Question for all you working parents out there



  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I decided my meals were going to be less of an issue - giving me more time to spend with my family and myself - I am the consumate crockpot cooker! Buy a crockpot and a recipe book and meals are ready when you are. During that old prep time do your workouts - walk with your fam, play with the 2yo, do a 30 min turbo jam or dvd - all burn incredible calories and give a great workout. After dinner go back to being super mom and help with homework as you clean up from dinner - start some new routines - your kids will love being part of helping you be healthy and save the vacuum/suzy housekeeper crap for weekends or when they are older - who cares if there is a layer of dust - the kids are only young once!
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    Kind of in the same boat. I have a 2 yr old too.
    Like others said, I make time for workout during the lunch time.

    Other small things that help:
    1) Take the longest route to the restroom at work :)
    2) Take stairs instead of elevators everywhere and anywhere possible
    3) Stand up when on phone at the desk

    Eat less at nights and don't cut too much slack on weekends!

    Hope this helps!
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I have to work out in the morning at 4:45 am. It was the only time I could find the uninterupted time to workout, and it gives me energy throughout the day. I suggest getting a nice thorough stretch before you start.
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    Instead of taking a lunch hour, I work out during lunch and eat lunch at my desk!

    ^^^ This. If I didn't fit it in at lunch, it wouldn't regularly happen. I have also had to realize that I can only do so much in a day, so it's detail cleaning on the weekends. The cleaning during the week gets done in 5 minute intervals when an opportunity presents itself. It means that the toilets get scrubbed, but not necessarily the whole bathroom at once, etc

    You have to take time for you, or you'll go bonkers! Once you start, it will get easier.

    I wish I was a morning person so I could get it in before work, but that hasn't worked for me yet...
  • mindyc2011
    mindyc2011 Posts: 17 Member
    Due to a few things, I have not worked out in over a month. I can tell you, that when I was taking an hour every day for myself to workout, my home was cleaner than it is now. You need to make the time for yourself. I'm a single mom of two and my workout was from 7-8...I got home, started dinner, fed the kids, dishes, homework, etc....worked out for an hour, then got the kids ready for bed. I had more energy, moved faster, became more organized. Its amamzing what I thought for so long was impossible, made everything easier! Mind you, I had to plan meals ahead, did some extra cooking on the weekend...but it is worth it...I can't wait to get back to it this week!
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I'm up at 4 or 4:30 AM to train. If morning workouts weren't an option I'd be stuck.

    Yep, same here....

    Same for me- I sometimes am able to sneak in an evening run while the hubby makes dinner. Just a quick mile or two, but enough to make me sweat :o)

    That said- it took me a full month to get into the swing of waking up early and then actually having the energy to push hard through a workout. But once it clicked I realized I feel great during the day I get a work out in, and those days that I don't--- it shows for sure!

    It's hard momma- but it's worth it. It gets easier the more you do! Best of luck!
  • jskibicki
    jskibicki Posts: 1
    I have a 2 year old and 4 year old at home, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I work an hour away from home, so I leave the house at 7:00 a.m. each day and return at 5:30, just in time to get dinner ready. I am not a morning person, but have found the only way to get a good workout in is to get up at 5:00 a.m. It sucks and I hate doing it, but after I work out, I feel so much better each day. I am exhausted by the end of the day, but I am if I don't get up and work out too. One thing that helps me - when the kids go to bed at 9:00 - 9:30, I'm right behind them and seldom see the 10:00 news.
  • newlife4cindy
    newlife4cindy Posts: 44 Member
    I have 3 kids as well. But my schedule goes like this:
    I wake up at 5a.m. and go to work (1 hour commute).
    I get back in town at 4:30 p.m. Pick up kids and get home by 5:00 pm.
    I get their food ready and then pop in my dvd.
    I WORK OUT WHILE THEY EAT SUPPER. The rooms are open to each other so we still have somewhat of a conversation. Complete by 6:30 p.m. or so. I fix dinner for myself and hubby (i try to have meals that take 30 min or less to prepare).
    If they have homework, they do it during this time (or after school but before I pick them up). Most of the time it is complete by the time i get them (thank you grandparents!)
    Then it's bath and bedtime.
    After the kids are in bed, i will fix their lunch/backpack for the next day and have about an hour before i go to sleep at 10p.m.

    I have found that it is much easier to get all this done without going to the gym - I used to do that, but I just didn't have time to cook and have them eat and then go workout. Plus, the kids see me exercise and sometimes join in.
  • lesanncan
    lesanncan Posts: 70 Member
    My son will be 2 in June so I feel your pain! I work M-F 7am-3:30pm with a 30 min commute. I TRY my best to wake up an hour early to do a 30 min workout +shower and get ready (but i LOVE the snooze button) i try to do the workout when i get home either put Darryn a movie on in the other room (doesnt work very well usually ends up with Darryn trying to do the workouts with me or me stopping b/c he has gotten hurt or into something) or wait until my fiance gets home and the play together. i wanted to workout 6 days a week 1 hour a day but i usually only get in 3-4 days 30-60min hope you can find an easier way!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    I do 20 mins a day thats all. So I can manage that.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    it's really hard. For me, not only do I work fulltime, single mom and have 2 elementary aged kids but one of them is a competitive cheerleader so we are at the gym 4-5 nights a week and they both play soccer so we are on the soccer field on saturdays. I try to make time at work on my lunches to take at least a 20 minute walk. My philosophy is it's better than nothing. If I had a partner at home, I would walk after the kids went to bed but I don't so I fit in where I can.

    Just remember your house doesn't have to be perfect if it means you get a little me time. Or if you think it does, work stuff into your routine. Do squats while washing dishes, as you carry a load of clothes, do lifts with the basket. Just remember, every little thing counts. Instead of doing the dishes right after dinner, while your little one is still up, go outside and play tag or soccer and do the dishes after the 2 year old goes to sleep.
  • teinepalagi
    teinepalagi Posts: 86 Member
    Sometimes the house is a little messy. I've gotten over it. :)

    I've realized that I need to put myself first (on occasion) and I've asked my husband to step up in that department. I work full time and so does he (the housework shouldn't always fall on me).

    I do get up early and I try to workout over my lunch hour. And I keep repeating to myself....this makes me a better mother, a better wife. And now I really do believe that......

    Good luck...I know how hard this can be.....
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 676 Member
    It is very hard, I have an 8 month old girl and she is very demanding and not because she's a baby! I literally talk myself out of bed in the mornings before work. Most of the time it works. I am stiff also when I wake up, my weight causes my back and knee pain. Start off with a wallking workout in the morning and stretching after and you will feel better, and try baby steps make it every other day and work your way up to every day if you choose. Good luck.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    I work from home three days per week. On the days I go into the office, I wake up at 4:20 to work out. On the days I work from home, I get up around 5:15 a.m. I would never get it done if I didn't do it first thing in the morning. I started waking up at 4:20 when I started running a year ago. At that time, I worked in the office five days a week, and I have a 90 minute commute. You get used to it.

    I have two kids, so I know it's tough, but if you want to do it, you need to make time to get it in.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I get up at 3:30 am to make it to the gym at 4:30.

    If I couldn't work out early, I would not be able to.
  • edmercdeleted
    My wife and I have two kids. We would never be able to work out before work. After work is a no go as well.

    We both work out in the middle of the day during our lunch breaks. As an added bonus, it really helps the day go by quickly.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I work night shifts. I sleep while my oldest is at school. A few afternoons a week, the family goes for a walk or bike ride. At least once every other week, we have date day/night. We leave the car at home and bike to and from our destination. Sometimes we'll bike to the lake and hike up there. We both started out exhausted, but our energy levels in general have improved over time. I do the dishes& laundry and sweep up, but the heavy cleaning waits for the weekend.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    go for a quick power walk during your lunch break. take the stairs if you're building has more than one floor. make your workout a family workout.

    i only have one child (he'll be 4 next month), but i can still relate. i used to think, i don't have time to work out, i don't have the energy when i get home from work. but when i started MFP, i started taking my son with me to a trail near my house that has a playground at one end. i'll walk with him in his stroller, and when i'm done, i'll let him play at the playground. not only is it a break from house duties, but it's also his break from being in the house all day. i also bought an elliptical which i use on days i don't go to the trail. i'll do 30-45 minutes and during that time, my son will either be napping or busy playing. i also have a couple of tae bo dvds that he jumps around to while i'm kicking and punching. lol.

    check out this article. maybe it'll help:
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I know some people may not have this luxury but I do a lot of my working out during my lunch break. I get an hour and typically walk about 4 miles in that time. Doing that 5 days a week and you are up to 20 miles of walking. I also do an hour gym class on Weds. nights and on Saturday mornings. Even if you only have a 30 minute lunch time jump up and go for a quick walk.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I am SOOO not a morning person.

    I walk on my lunch hour 2-3 days a week, and run after work 2-3 days a week. I have a work schedule where I get off at 4 some days, and 5 others - I run on my 4:00 days, and lunch walk on my 5:00 days. If I don't run / walk, I will do a 45 minute session on Wii Zumba or randomly pick a p90x dvd to do. Sometimes I randomly do crunches or push-ups, or curls and stuff with my weights for the heck of it.

    I am a single mom, full-time worker with a crappy long commute, and a full-time online student. My kids at home are 12 and 4. The 12 year old does dishes, and really, aside from laundry, general picking up, and cleaning my bathroom occasionally (I'm kind of a nut about it), not much other cleaning gets done during the week. I also batch cook on the weekends, so dinner is typically a thaw-n-heat meal, where I just have to cook the starch (for example, spaghetti sauce is fine to freeze and reheat, but the noodles aren't, so they get cooked while the sauce is heating).

    This actually works really well for us. I work on school assignments and studying after the kids are in bed. I spend time with each of my kids every day (except for the weekends they spend with their dad, obviously). I don't feel rushed. I don't feel like I am not making the most of my time. I don't feel overwhelmed or like I am not accomplishing everything I need to. Yes, sometimes I fall a little behind on school, but I have always managed to get caught back up within a couple of days.

    Right now I am training for a half marathon. I do my long runs every other weekend when the girls are at their dad's. This kind of sucks because it makes a 12 week training plan take 24, but, I have time, I started it early knowing what kind of schedule I was working with.

    It really just takes planning and getting used to. I am almost done with my 2nd year of school, so, I have had time to get this worked out :smile: