Weight Watchers..........

Ok so I have been doing this site counting calories and such and I absolutely love it. It works really great for me. Well I tried getting my family to use it and I couldn't get anyone to use it. Well, I have two ppl in my family who have chosen to use weight watchers which is counting carbs protein and something else using a point system. Weight Watchers is the exact same thing as myfitnesspal, only my fitness pal is FREE!

Well with all the talk between two family members (one a user of weight watchers and the other a non user of anything) the non user thinks i should do weight watchers. I'm beyond annoyed because this app is the same thing and it's free and I have lost weight using it.

So being nice and supporting the weight watcher user I asked her questions about it like how many points she's allowed and she talked about how she can eat what she wants just stay within her points. Ha, same thing I'm doing only it's FREE and oh yeah I can work out and eat more.

My goal is to continue using this app and lose all the weight I'm wanting to and get nice and toned and fit for FREE! I want to prove this app along with doing home exercises and watching my intake is all it takes. I don't pay for a gym or for an app to help me watch what I eat.

In the end not paying for anything to lose weight is going to show how great this app is and how not spending $240 a year for an app is even better.

Just had to vent.


  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    Weight Watchers isn't "the exact same thing as myfitnesspal". With WW you get weekly support meetings and the accountability of weighing in. When I attend WW, I lose, when I don't attend, I gain my weight back. Some people can do MFP alone and do fine, but others need support.

    For me, I don't care for WW's new Points Plus program - I prefer the MFP food journal, so I am tracking my food and calories here rather than on WW etools. That said, the meetings and accountability of standing on a scale in front of someone else is something you aren't going to get from MFP and that is part of what your two family members are paying for.

    Just food for thought....no pun intended. :)
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    i am doing weight watchers on my own - for free.
    i was a meeting member when points plus was introduced, so i have the materials and knowledge.
    i made a points tracker in excel - and use this site for my 'support'.
    i didn't care for the meetings because i found it was mostly a platform for outspoken regulars.
    new and/or quiet people didn't get to say much.
    it wasn't really for me.
    i find the support here is fantastic and so helpful - more than meetings ever were (for me).

    however, i do LOVE points plus - calorie counting is so not for me.
    with points plus i don't have to count most fruits and vegetables - that is so HUGE for me.
    it really gets me eating more of the good stuff!

    to clarify - you do get activity points with weight watchers.
    if you do activity, it's worth points.
    those points can be eaten throughout the week.

    i think the tools on this site are wonderful and it's so great that they're free!!
    but i am a dedicated weight watcher girl myself.
    it really is a great program!
  • pamwil88
    pamwil88 Posts: 24
    I think that's why I am going to try weight watchers because I will be held accountable.
  • kjd153
    kjd153 Posts: 40 Member
    As a former Weight Watchers member, I can speak to this a bit. If accountability is what you need, weigh-ins are great. However, I was discouraged by the desire of WW to sell their products (which, by the way are not the best if you are trying to eat a "cleaner" diet) and the focus on family issues at meetings (I am child-free). I understand some WW centers may approach this differently and not push the products as much. I also didn't like having to always know/and or calculate points. I find it much easier, and probably more sustainable going forward, to simply count calories - they are what they are. I never lost more than 10-15 pounds during any of my stints with WW. I have had more success with MFP.

    In any event, whatever works best for an individual is what they should be doing - it just takes some of us a little longer to figure it out!
  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    I will say that finding a meeting that is a good fit is key. I have been to plenty of meetings where I hated the people and I hated the leader...thus, I would quit. A bad leader can make or break it for sure. My leader gets everyone involved - makes a point to reach out to the quiet and shy so they are included. She is really good about not pushing products - she'll mention cookbooks often but she doesn't push the edible product, which is no better than any 100 calorie pack in the grocery store! She doesn't just follow the "lesson" for that week either...always brings something personal and a group discussion into it. She really is amazing! Totally worth my $10/week IMO.
  • jvansyckel
    jvansyckel Posts: 45
    100% on the mark Two2Love. The WW leader and meeting karma will make or break your experience and your success. I tried and failed at WW for years until one day I found a meeting and a leader who changed my life!! She was beyond awesome. Because of her I "became weight watchers" and was successful for first time at reaching my goal and lifetime membership. Since 2007 I had been successful at maintaining with in 5 -10 pounds.

