Question for all you working parents out there



  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    We have a four-year-old and a long commute. Even though we lose out on privacy, it's great having my mom live with us to help take care of our son. She recently retired, and it's SO nice. I know it's not an option for everyone, but it really works for us.
  • Livin_Large
    Livin_Large Posts: 104 Member
    My Suzy Homemaker skills have been sadly lacking since I started working out for an hour 5 days a week. It’s amazing how much stuff I apparently used to get done in that hour. I have gotten to the point where I have to just straighten up during the week and actually clean on the weekends. I realized that things don't have to be perfect all of the time.

    I second this, I do my detail cleaning on the weekends...also, the YMCA has supervised activities for children too...if you can afford the membership.

    Most YMCA will do membership at income based pricing too.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    I work out on my lunch break and then take my baby for a walk later with the dog or work out during her reading or TV time.
  • Livin_Large
    Livin_Large Posts: 104 Member
    My kids go to bed about 8:30 and that's generally when I work out. I find the more I work out the more energy I have too so even though in the beginning you'll be exhausted after a week or so you will feel better.
  • zetagirl39
    zetagirl39 Posts: 5 Member
    My best time to get it in is in the mornings around 5:00am.:smile:
  • w_i_n_d_y
    w_i_n_d_y Posts: 216 Member
    I wake up 1/2 hour earlier to do a dvd or while the kids are doing homework. I include them in a lot of exercise (walking, hiking, swimming, playing sports, dancing). I take time for me. Even it's only 1/2 hour a couple of times a week. The dishes can wait, I give them a lot of quality time so I don't feel guilty. I find that when I exercise I feel better, when I feel better I am a better mommy.

    It takes a little while to get into a routine and for everyone to adjust, but then it becomes second nature. The kids actually ask me, "when are you going to work out mommy?"

    Good luck, you can do it.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    It's all about making yourself a priority and deciding what doesn't need to be ahead of you. Dishes - nope, involved meals - nope, cleaning my own house - not even maybe. I get up early and workout or do the workouts after the kids go down for the night (7pm for my 4yo & 1.5yo). It also about realizing that by taking care of yourself you are more able to take of the rest of the people in your life. GL mama!
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    My children are old enough where they are able to help one another out with homework, get their own pre-dinner snack and get themselves prepared for the next day.

    As far as dinner goes, my crock pot has been a huge sanity saver. Dinner is piping, hot and ready when we walk in the door in the evenings. if we don't use the crock pot that day, my spouse and I try to partner with one another to make sure someone has taken out something for dinner in the a.m. & helps prep it so it's a little easier in the evening.

    I am not a morning workout type person so I pack my gym bag and take it to work each day. I change my clothes at the end of the work day and go to the gym for one solid hour before I pick up my children from after-school care.

    So far, this is what's been working for me. When my kids were smaller, it definitely was more challenging.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I completely can relate to what you are going through. This is what my schedule looks like for the week. I have two little ones (5 and 2)

    I get up at 7:30 and get my kids dressed and eating...I get dressed and we leave the house by 8:15.
    I drop the kids at school and get to work right about 9.
    I work until 6 or 7.....
    Get get daughter in bed (she goes to bed at 7)
    Eat dinner and spend some time with son/wife.
    Get son ready for bed (He goes to bed at 8:30)
    Go to the gym and work out from 9-11ish
    Come 1 TV show shower and get in bed by 12:15 ish.

    Rinse and repeat. Once in a while I go to the gym straight on the way home.

