what does everyone do for exercises?

ok so i did some cardio looking for other great cardio videos online i can do at home ? also for some great strengthing also...what do u all do ?


  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Insanity, p90x and p90x plus...
  • rone01
    rone01 Posts: 10 Member
    I have numerous "Turbo" DVD's. ( Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Turbo Sculpt) They are awesome!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    5/3/1 for weight lifting and interval running for cardio.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I strength train three days a week and walk 6 or 7. I'm planning to add some core work and yoga on my non strength training days.
  • Horseyrider
    Horseyrider Posts: 22
    I have four horses and two dogs. All need exercise. I ride, and clean the barn. I walk the dogs. I also have an organic garden, and grow much of what we eat through the year.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I run and I do p90x
  • PrincessMom08
    PrincessMom08 Posts: 120 Member
    My big things right now are walking around the neighborhood or local trails, as well as Zumba on my Wii and also 10 minute solutions kickboxing (which I adore) and that one is on Netflix right now if you have it. I want to start Insanity soon.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    Jillian Michael 30 day shred
  • jmb909090
    jmb909090 Posts: 5
    Try TRX suspension training...it's amazing.
  • taratam83
    taratam83 Posts: 88 Member
    Walk, jog, Hike <3 so fun!, play with my kids (I don't log this!!), Biggest loser power walk with a 5lb weight x2 (I usually do all 4 videos which works out to be 64 minutes), stationary bike... Going to try and add lap swimming over the summer...
  • jmb909090
    jmb909090 Posts: 5
    Also, for cardio, try a boot camp - much more interesting than traditional cardio machines at the gym. I do Pure Power Boot Camp if you live in NYC area...
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    Running, dancing, walking, yoga, and sometimes strength training.
    In that order (:
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    I do Crossfit 3x per week, and do two days of cardio on my non-Crossfit days. Usually Zumba or group cycle, swimming or the eliptical cross trainer. If I am workng out at home, I walk on my treadmill or do the Abs Diet workout video. The cardio workout is not too long and is a nice one with no equipment needed.

    If you have digital cable, you can probably find some workout videos on demand. I used to do 30 day shred using that. I don't think they have the whole series, but it was good enough for my purposes.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    DVDs, mostly Jillian Michaels. I need a lot of variety to stay engaged, so I have 5 or 6 of her videos and do them 5-6/week and choose which to do based on how much time I have and whether I want more strength or more cardio.
  • AngieFlames
    AngieFlames Posts: 61 Member
    I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. You can find them on You Tube. there are 3 levels about 25 minutes for each one. There are also at WalMart for about 9 bucks. I lost 4 inches and 3 lbs the first time I went thru them. I am currently on Level 2 for the 2nd time around and loving it, but this time I have been adding 5 to 10 minutes of cardio (stationary bike or eliptical or both) before or after I do the video, depending on how I feel.
    It is recommended that you don't do the shred everyday in a row, but most people do the first time. I am currently doing it only 4 or 5 times a week and take at least 2 days off to rest.
    Good luck in whatever you choose!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I also like some of the harder Leslie Sansone DVDs such as Fast 4 miles which does intervals, jogging and some core work.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I walk 3 1/2 to 7 miles, treadmill, stationary bike and circuit training.
  • Tara_Janel
    Tara_Janel Posts: 48
    Zumba on the Wii, walk the neighborhood with the kids, ride my stationary bike and lift some free weights.
  • 5/3/1 for weight lifting and interval running for cardio.

    What is 5/3/1?
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Weights 3 times a week, cardio for an hour the other 3 times a week and a day off. Cardio is a mixture of running, walking, spinning and rowing. Plus an additional daily 30 minute afternoon walk with my chubby lab which is more of a stroll so I don't log this.

    Edit. Oops forgot Pilates once a week to stretch everything out.