I just don't want to log my food anymore, boo.......

So during the summer I'm very busy and always outside doing things. I just don't want to take the time to log my food anymore! With salads and bbq's to eat it's very hard to calculate the calories anyway. I'm training to run a 5K so my activity level is up and my weight is stable. Maybe I will take some time off the constant worry of logging and just live life and stay active. If I lose weight great if not, then maybe my body is happy at it's current weight.
Does anybody else feel this way and are we setting ourselves up for failure?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Does anybody else feel this way and are we setting ourselves up for failure?

    I have taken considerable time off from logging food.

    As far as setting yourself up for failure I think this entirely depends on the individual. It sounds to me like you need a break. I'd keep close tabs on your bodyweight/body composition and if things start to go south on you, resume tracking.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I found in the past that when I don't want to log my food it's because ultimately I'm planning on going off track. I mean obviously not "planning" to go overboard, but that deep down I know it's going to happen and I don't want to be accountable to myself for it. Cheers to you if your case is different- I just know the outcome has not been favorable for me in the past.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I stopped logging for a long time once, and I only put on about 5 lbs. I am totally convinced that I could stop logging and stay pretty close to my current weight with no problem. The only reason I keep logging is because I want to go further, so I'm trying new things to get me there. But, if I was happy with my weight and activity and I didnt feel like logging in mattered to me much, I'd totally go off it for a while, but monitor the scale just in case. And, come back if it get out of whack.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm glad your active, thats one thing I cant totally say about myself right now. I feel the same where everything just seems to tiring and even thinking about loggin makes me feel exhausted... I stopped for about 2 days over the weekend though I was conscious of what I did eat, pretty much ate exactly what I eat during the week so I know I didnt go over.. but I think in the end you will set yourself up for failure..

    Have you reached your goal weight? If you have then maybe you should be a maintenance and eat more anyways.. might take the thought of loggin all those bbq's off your mind. When I was logging at 1850 I wasnt worried about anything I knew I could eat out.. etc and still be at my calorie goal. And though I do believe in eating more to lose weight it helped me lose 2 pounds past my stall.. I havent lost anything since so I am going to go back down to like 1500.. I want to lose and i just cant find the right means to lose it by,..
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    The fact is, you can't count calories for the rest of your life. You must learn how to control your eating, what your body needs and in what quantities... I think it's great to take the summer off of counting and doing it on your own. Then reassess your situation in fall and see if you should go back to counting or if you can maintain on your own.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Are you making logging a bigger deal than it needs to be? It takes me less than 5 minutes a day to log. It shouldn't be causing you worry.

    Logging is about accountability and tracking. It's not about burdensome work.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Do you have a smartphone? If so, you could download the app. I love it! And use it all the time. I really like how you can scan bar codes and it automatically will add the food item to your diary.

    I am with you though! When I am really busy, I don't log my food. But I am very aware of what I am eating. I do think that logging everything in MFP has taught me what healthy portions look like. And also I really started looking at the calories in the food that I am about to eat when in the past I would just eat it without thinking twice about it.

    To me, this isn't a diet. It is a life change. If you can stay committed without logging your food every day, then you will be just fine!
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I feel like a break probably could do some good if you feel like your weight is stable, you're active, and you now probably have a really good idea of what calories and portions look like. If your weight starts creeping up you can always start counting again.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    take the break and keep doing what youre doing...im sure you'll be fine and a gain of a few over the summer isnt the end of the world nor the end of your lifestyle change for the better!! youve got this - and good luck on your 5K!!!
  • beachgirl10
    beachgirl10 Posts: 54 Member
    I hear you, but I also realized that If I don't log my food I have a tendency to eat more and therefore to not lose weight :( Maybe you can right it down on a piece of paper and at the end of the day, you take 10mins to enter everything. It's a small effort to make, for big results!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I stopped logging a few months ago and i have lost 3 lbs in 6 weeks and losing body fat as we speak. I have also continued to increase my strength and definition. Once you have good habits it isnt required to track calorie. Some days i go over and some i am under but i stay active and make smart food choices. If i know i am gonna have pizza i will eat less snacks or workout longet or go extra healthy the next day.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    The fact is, you can't count calories for the rest of your life. You must learn how to control your eating, what your body needs and in what quantities... I think it's great to take the summer off of counting and doing it on your own. Then reassess your situation in fall and see if you should go back to counting or if you can maintain on your own.

    great advice :)
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1143 - Interesting study saying people who track the food they eat / calorie intake lose twice as much on a diet (From American Journal of Preventive Medicine).