    However in the last year I have now reached over 20lbs and found it hard to get back on the motivation train. The leader I loved has since moved on and I have not been able to embrace the new points plus system and find it difficult to stick to and follow for some reason. My friend told me about this site so I thought I would try it. LOVE IT!! It is just like WW on-line you just track calories instead of points but I find it easier to track and the database ROCK!!

    I totally believe in the WW program, the values and the tools it taught me. This site has the community and support as do the meetings. and it is FREE.

    Some people need the live interaction of going to the WW meetings, and the accountability of having to "officially" weigh in. I was that person once. But now I have the confidence and the tools to do it on my own here.
  • jayneduque
    jayneduque Posts: 3
  • loseforlife718
    loseforlife718 Posts: 3 Member
    Funny I was just having a conversation about this at work on Friday. I was a devout weight watchers junkie for years. I lost 25lbs of baby weight and for the 1st time since college was under 140lbs. For me the accountability was important but the leader (and my weight loss buddy at work) was the key to my success. I have been to meetings where the leader was terrible and I have been to ones where they are AMAZING! At that time in my life I needed that support. Now I find the new points plus program not working well, I gained my usual 5lbs of “winter weight” and I had been struggling to get it off. I don’t have time for meetings and I don’t want to pay now that I am more than 2lbs over goal. So here I am very excited to already feel better and maybe a little lighter. I agree this app is very similar to weight watchers online in regards to tracking what you in and how much you exercise. However, I think weight watchers (if you find the right mtg/leader) can provide some extra support for those who are just starting a weight loss journey or who need that extra support. Both are good programs in their own way. (It is nice to save the $12/month I was paying for online at WW!!!)
  • I just joined WW, and so far it is requiring me to stick to the points and watch what I eat. I have not gone to my first weigh in yet, but I am looking forward to the motivation from other members. The program is offered through my work, which maintains a sense of comfortability since I know many of the other members.

    Does anyone have any pointers on sticking with the pprogram
  • Abigaillee15
    Abigaillee15 Posts: 100
    I am on Weight Watchers with my mom and sister in law as a support system (and to possibly lose a few pounds I gained in college) and I must say I really like it so far. A lot of people dis WW because it's expensive. But I feel like since I'm paying for it I WANT to lose the weight more than ever. Yes MFP is free, but it's also very lenient and causes me to slack off and keep pushing my goals further and further down the road. I like WW because it's a set plan and holds me accountable.

    I'm also tracking my calories on MFP too, and I like the extra support on here as well! Try both! :)
  • daphnegetnfit
    daphnegetnfit Posts: 175
    I am happy MFP works for you - I switched from WW to MFP because it is free - I stopped losing weight I was just maintaining. I am now back on WW Etools and losing weight. MFP is not the same as WW. MFP works for some to loose weight, not others. Same with WW. I am doing on line only and this time decided to use the community section. I LOVE IT - you make friends and it is a more personalized approach than the MFP newsfeed.

    So what I am trying to say is if MFP works for you - that is great. If WW works for someone else that is great too. The main goal is to loose weight and use whatever helps you achieve that goal.
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I did ww for just over a year. It all depends on what you need. I like that ww gives you encouragement and little lectures to take away for the week. I like the accountability of facing the scale. I don't like the new points plus, which didn't work for me. I don't like their over-processed diet junk food at a premium price. I don't like that you have to learn their language - points, good health guidelines, etc. I started double tracking to see how high the carbs were and ended up staying with mfp. You're right - it's the same set-up for free IF you seek out support, make yourself weigh in and have the discipline to exercise. Also - I passed my one year mark and noticed that the little lectures were on a one year repeating loop. Id never go back.
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    I guess I'm with the OP, I've never done WW, but I've had the most amazing support through MFP! I've lost 92 lbs because of the great posts and inspirations I see day to day by my friends and threads on here---and I didn't spend one dime! Weight loss is a mind-set, you either have it, or you don't. Accountability?? I have that HERE, and on my scale at home! I have accountability when I shop for groceries and I put food in the basket. I have accountability when I turn on my computer and log my foods. If you can't make up your own mind to do it, how will you lose?? Are these same people going to wake you up in the morning when you don't feel like going to work? YOU are your own accountability, because no one person can make you do what you do, only YOU! :happy: