Question for all you working parents out there



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I tried getting up early, but I had to leave to get to the gym before my oldest had to leave to catch the school bus. That resulted in him missing the bus several times.

    I am lucky enough to have a gym at my work place. I now go during my lunch hour. It takes 10mins to get down there and change clothes, work out for about 35 mins, then it takes 15 mins to shower, change and get back to my desk. Then I eat at my desk while I work.

    On weekends, if it doesn't conflict with my husband's work schedule and the kids' sports schedules, I go to a Zumba class Saturday mornings.

    As another posted said, you really got to WANT it, to find a way to fit it in. I have to get downright stubborn about it sometimes. And yeah...the housework is suffering and by the weekends, I can barley get into the laundry room. Gotta choose your battles....
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I work from my home office most of the time. When I do that, I workout at lunch. I snack all day so missing lunch isn't a big deal to me. When I am traveling, I workout in the morning but I am typically staying in a hotel so the kids aren't with me.

    Once a routine is established, it does get better. I suggest writing down your days and plan them out exactly. You just need 1 hr every other day :) . My kids work out with me a lot. I go for walks with my 3 yr old in the jogging stroller and my 6 yr old on her bike. They love it. They have also done weights and Insanity with me. I can say my house is messier but I really don't care. lol. I have become a better planned. I plan meals, I plan my workouts.

    Good Luck!
  • k80mac
    k80mac Posts: 63 Member
    I used to go during lunch, even if I could only squeeze in 25 minutes, that was 25 min more than what I was doing otherwise. I joined the Y near my (old) job and that's how I was able to squeeze it in.

    Since then I changed jobs and I have alittle more flexibility (but not much) Now I work through lunch (b/c I have to anyway to take work calls) and leave at 4:00. I hit the gym on my way home, get a good hour in and can still pick up my kids at 6:00.

    I had to choose to pay $ for convenience, and I had give up time doing something else to claim that time for myself - for me, that time is 100% ME time now and it makes me so much better to handle each day (stress/physically feeling better/emotionally feeling better etc etc)
  • jenniferpena2008
    What you will begin to realize is that you HAVE to make time. Then, you will gain energy and it won't be such a drag.
    I have a three year old and a nine month old. I am a full-time teacher. I lived 250+ miles away from anyone I know, so I don't have anyone that can watch my kids, ever. I cook dinner almost every night (lunch and breakfast, you're on your own, hunny!).
    I always said I didn't have time also which is why I gained so much weight. Then I realized, I just wasn't utilizing my time, and I had crazy expectations for myself. First of all, my laundry is never all done. I have learned that it's ok to let the pile grow a little before I do laundry. I don't get to mop every single day and I quit vacuuming every single day. I have had to learn that my house is not always going to be spotless, and that's ok. My kitchen does stay clean because I'm a little OCD about bugs lol.
    My schedule is that I get up at 5:30 for work. Do what I need to do, wake up both kids and get them ready. I take them to school and commute for an hour to work. Do my teaching thing. Drive to pick up the boys and go home. The first thing I do when I get home is take care of any of the kiddos' needs. Bottles, juice, dinner etc. I immediately then work out, at home. Going to the gym does not utilize my time efficiently. The commute, waiting for machines etc. It's a waste. I spend 45 minutes to an hour working out on most days. Then I spend time with the boys, clean, get the stuff ready for tomorrow and shower. I still manage to get into bed by 10 most days.
    It's all about prioritizing and for me, my house was a priority. Now, my health is the priority. I'm happier, my husband is happier, my son is happier because I can finally go outside and run and play soccer with him. You can do it if you really want to.
  • EMagineBeingEMazing
    20/30/60 minutes/however much time you can fit in - FAMILY DANCE PARTY!!! You don't have to have a dance video game - just turn on the stereo and get it. Work up a sweat! It doesn't matter how good you are, just work up a sweat and burn, baby, burn!!! :) If you're wanting something more targeted - family competition - who can do the most sit-ups/push-ups/jumping jacks etc? We're putting a volleyball net in our backyard. :)

    Just remember every little bit counts... one of my pals set a goal to do 15-20 jumping jacks everytime she went to the restroom. Drinking your eight cups of water, that's a lot of jumping jacks! :)

