Any former Weight Watchers followers?



  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I did WW for years and lost lke 70lbs but had to quit due to financial issues... I've been off and on this website since 2009, used it along with my WW for nutrition info and stuff like that. I started using it regularly the beginning of this year and since 1/1/12, have lost a total of 50lbs!!!
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    Me. I like Weight Watchers and I didn't even mind the monthly fee...but I bloody well hated their food database. I was constantly trying to guess how many points an item had because it was either 1. not in the database at all or 2. in there with point values from 5 to 12 points. It took me too long.

    I switched to MFP because of the food database alone. I still try to get 3 servings of fruit and 4-6 servings of veggies every day. Otherwise, the calorie counting is just so much easier for me.
  • finnlala
    finnlala Posts: 1
    I was on WW for many years with a lot of success. However, after I had two kids in 16 months, I found that it wasn't working for me. So, I decided to give this a try and find that it is working. It's still slow and steady, but that's what I am looking for. I like not having to guess the points and find it easier to track with this. I need something to keep me accountable and this is it!
  • Newme012
    Newme012 Posts: 43
    I am a prior weight watcher. Like others, lost a lot on their plan and gained it all back (arggg). I think I eat more calories on MFP, which makes the loss slower, but more sustainable hopefully. Anyone else think they are eating more now than on WW?
  • PLAID1977
    PLAID1977 Posts: 70 Member
    I lost 100 lbs. following the old WW plan (2009). I gained almost 50 of it back with my last pregnancy. Using the tools I learned from WW, constant nutritional research and excercise along with being held accountable for tracking here on MFP, I've lost 48 of those 50 buggers! I'm counting points (the old way) and logging calories etc. here on MFP. MFP has me set to eat 1200 calories per day but my point allottment of 27 points actually puts me more around 1500 calories most days. I've been consistently losing at that rate. Sometimes I excercise enough to net my calories where MFP wants them to be. Sometimes I don't. So WW is still helping me lose. Either way, you are counting..points or calories, it's up to you. The only difference is the cost and free is wayyyy better for me right now!
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    I did weight watchers last year and lost 35 pounds but gained it back (through no fault of weight watchers).

    I'm here now and doing better in terms of hunger. I feel like I make better choices using this site. I lost weight faster using MFP. Plus I like that it's free. There's a lot more types of food in the database here than on the weight watchers online site. And there's more support on these boards. My husband is using MFP now too.
  • jessieknh
    jessieknh Posts: 52 Member
    I lost 40lbs on ww in 2008 and have kept it off and am a lifetime member. I don't mind the weighing in at the meetings. It made me try harder because someone else would know if I gained lol. I switched to MFP because it seems silly to me to pay for the etools when I don't have to pay for meetings etc.. I like he MFP ap on the phone and it's working for me as well as WW did.
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I used Weight Watchers back in 2003-2004 and lost about 50 pounds. It came right back on. I hate having to calculate the points, but like the accountability the program had. I just prefer to do my own thing and not pay $40 a month :)
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Anyone else think they are eating more now than on WW?

    Definitely not. I have 100+ pounds to lose and was given around 40 points a day to start with. That's a LOT of food, plus free fruits and vegetables.

    I am eating 1,500 calories a day now, and I eat much less food than I did on WW. That restriction is forcing me to make better food choices every day.
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 122 Member
    I lost 35 pounds using WW before finding MFP. I think WW is a good plan, but you have to pay for it and MFP is free. I also think the database here is much better than WW. A lot of the foods I eat were not in the Weight Watchers database and pretty much everything I eat is in this one. I really don't think I am eating much differently now than when I was on WW. I have been trying to eat healthier for several months now. I have lost 16 pounds in two month counting calories. I also agree with what someone else said about WW changing their system and you having to buy new expensive tools. I would rather just count my calories and learn to eat what is good for me in the right amounts. I don't plan on ever switching back to WW.
  • mbaker824
    mbaker824 Posts: 16
    I think Weight Watchers is a great program; starting in 2002, I lost 135 pounds on it in about a year and a half, although I still hadn't quite reached my goal. I dropped out of the program, thinking I knew the program well enough that I could do it myself and save the $50 or so a month. I did ok for a while, but in the eight years since then I've gradually put 80 of those pounds back on. I knew I needed something to help me keep track of what I eat but I didn't want to go back to paying nearly $700/year for WW. A friend told me about MFP, and so far I like it a lot (although it's only been a week). I've concluded that I will always need to track my food intake, and here I have an easy-to-use way to do that for free.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    When I was 16 I lost around 31lbs on WW and got to a size I was happy with, but now I'm 22 and that body is long gone! I liked weight watchers but I felt like I didn't follow it strictly enough because I didn't really track myself very well. I think this website will benefit me more having an online food and exercise diary that calculates my calories etc. I also only did WW with my sister so although we bounced off each other, I think the community and forums on here will really help to motivate me!
  • I too tried WW in the past and didn't find it to be too helpful (to me anyway) I also signed up online and tracked everything via my computer which didn't really give me the pushes I needed on my off days. Atleast with this site everyone is here to support and help you! Good Luck!
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    over the years I have lost count of how many times I have done weight watchers. Always lost some weight to start with but would not stick to a restrictive program for long. And, cannot afford to pay the cost now. So, I love it here. The every day support is great!! No matter what time I come on I always find some encouragement.
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    I did WW about 2 years ago. Loved it!! Lost about 25 pounds in 4 months. Then recently (after quitting smoking among other life style changes), I gained back about 16 pounds :-( I went to go back on WW, only to find out everything had changed. I hated it! Nothing was the same. I had to re-learn everything. So I switched to this. Seems to work just the same.
  • megamom3kck
    megamom3kck Posts: 115
    I just joined this week. I did weight watchers a few years ago and lost about 40 lbs. I have gained back about 20 and so I am working hard to get back to where I was, and then loose more as I never did reach my original goal. I'm excited and will hopefully hit my first goal before my 40th birthday in July. :)
  • I have also tried WW in the past a couple of times. The first time, around 2005, I did great with losing weight. However, the second time when i rejoined in 2012 the program had changed and did not work so well for me. This is my second week on myfitnesspal and so far I am greatly pleased with an 8.5 lb weight loss the first week!!!!!
  • perne11
    perne11 Posts: 46 Member
    I lost 20lbs on WW, I like the program...however I prefer MFP.
  • I did WW and lost 70lbs.. Then I did it again and lost 30lbs. I have slowly gained those 30lbs back and now I am doing MFP. I tried WW again, but I feel I'm at the point where I need and want something different than adding points. Seeing the calories add up works for me and makes me feel accountable. Plus I know that I want to keep my net intake at 1200 calories (give or take) and being able to see that keeps me on my toes.
  • ctkennedy
    ctkennedy Posts: 19 Member
    I did well on WW once but it did not stick. When I went back to trying WW again it didn't work because I figured out how to cheat the system (all vegetables so more room for beer). I like MFP because it holds me accountable for everything I eat by calories not the points system that didn't always make sense.