    Definitely hectic.....and a lot sometimes......but it's worth it.
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    This is very hard. I have 3 children (2 year old Twins and a 8 year old) they all demand so much attention from me. I am a single mother that work full-time and i go to school full-time. When I am not at work or school I am at cheerleading practice with my daughter on Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat. While she is cheering I walk the lot across the street from where she practice and I push the twins in their stroller. I started putting them to bed earlier so I could go to the gym in the morning. It is very difficult, I do understand. I purchased a dry eraser board to jot down my daily activities.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 month old so I"m right there with ya! When I was on maternity leave I was working out whenever the baby would take a nap or my mom watched him (2.5 daughter goes to daycare). Now that I'm back at work and the baby is still waking up 1-2 times a night I haven't been able to workout. BUT I am committed to making it work, so I just found a local small gym thats open 24/7, so my plan is to get in my workout clothes as soon as I get home from work, then as soon as I get the baby to sleep, usually by 8:30pm head right out the house and to the gym. Hubby takes care of bedtime for our 2.5 year old. I'm doing the NROLW, so I only need 3 days a week, so I plan on doing 2 workouts Mon-Fri and 1 workout on the weekends.

    Its so important that we take care of ourselves as mothers. Its a gift we give to our whole family. So it may require some give and take on your part, but it HAS to be a part of the routine. Whether its a JM 30 minute DVD when the kids go to sleep or walking on your lunch break, you have to make your health a priority for your sake and your children. Good luck mama!
  • mblaylock980
    I have a 6 yr old and 2 yr old twins... My husband works nights so my only time to get a workout in is at 5am. If I don't do it then and tell my self I will after work then it doesn't happen... A routine and support make all the difference. I have a neighbor who I go to the gym with so we keep eachother accountable too. For me, I had to fight through the "tired" feeling.. especially since my twins wake a few times a night when they are sick.. and they are sick alot!. If I used the "im tired and didn't sleep well" excuse then I would never become the healty me i look forward too.
  • kford9
    kford9 Posts: 16 Member
    i second all of the "the dishes can wait" and "easy dinners" (love my crockpot) posts. also, get creative! do you watch tv? work out during the commercials or walk in place for an entire show, run back and forth for the length of a room with your kids and then do a spidey crawl back and forth too (trust me, it's hard), do calf raises while washing the dishes, turn on the music and crazy dance! it doesn't always have to be a full-on routine..especially if you're just starting out. hopefully, if you can sneak exercise into your day, you'll start to feel a lil more energized.

    good luck!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I've been doing it after my 2 year old and 4 year old go to sleep at night for 5-6 days per week. My 4 year old started giving me a hard time at bed time about a year ago, and my 2 year old just joined him :(
    So now I'm going to try going to the gym at lunch instead because I can't get these kiddos to go to sleep. lol
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Instead of taking a lunch hour, I work out during lunch and eat lunch at my desk!

    I agree! Bring your walking shoes to work or do some exercises at your desk, like these:

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • WhatDoesLisa
    WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
    I don't have any kids but...I work for a huge company and many people bring their walking shoes and walk around the campus for 30 minutes a day. Is that possible for you to do? Grab the iPod or a friend?
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    I had to wait until my youngest was 3 to make it work...

    We also do the bath-time with daddy
    sometimes i work out while they eat and have a shake or bar instead
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm a single mother of a 2-year old. I work 10 hours a day, then it's the whole dinner, dishes, bath, bedtime routine. I have two hours to myself after he goes to bed at night. That's when I work out.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I didn't read all the posts, but how many children do you have and what are their ages? A 5 year old can make a bed, unload/load a dishwasher, take out trash, clear the table, pick up toys, etc., which will free you up for some "me" time. If yours are old enough to help, don't be too critical of how they do their jobs. The children won't do their jobs as well as you do, but that's not the point. The point is to give you more time. While Daddy is home overseeing them and their chores, go work out. Delegate!!!
  • chenrytc2
    chenrytc2 Posts: 48
    Early in the morning before everyone wakes up and the day begins. It's quiet and I can do what I need to do for me. Also, see if your husband will give you a massage to help reduce the soreness/stiffness in the morning. The key is identifying a YOU time. You can also get support from the kids by asking them to help with the toddler, cleaning, etc. Whatever will give you that little bit of extra time. If it's important to "mommy" it should be important to the rest of the family.

    Stay motivated, you can do it because you are a mommy!