    I had to really change my mindset about what a "workout" is... think smaller. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Stop making excuses... if it's important to you, you'll find time for it. Before the kids get up, on your lunch break, after work with the kids, after the kids go to bed, etc.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    It is hard, you just have to make the time. Workout early in the morning before everyone gets up. I joined a gym that has childcare and he loves to go there and play while I workout, he is interacting with other kids so I don't feel as bad for doing it.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I hear ya, I have been wanting to try to get up earlier than normal and do my workouts then but that would mean getting up at 4:00 am and trying to get to bed even earlier than what I already am. As it is I am in bed by 9:00 & get a little grief from the hubs about it. (Lack of time together). I work full time and have four kids, there always seems to be something going on after work. At the moment I am trying just to be sure to walk at work at least 20 minutes a day & have been trying hard to find the time after work.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I try to include him on walks, jumping on the trampoline, or bike rides.

    Otherwise, I exercise after he goes to bed.

    I can only go to the gym now when I have a babysitter, which is essentially never.
  • mschade7
    mschade7 Posts: 1
    I am a full time working mom with two kids. I have an 8 year old and a 2 year old. My husband is a full time student currently and is doing a intership this summer. On the days we arent running our 8 year old to softball or girl scouts, I try to get in a bike ride. I let the 8 year old ride her own and the 2 year old goes in the bike trailer and rides along with us. Otherwise I will rollerblade or walk after the kids go to bed at 8:30p. Also, avoid elevators at work, take the stairs as much as possible and park your car farthest from the door where ever you go! Good luck!
  • zen_mama
    zen_mama Posts: 51
    I am not a morning person at all so getting up earlier to work out just doesn't suit me. I'm a single mom of one and run my own business. I work out at night and try to include my daughter whenever possible. When I take a long walk, she rides her scooter or bike along side. On weekends in warm weather, we go to the lake to swim. I even get her to do yoga with me. When she has softball practice, I try to walk a few laps around the track while I wait for her. I also find that after I've worked out at night I have a lot more energy and since it takes me at least an hour to wind down after a workout, I use that time to take care of dishes and other house chores.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Sometimes I get up early, but not usually. I like early workouts, but once I get off that schedule and I'm working out in the evening, it is hard to switch because I'm too tired the next morning.

    I work 45 hours a week, 3 year old twins and 6 year old. We have ballet, gymnastics, and t-ball to take kids to. Husband works 60 to 70 hours a week, so he's not there that much to help.

    After work, I get the kids a snack, set them in front of the tv, get dinner started, and then tell them not to interrupt me while I'm exercising for the next 30 minutes. I dash down the stairs halfway through (exercise stuff is in upstairs bonus room), check on them, and then run back up the stairs to keep my heartrate up. Then, I finish dinner, clean up, bathe them, put them to bed, prepare food for the next day, and if the hubs isn't home yet, sneak in a couple of sets on weights.

    It's busy, it's not that fun, but it works. I also sneak in sets when I can: planks with my door closed at work in my office, plies while I stir the skillet, dancing the intro theme of Dora with the kiddos, etc.

    Remember, you are setting the stage for your kids to be active and healthy, too. They need to see this lifestyle.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I work 4-10 hours shifts and I have a soon to be 2yr old son. His father is very supportive and picks him up from grandmas. However, my gym also offers babysitting for $1 a visit or $10 a month. This is great because I go to the gym for my zumba class which last about an hour, and while I am burning calories my son is playing in the nearby room. Zumba is Tuesday - Saturday. I just started the C25K program, which I run Sunday, Wednesday and Fridays.

    I also use my 30 minutes of my lunch time walking with my coworker.

    I take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, park far etc.

    Starting tomorrow I am going to dust off my bike and ride my bike to work.

    Start looking at how you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Walking during lunch is the best way to start and it is how I lost my first 20lbs!

    Good luck to you!
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    It is hard. What I did was find all the little pockets of time available and make a plan to see what works best for me. The best plan is to figure out what times work AND what activities work. I take my children walking with me (we live near a private high school with a track that we walk around) or I get up early. When I'm up early, my husband leaves for work so I found an activity I can do at home -- Wii Fit Plus. I do have to get up a little earlier, but I make the choice because I want to get some activity in.

