Ezekiel Bread?

Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
Has anyone here tried it? It's 100% Flourless bread made with sprouted grains, lentils, and no sugar. It sounds like a miracle bread for someone who wants to completely cut out processed flours.

Is it good? I want to know before I spend money on it.



  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    it is very very plain tasting... sooo if ur thinking of eating it by its self thennnn rethink it lol... but i like it... its okay when you make sandwiches with it and what not... i just think of the positive stuff that this bread has and it gets me through it lol... the raisin bread is better though...
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    yeh tastes great and I love it!!.. reason i dont buy it tho is because it goes bad like in a few days because there are no preservatives in it and bread is not my carbohydrate of choice, but if you eat bread a lot i would definately try it out there is more fiber and nutrients than any other type of bread.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    it's fine....taste different but i would keep it in the refrigerator to keep it from going bad too quickly
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    I've tried the Ezekiel hamburger buns and they were okay. I prefer the Ezekiel 7 sprouted grains bread, I've been eating it everyday since Thursday. It's really good toasted!

    p.s. My sister loves their tortillas!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I'm on Phase 2 of South Beach and slowly am adding bread back and I think I want to try this out. I never eat bread by itself...it would have PB on it or used for a sammich, etc.

    Is it in the bakery isle or where do you find it? I'd probably put it in the freezer and thaw a slice when I want it because I don't want to get too crazy on bread yet.

    How big are the slices?
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    It is generally found in the freezer section of the grocery store. I love their 7 grain bread, but it has been ages since I had any. Keeping it in the freezer works best! I've never had trouble taking out a slice at a time.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    They're kept in the freezer in the organic section of the Kroger I shop at. They're a little bigger than average size.
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    Ezekiel products are great - I have the Food4Life Ezekiel 4:9 english muffins. I toast these. As far as the sliced bread, I think it would be better toasted before one makes that sandwich, or has it along side another breakfast food. I LOVE sprouted grain products and yes, they are a godsend for those wanting to still eat some bread but don't want the refined flours.
  • abigailxox14
    I eat it every single day, it's great! It's a little higher on the calorie side (1 slice = 80cal ). But it has a good thick texture and taste and it fills you up.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Has anyone here tried it? It's 100% Flourless bread made with sprouted grains, lentils, and no sugar. It sounds like a miracle bread for someone who wants to completely cut out processed flours.

    Is it good? I want to know before I spend money on it.


    I made a similar "biscuit" for many years. Wheat, lentil, mung, and adzuki bean sprouts, sunflowers, raisins, and olive oil. Grind it all up to a paste in a food processor, then put it on a stone pan and dry it out.

    They came out more as a dry/crunchy biscuit than a bread (I tried making bread out of it - it was a DISASTER), but they were really good. They kept well, so I could take them hiking or kayaking. I took to calling them "lembas" (waybread). LOL.

    But I they did satisfy hunger in a hurry, provided lots of lasting energy, and had a good balance of carbs, fats, and proteins. You could practically live off the things with a little fresh fruit and a lot of fresh veggies.
  • coolbluecris
    coolbluecris Posts: 228 Member
    There is another kind made by the same maker, is it called Essene bread? Its similar, but is mostly sprouted wheat, and its much sweeter and nicer. I love the stuff.

    You have to toast it.

    Its nice with Flaxseed oil (you must put Flaxseed oil on COOL toast), and avocado, with mineral sea salt. Yum !!
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    I tried the low sodium one & it tastes kinda plain like someone else mentioned, but I still love it. I'd prefer that over processed bread any day! :)
  • lovellboys
    lovellboys Posts: 2
    I eat a slice of toasted Ezikiel bread every morning. It is something you need to get used to though. I keep it in the freezer since technically the bread is 'alive', meaning it's made with sprouted grains. I use a bit of almond butter on it as well and include a cup of fresh berries to complete my breakfast.

    I am new here, but it seems this website is not tailored to low glycemic diets. I am a borderline diabetic, so I am concerned with low GI foods, not necessarily calories. I eat things with that have a minimal impact on my blood sugar....so only good carbs.

    Can anyone point to a thread that addresses this type of diet? Thanks!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I bought some this morning! The normal grocery store had it when I walked past the frozen bread section, so I bought a loaf. It's spendy. $4.89 for the loaf. I bought the sprouted sesame one and I really like it.

    It IS very filling. I ate it with natural peanut butter and sugar free peach preserves and OMG! This stuff is GOOD!

    I put a couple slices in a plastic bag and put it in the fridge for the week. I'm limiting myself to one slice per day (I'm on the south beach diet).

    The rest of the loaf went back into the freezer.
  • danabrash
    danabrash Posts: 67
    I buy eight loaves at a time at Trader Joe's since they have by far the best price around and I have a huge freezer.

    Love it with a little almond butter, or I dip it in some egg yolk at breakfast.

    My kids love it too.

    I can't go back to that air fluff stuff, I prefer the hearty yumminess of sprouted grains. :)