Poll: How Often Do You Exercise & What is Your Regimen?

I am new to this site and am very impressed with it and its members. I'm wondering if you would please take a moment to discuss how frequently you exercise and what type(s) of exercise you do within a week? Do you take days off? Have an overriding goal you're trying to accomplish, e.g., losing weight prior to attending a wedding or reunion?:drinker: :flowerforyou:


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I do my old Sweatin' to the Oldies video just about every day, and I enter it as 30 minutes of aerobics & 15 minutes of stretching. Some days if I wear myself out biking or even a long day of cruising the malls or thrift stores I'll enter that as my exercise and skip the video. I also do the free workouts at www.exercisetv.tv and sparkpeople.com. I tend to do cardio at least 6 days a week. I do a little bit of strength training a couple of times a week on average.
  • kimberjones
    my 1st goal is to lose 50 lbs by Christmas and then another 50 by July of next year (my 20th wedding anniv).

    I work out on a stationary bike usually 4 days a week for 30-60 minutes (depending on how taxing my day was), I throw softball with my kids, I am doing the 100 push up challenge 3 days a week, I am doing the 200 situp challenge 3 days a week, and I add in strength training pretty much off and on the whole time because I keep a set of dumbells in my living room and do it while I'm watching something on TV.

    My living room is too small to do much along the aerobic video line but I have found some neat videos on exercisetv.tv that i hope to be able to try soon.

    I am also considering taking up running a little each day (as long as its not raining) to build up some stamina...haven't decided on that one yet.
  • Demetria
    I have been riding my bike for 60min for at least 6 days a week, I try and keep my average miles per hr to 12, I have some hills and flats. My first goal had been to lose 22lbs by Sep 4, I missed it by a week, not too bad, my new goal is lose 1-2lbs a week until christmas. I only need to lose 21lbs more so that I will not be overweight anymore, after that I will reasses and see where I want to go.

    I know I haven't been stretching as much as I should be, I need to make time to work that in, and I need to figure out what I am going to do when it gets to cold to ride my bike outside. I am hoping to keep riding at least until the end of Sept, I go at 5:30a so it is much cooler than the rest of the day. I know I need and want to start strength training but again haven't figured out exactly how to work that in my day yet.

  • eglass64
    My goal is just to be healthier. I excertise 90 minutes of cardio / eliptical, seven days a week. Then I strength train about three times a week. Sometimes my schedule doesnt let me. So yes I do take sometime off or shorten the time., if I dont go to the gym, I'll take an evening walk. I hope it helps.
  • Demetria
    my 1st goal is to lose 50 lbs by Christmas and then another 50 by July of next year (my 20th wedding anniv).

    I work out on a stationary bike usually 4 days a week for 30-60 minutes (depending on how taxing my day was), I throw softball with my kids, I am doing the 100 push up challenge 3 days a week, I am doing the 200 situp challenge 3 days a week, and I add in strength training pretty much off and on the whole time because I keep a set of dumbells in my living room and do it while I'm watching something on TV.

    My living room is too small to do much along the aerobic video line but I have found some neat videos on exercisetv.tv that i hope to be able to try soon.

    I am also considering taking up running a little each day (as long as its not raining) to build up some stamina...haven't decided on that one yet.

    So that leaves 35lbs by Christmas? That's almost 3lbs a week. I would suggest 2lbs a week, about 26lbs total. Depending on how overweight or obese you are you may be able to do the whole 35, it's only 9lbs more. Good Luck!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    My current goal- to hit the 80lb lost mark by the end of the year (doable even with thanksgiving and christmas). My overall goal is to be able to walk 10 miles; run 3 miles and to just be healthy and like the body I am in.

    My exercise- I have been lazy lately and not pushing myself but I do try to do something everyday. Right now do walk away the pounds or incline interval walking on the treadmill 50 minutes or 1.5 hours (broken in segments) 5 days a week. The other 2 days I may walk a mile on the treadmill.
    I try to rest at least 1 day every two weeks with this program. When I do walk run intervals I try to rest 1 to 2 days a week.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i do abs of steel every othere day than i do a buns of steel work out walkaway the pounds and a inshape video by ww i do these every day . i want to work up to the firm tape and the stair step if i can do theses i will be up with the biggest loseres
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    I'm pretty sedentary. Work a desk job. Walk on my break with three or four other ladies every work day at 10am and 3pm. I golf, but am looking for something else to do now that it's getting cold. (Michigan)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would love to get in the 180s before New Years, that would mean I have about 20 more pounds to lose between now and then.. with that said, I usually work out 6.5 days a week. (I say 6.5 because I let myself have an off day, but I still try to get some kind of short workout in... maybe 10-15 minutes of walking or a portion of yoga or some other exercise video.) On the days I work out, I usually do a moderate-heavy aerobic DVD (something along the lines of Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism) and I try to burn around 400-500 calories on days I do cardio, which is usually about 4 days a week. I also walk on the treadmill or workout on an elliptical. On the other 2 days I try and do some strength training for about 45 minutes to an hour. My favorite, most challenging strength DVD would be just about anything by Jair Love. I usually burn about 350 calories working out doing strength because it is high-rep lower weight (5-10 pounds). Doing this routine, I have lost about 7 pounds in the past month since I joined MFP. :happy:
  • faerlie
    It seems you are getting a lot of advise.... you need to do what works for you.... start out with a resonable goal.... say 20 minutes 3 times a week..... try different things till you find something that you enjoy doing.... mix it up.... add some weights and try to have fun or you won't keep doing it... I hike with my husband or play tennis.... on lazy days I will just walk my household stairs for 15 minutes carring some weights with the music playing loud.....

    It doesn't matter what you do... just do something.... even 10 minutes of heavy cardio each day can make a difference....
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi faerlie,

    I asked these questions out of curiosity and wasn't seeking advice. My own exercise regimen consists of walking at least 5 miles daily and doing full body strength training exercises every other day. I also own a NordicTrack ski machine which is physicially demanding, but also produces the best workout ever. I am trying to work my way back to using that for 45 minutes and maybe alternating days with my treadmill.

    There is an entire gamut of people from practically sedentary to extremely athletic on this site. On a more personal note, I joined another paying site run by an "exercise guru," and it was one of the members there that introduced me to this one. I haven't been back to the other since. There is a wealth of support and useful information here. I just love it, thanks to you guys out there. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • twilight1542
    I have a fairly sedentary job so my goal is to workout 7 days a week for at least 1 hour. Somedays I only have time for 30-45 others I'll do 1.5-2 hrs. It all depends on what my workday looks like and how far from the gym I end up being at the end of the day (my job requires a great deal of driving). I alternate between several elliptical machines, the stairmaster, treadmill (walk/run intervals), strength, and occassionally swimming.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I work out every day, taking days off whenever I feel the need (every 7-10 days usually). I was running 4-5 days a week, rotating between an LSD run of 60-90 min, speed interval/simulated race of 25-35 min, hill program or tempo run of 50-60 min, with 30-40 min cross trainer on the days I strength train (at the park district) and 30-45 min stairmaster on alternate days or occasionally as a 2nd cardio workout. About a month ago, I tripped on an uneven part of a bike path as I was working in some outdoor runs and it led to a hamstring injury. So while I recover from that, it's just the stairmaster and cross trainer.

    I do strength training around twice/wk. It's mostly a combo of free weights and machines from the limited selection at the park district fitness center. I rotate through different cycles, intensities and routines to try to keep fresh.
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    I walk my dog every morning for half hour at about 4 mph. 3 evenings a week I will take him for a jog for half hour at about 5.5 mph. Three other evenings a week I do strength training with a plan that I have from freetrainers.com and walk the dog for about 15 minutes again at about 4 mph. I take 1 day off a week but even that day I am walking my dog twice a day.

    My end goal is to be able to continue to fit into my size 8's with an end weight of 135 pounds only 9 more pounds to go.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I go to the gym three times a week and while there, I have an intense weight lifting routine, alternating upper and lower body, with abs done every visit. I'm currently focusing on increasing my situps and the slant on the slant board as well as my pull ups , push ups, lunges and squats. This is followed by a variety of cardio (I mix it up) for a minimum of 30 mins. I log it all and every single visit, I increase something...either difficulty, distance, time, type of program, etc.

    On my off nights, I have been walking with my daughter and dog, but have purchased an exercise ball and will be doing core work on 3 of the non-gym nights. My off day is Sunday, but I often do heavy yardwork or housework on that day, which more than makes up for not 'working out'. :tongue:
  • jojogirl
    I walk my pup every morning and evening, I take him for an extended walk to the park on Saturdays. On Sundays I go for an extended bike ride by myself. I bike ride 2 nights a week with my son for about 30 min.
    I go to gym 3x a week for strength training and martial arts 5x a week.
    Saturday and Sunday are leisure days...
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    My overall goal is to get down to 135ish with a nicely toned body. I want my health very good too.

    Here's what I try to do, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes I'll do another video or move my jogs.

    Three mornings a week, I try to do the 30 Day Shred video (one day/level). Sometimes I walk after work with co-workers for 30 minutes. I also try to get in 2-3 jogs per week that are 40 minutes long (3.5-4 miles right now). I also add in the exercise bike/stepper while I watch The Biggest Loser (45 minutes). I will throw in some other videos when I feel like it. I try to take one day off a week, but sometimes I do more than that.

    ETA: I get up at 4:30 most weekday mornings to do a 30 minute video before work, either 30DS, Turbo Jam Fat Blaster, or a WATP video.