    Make the choice for yourself, figure out a way and then make sure you follow up. It is hard but do it for yourself.
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    I used to work out at noon while my kids were in daycare/school. This winter I started doing a bootcamp through my trainer at 5:30 a.m. I HATE getting up that early, but over the course of the bootcamp, I found that I LOVED getting my workout in and knowing I already had that box checked off of my to-do list. I had so much more energy throughout the day. When my trainer was building her new gym, she stopped doing the early a.m. and went back to the noon class, and I found that so much harder to do than when I started. I can force myself out of bed 3 days a week knowing I can sleep a little later the next morning. I do find I have to be in bed by 9:00 most nights or I feel really sluggish and my workouts suffer. As far as young children go, I have 3, ages 2, 4, and 5. I would wake up my husband when I left the house, so he knew he HAD to get up if any of our kids got up before I got home at 6:30ish. You'll find a way to make it work.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I go for a run during my lunch hour, also I am very fortunate I work maintaince a a farily good sized facility we have the electric carts we can drive. I walk everywhere go out of my way to run the stairs in the one building that has stairs. I can even go into a area and knock out a few sets of pushups and ab work if I want too. Also I just got some resistance bands I can use at work. Do a search on excersises you can do at your desk. Theres also those pedal wheels you can use while sitting at a desk.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I wake up at 4:30AM. Go for a run. If My wife takes the kids after work, then I head to the gym. If I know I wno't have time later on, luckily for me, the gym opens at 5:30AM. I have until 6:30 before my wife leaves and I have the kids until I go to work and they go to school.
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    My motivation was pretty serious but I do understand your problem. The trick is first determining how much time you can spend in exercise then find a routine that you can fit into that time. For me I can only spare 20 min. in the morning. I have a hard time waking up very early but I can wake up just early enough to fit in 20 min. I did find a free online service that provided a 20 min intense circuit training workout.

    Then I made this a routine, now my son wakes up early enough on his own to count for me. This makes it easier for his mom to get him dressed for school. From here you just take baby steps until you find your sweet spot. You may need to workout in the evening or when the kids are in school. Play around with your schedule and see what fits.
  • PrincessKittenpants
    Lately I have been walking at lunch for 45 min just to get moving. I am a single mother to a 2year old with a lot of energy and who recently has found every reason in the world to get out of bed at bedtime. I started to just leave the dinner dishes in the sink so that I could play with him for a little bit before it is bed time. He goes upstairs for his bath at 8 and will either play in the tub or watch 1 more show until his bedtime at 8:30. Once he is "down" I change my clothes, shu him back to bed, tackle the dishes, check on him again, and then if he has fallen asleep (usually 9 pm is a good bet) I pop in Jillian Michaels for 20 min. I will usually have a surge of energy so I will hop on the treadmill for a little while. After I am done, I go upstairs and pack my lunch, fill his juice and milk up for the morning, vacuum the poptart crumbs up and either shower or go straight to bed depending on the time. He is with his father on Wednesday's so I tend to take care of the cleaning/laundry.

    You need to find what works for you! After a million trial and errors this is what I found for me. Good luck and I know you can do it:)
  • BlahBlaBlah
    BlahBlaBlah Posts: 33
    Super super HARD! My workday is a full 12 hours long, including commute. I'm not a morning person, getting up ridiculously early is out of the question.

    I try and workout Mon-Wed-Fri during my lunch. I got a membership to the YMCA specifically for this reason, because there is one in the parking garage where I work.

    I found that trying to make it to the Y every day drove me crazy, sometimes I want to enjoy my lunch. So I do cardio at the Y on those three days and I scheduled (ACTUALLY ADDED TO THE FAMILY CALENDAR FOR ALL TO SEE) strength workouts Tues & Thurs evenings.

    I don't always manage to get all of that in, but I try.

    I also schedule long walks (at least an hour) with a good friend at a park on Sunday afternoons whenever possible. It's my break from everything, and if someone is waiting for me I will make sure I am there.