voucher for boot camp that I will be using soon. Please feel free to add me...look forward to losing with you:)
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Technically I'm not 30 yet, but I will be in 2 months… does that count? You, and anyone else who wants support and is supportive can add me! I'm getting back into running. I'm also really considering lifting. Just trying to find what works best for me at this point to FINALLY achieve my goals
  • mommy2maddox
    mommy2maddox Posts: 141 Member
    HI! My name is Adria and I am 33 years old. I have a 2 year old son and a husband. I gained 80lbs with my pregnancy and got up to 194lbs at his birth. I am now down to 139 but would like to lose another 20. These last 20-25 have been impossible for me....because I am doing AWFUL with my diet. I am in a slump right now and need encouragement.

    My husband and I are (Finally) going on our honeymoon this next Sunday the 13th. I wanted to be down to 120 by then but that didn't happen. I'm disappointed in myself and really bummed but I also realize I've done a pretty good job in the big picture.

    I love food, wine, shoes, drawing, reading, game nights, exercising, and sleeping! Please feel free to add me! Welcome~!