I am a RUNNER!



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Finally I feel like I have a real success story!

    Last year I quit smoking and started C25K. For years I believed I could never be a runner because of my exercise induced asthma. I clung to that excuse hard because... I wasn't ready. Then I saw a picture of myself and decided enough was enough - I can at least try. It took me a while to finish C25K. I spent almost a full month on one "week" working my way through it. Finally I did it!

    After that I started doing some runs with a co worker and she said "Hey! Let's train for the Safari Park Half Marathon!" I had no idea what to say, I was terrified! But I agreed and after tons of research we started our training in December. It has been HARD. There has been pain, blisters, injuries, realizing the need for GOOD SHOES and how expensive they are! I've been emotionally through the wringer and come over better for it. I spent one long run puking for two miles before I finally had to stop.

    Yesterday I successfully ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 21 minutes. My average pace was 10:48 minute mile. It was amazing. I wouldn't trade it for anything and I will definitely do it again.

    Never give up! We are limited only by what we choose for ourselves!

    Congrats and my story is somewhat similar except my excuse was just, I can't run.

    Ran my first 5k this weekend and planning one a month until I get to September where I plan to raise the stakes to a 10k, maybe next year I will make it 13.1, I want to soo badly!

    If you want it badly enough you will make it happen! You sound like you are well on your way, keep it up! <3
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I love reading posts about running. I'm currently doing c25k on week 7 and struggling with the 25 minute runs but reading ur success story is so motivating me to keep going. Thanks

    That's one of the hardest jumps, but it's totally possible! And remember, don't be afraid of working it up minute by minute if you have to! All progress is progress, as long as you keep making ;)
  • You are such an inspiration! I have been doing 5K and scared to do a half! You have inspired me to do it!!
    WAY TO GO!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Updated the first post with a link to the training program I based my own training off of - for those that are interested :)
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    I started off running on an indoor track, over two years ago. At the time I was quite a bit heavier, and only could run half a lap at a time (on a 14 laps per mile track). It got easier and easier to go farther and farther. I did a bunch of 5ks, but was really only doing Zumba at the time other than the races and got a knee injury:(. Then I made up this workout routine that I called "Sarah's Boot Camp." It was a bunch of different weight exercises, but it also involved running 1 mi, one lap at a time. Soon I was running more than 1 lap, then 1/2mi's to add up to a few miles, then one day I am like whatever, I am going to do five miles! So I did and it was great! That is when I decided to sign up for my first half marathon, which is this coming Sept. I am doing the 12 week Hal Higdon 1/2marathon training program, which I modified to stretch out the 27 weeks I had to train when I started training:)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I started off running on an indoor track, over two years ago. At the time I was quite a bit heavier, and only could run half a lap at a time (on a 14 laps per mile track). It got easier and easier to go farther and farther. I did a bunch of 5ks, but was really only doing Zumba at the time other than the races and got a knee injury:(. Then I made up this workout routine that I called "Sarah's Boot Camp." It was a bunch of different weight exercises, but it also involved running 1 mi, one lap at a time. Soon I was running more than 1 lap, then 1/2mi's to add up to a few miles, then one day I am like whatever, I am going to do five miles! So I did and it was great! That is when I decided to sign up for my first half marathon, which is this coming Sept. I am doing the 12 week Hal Higdon 1/2marathon training program, which I modified to stretch out the 27 weeks I had to train when I started training:)

    That is AWESOME! I remember the first time I ran 5 miles, how exhilarating that was! I'm rooting for you! Don't give up!
  • Elmorlan
    Elmorlan Posts: 37
    That is fantastic! I am about to do my second 5K (under 2 weeks now) and have started calling myself a runner as well. For those of us who made excuses about exercise for most of our lives, to now be a RUNNER is an amazing feeling! Keep up the great work!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Congratulations! Your story is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. So, when is the full marathon? LOL.

    Haha! I've decided the half is my limit, I just don't want to invest the time in a full marathon. I like doing the half's and some obstacle courses (Did Warrior Dash and coming up next is a 10k mudrun!)

    Congratulations!! I'm hoping to do my first half this summer. And a half is my limit too. But I'm thinking about trying one of the obstacle races. They sound like fun.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Congratulations! Your story is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. So, when is the full marathon? LOL.

    Haha! I've decided the half is my limit, I just don't want to invest the time in a full marathon. I like doing the half's and some obstacle courses (Did Warrior Dash and coming up next is a 10k mudrun!)

    Congratulations!! I'm hoping to do my first half this summer. And a half is my limit too. But I'm thinking about trying one of the obstacle races. They sound like fun.

    They are SO much fun! I did the warrior dash, and next I'm going to do the ROCrace and a 10k mudrun! I love the challenge, definitely more than just a run! Definitely give it a try <3
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Other than the "puking for two miles" portion of the story, GREAT STORY!! You should be very proud of yourself for not giving up!! (But no more puking while running or you'll scare all the newbies away!! LOL)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    That's AWESOME!
  • skullik
    skullik Posts: 142 Member
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    I love reading other runners' success stories. I started running 15 months ago. I am going to run my 2nd half marathon on May 20. Running has made a huge impact on my life.
  • dazed04106
    dazed04106 Posts: 1 Member
    you are so AWESOME! My husband and I are doing C25K right now and it is tough! I hope we will soon be able to run as well as you!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    That is so awesome! WTG!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your story. I did C25K last year and have been happy doing 5k's but lately I've been getting the bug to maybe try a half marathon next year. Then other days I come to my senses. LOL I think your story may have just pushed me back toward the half marathon idea though.
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