Thin-motivated guys vs. a bulky/muscular approach

Any gentlemen on this site more interested in being as thin as possible (without being "manorexic") than adding bulk/muscle? From a weight loss standpoint I'm guessing the methods of getting to either place are relatively similar, but if any "skinny" dudes who used to be overweight have advice, I'm curious to hear it. Right now I'm working with a trainer who has me doing more strength training than anything. Should I keep the protein the same on lifting days as I do non-lifting days in order to reach my desired, sleek aesthetic? I understand needing to build muscle to burn fat, but at the same time I want to lose overall weight. I don't want to build a lot of muscle. I'm doing what my trainer is telling me but I would like other opinions.

I'm 6 feet tall and for most of my adult life I weighed between 155 - 170, until a few years ago when my weight ballooned due to sobriety and medication (my metabolism totally changed). I really would like to see if it is possible to get back there. I've steadily worked out during these past few "fat years" but have mainly stuck with cardio. Clearly it hasn't worked, hence the reason I hired a trainer.

Anyone else striving towards something similar?


  • JLLemons
    JLLemons Posts: 16 Member
    What is your body fat% and current weight?
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    What is your body fat% and current weight?

    Not 100% sure what the body fat is. I don't know if there is a physical test that would be pin-point accurate, but the trainer at the gym guessed it to be slightly over 30% based on the numbers he plugged in.

    I'm currently 248 - down from 255.
  • JLLemons
    JLLemons Posts: 16 Member
    Are you trying to get down to 170ish again? Or are you ok at, lets say, 190-195 with more lean muscle?
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Are you trying to get down to 170ish again? Or are you ok at, lets say, 190-195 with more lean muscle?

    I'd love to be under 170 again but I'm realistic about it as well. So, at this point I would take 190, yes.
  • JLLemons
    JLLemons Posts: 16 Member
    Just so we're on the same page I'm 6 ft as well..was always between 180-190 through college..I ballooned up to 280 when I started my first job out of college. I'm down to about 217 right now. Although you're probably not as big as you think you are...(google muscle mass vs. fat mass and look at the images) you definitely won't be able to drop down to 170 and be very muscular at your height, unless you're at around 6 or 7% body fat, which can be really hard to do.

    As that fat keeps coming off and those muscles are showing more, you might decide you like the new look. The best way is to periodically take photos of yourself and compare. If you think you're getting too bulky, cut the weights back a little and amp up the cardio or vice versa. The main thing is right now you got to get the fat keep doing what you're doing and make sure that only 15-20% of your calories are coming from you continue to lose weight, it'll be harder to keep the muscle on unless you're on the far side of the bell curve. Just my 2 cents.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Makes sense. Thanks for the response. Congrats on your weight loss!