    As other people are saying though, it's ultimately about self awareness and control - tracking is just a tool to do those things.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I have lost weight and gained it back (plus some) more than I care to remember. This time it's forever, I don't plan to ever stop logging! It only takes a few minutes and does not seem like a chore to me. However, if it is worrysome to you, it might be worthwhile for you to take a break. =)
  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    I feel that way sometimes too. Logging food isnt a time issue for me sometimes its just a stress issue. even if I have hundreds of calories left for the day i start to stress as i see the number get smaller and smaller. I took a break last year and unfortunately put on a considerable amount of the weight i had lost.... like all of it. but I also was partying alot more then, and cut way back on the intensity of my workouts.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    I don't think going off calorie counting and/or obsessive logging is a bad thing provided you know your making good choices and are being active.

    The way I see this website is as follows;

    As it was said before, calorie counting and keeping every tiny detail of everything you do for everyday is simply not realistic as a life-long goal. Nor should it be.This website, to me (not that it is for everyone), is a way to learn and change my eating habits and see my growth and personal change. I am now aware of what X amount of calories looks like, of what it FEELS like in my stomach. I know where the best calories come from, and how to get them. I am able to know that doing X amount of Y exercise will burn off approximately A mount of calories, and I'll be able to keep myself on track.

    MFP is a place I go to see in the simplest no-nonsense way what is going on with my body. I won't always need, or want, MFP for this purpose and I believe that 'weaning' off such a system is part of living a healthy lifestyle when we know just what our bodies need and how to get that. I believe that when we come to a point where we no longer log our activities and consumption, but continue to live actively and healthy is when MFP has done it's job.
  • coachpzizzle
    coachpzizzle Posts: 11 Member
    I'm with @MoreBean13. I usually make the decision to stop logging because I know, deep down, that I'm going to go off track. For me, it's truly a way to hide my head in the sand because I'm just tired of being accountable. To each his own, and if you feel like the tracking isn't something that necessarily keeps you on track, take the break you feel you need.

    Even though I have a good idea of what constitutes a healthy portion or a good choice, I still feel that when I've gone an extended period without logging in anything, I get comfortable letting poor choices slide until I reach a point where occasional cheats become commonplace.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    The fact is, you can't count calories for the rest of your life.

    Of course you can count calories for the rest of your life. You don't HAVE to, but you certainly CAN. Its what keeps many people on track and isn't very hard to do. Now, maybe you can't "be on a diet" for the rest of your life, it needs to be an actual lifestyle change to be a long-term success. But for some people the counting of calories is part of the life style change.
    You must learn how to control your eating, what your body needs and in what quantities...

    This is very good advice! Getting in tune with your body is part of long-term success. But it is easier for some than for others. I am still working on this even though I've been in maintenance for almost a year. Separating what my body needs from what my taste buds want isn't always easy :)

    If you think you want to take the summer off, by all means give it a shot. Keep an eye on the scale and/or your measurements, and if you start gain, just come back and start logging again. And if you are able to do it without logging, Good for you!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I actually lost most of my weight(60+pounds) without counting calories. I started with journaling (in a notebook) everything I ate, but I never actually counted the calories. After about 6 months, I stopped doing that and continued with eating healthy. Then every so often, if I got frustrated with a plateau, or worried because I wasn't exercising enough, I'd start journaling again. I only started on MFP several weeks ago, because I've got my body to the point that it is very difficult to lose any more. So for me, it was something new to try and I was curious to actually calculate what I'm taking in and putting out. But it is entirely possible to lose weight without it, if you eat healthy and hold yourself accountable.
    The whole point of tracking your food is to understand what you are putting into your body, and to keep yourself accountable. If you have learned to do that for yourself, than you should feel empowered and maybe give it ago without logging. Keep track of your weight and if you notice any upwards fluctuation, you can always go back to logging again.
    One other thing to keep in mind, sometimes logging calories or a food journal can really help you to keep track of all your little splurges. A cheeseburger here or an ice cream sundae every once in a while is not a bad thing. The problem is when once in a while becomes a couple times a week. I always found the food journal helped me to keep that in check.
  • barbaradilisio
    I have taken a break from logging food and it didn't turn out too well for me. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and before I knew it I was back at the weight I started. I'm sure I won't track everything I eat forever, but as of right now, MFP really helps me stay on track.