I CAN'T jog for two minutes straight!



  • GregDinAZ
    GregDinAZ Posts: 4 Member
    It is likely a psychological rather physical barrier. Find some music or a podcast or a book on tape that interests you and you will find that the time just melts away.
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    slow down your pace! It really helps

    I second this! Try to slow down to 5mph and see how it is going then.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    A friend of mine goes from jogging for 2 mins to now teaching running and participating in regular marathons in 1 year. She said just start with a min of jogging and a min of walking, or something like that. As long as you do it persistently and properly, your endurance will build up quickly. Good luck!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Ditto what several others have already said. SLOW DOWN. I slowed the treadmill down until I didn't feel like I can go any slower without walking, then I bumped the speed up just a tiny bit so I was on a slow but comfortable run. Once you find your slow run pace you can start doing intervals to increase the amount of time you can run. I highly recommend C25K, but you can also start by walking for 1 minute then running for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Bump up the time you run each week by 30 seconds to a minute. Before you know it you'll be running for several minutes and then several miles! I also found it helpful to set a time limit rather than a distance limit at first. Mine was 30 minutes, but you could even start lower than that, say 15 or 20 minutes. And music with a good beat really helps!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer wrote me a program it was something like: walk at 3.5- 1 minute
    run 4.5- 1 minute
    walk- 3.5- 1 minute
    run 5.0- 1 minute
    brisk walk 4.0- 1 minute
    etc, etc..good luck :)
  • rorytate
    rorytate Posts: 21 Member
    I've found a couple - which is the best one to use?
    C25K Couch to 5K by RunDouble
    C25K - by Guy Hoffman
    C25K™ - 5K Trainer FREE
    Simple C25K
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Run for a minute, walk for a minute, run for a minute, walk for a minute.

    I think you're discouraged because of the idea of "walking" but think about this: running intervals is how even strong runners get faster. They can't run at a certain pace for a prolonged period of time so they run intervals of their fast pace (which they cannot maintain) mixed with intervals at a slower pace to allow for some recovery for the next fast interval. Run/Walk/Run is no different. Run for a short interval at a pace you can't maintain, then slow down to recovery before your next interval, then run at your fast pace again (rinse repeat). As a new runner you'll improve very quickly.

    You may be interested in looking up Jeff Galloway, he's a well respected running coach with an interesting system of run/walk/run to help people achieve faster times by taking walk breaks during races.
  • mellie2603
    mellie2603 Posts: 23 Member
    I've found a couple - which is the best one to use?
    C25K Couch to 5K by RunDouble
    C25K - by Guy Hoffman
    C25K™ - 5K Trainer FREE
    Simple C25K

  • rwong53
    rwong53 Posts: 43 Member
    You're getting another recommendation for C25K from me. When I started I could barely get through week 1 without struggling. Now I'm finishing week 6 and really starting to enjoy it because I know I've come so far in such a short amount of time. If you keep it up and don't let your mind take over, you can get through it. I really do believe that it's more of a mental thing rather than physical.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i cant run with a damn either. so i got this 10week program online.

  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    6 mph is way too fast for someone just starting. As others have said, you need to be jogging at 4.5 - 5.0 mph to get started. And your shoes looked a little clunky - are they running shoes? You have to buy running shoes, you can't run well in cross-trainers. If you can afford to go to a specialty running store and get fitted, that's your best bet. But you can also check out runnersworld.com for LOTS of good info. on how to choose a running shoes that's right for your foot arch and then find some at Academy Sports or similar store for a good price (I wear Asics or New Balance). Don't get discouraged, you just tried to do too much too soon. Be patient and you will get there! I remember when I couldn't run 2 min. straight and tonight I just ran 3 miles. Good luck!
  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    Thankyou everyone!
    The reason I had it that high is because any slower and all I can do is walk.
  • paulasue145
    paulasue145 Posts: 157
    so glad you asked!

    lots of good advice! thanks everyone!
  • jenboyer
    jenboyer Posts: 10
    i cant for more than 30 seconds
  • VirtuallyAmy
    VirtuallyAmy Posts: 30 Member
    I am glad you asked this! I have been wanting to. I cannot run to save my life and have been wondering what to do. Glad I am not the only one and that there is hope! (now to get over the fear and dread of it). :)
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I sympathise with this, I tried C25K and couldn't even do day 1: 10 minutes nearly killed me and I had to stop.

    I think one of my problems is I cannot find a sports bra that works for me (42F) and can get back and shoulder pain from running as a result.
  • labwalker
    labwalker Posts: 5
    Hi I agree with the others c25k and slow down. Also try and find a group that encourages beginners. I went to Jog Scotland but I am sure there are similar groups throughout the country.

    It's hard to tell by looking at a pic if your shoes are ok. Go to a running store and have your gait annalysed
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    When I first got on the treadmill, I couldn't make it for a minute at a 4 mph jogging pace. On Easter Sunday I ran a half marathon in just under 2:05. So I'm here to tell you that it can be done.

    Couch to 5k is a good starting point if you want/need structure right from the start. But I'd never heard of Couch to 5k back when I first hit that treadmill, so I just followed my body and kept pushing it a little bit further each time. What I did was pretty similar to what Couch to 5K lays out, I just didn't have a specific pattern to it.

    I would run/jog until I couldn't anymore, then I'd walk until I caught my breath and start running/jogging again until I had to walk again. And I just repeated that until I reached the amount of time I planned on working out that night.

    Then, when I felt like I wanted to walk, I'd push myself to the point where I *had* to walk, instead of just when I wanted to. before I knew it, I was going for 30 minutes solid. Then 45 minutes solid, and then 60 minutes solid. From there, I was able to start working on pacing and get myself running faster and further over time.

    My mantra to myself was always "Don't stop because you want to, only if you have to" and used that to keep myself constantly striving to improve. And I feel like if I'd done something like Couch to 5K, I never would have pushed myself the times I did, and would have just followed the amount of time the program said to run between walking breaks.

    But everyone is different, and, if nothing else, Couch to 5k is probably a great place to start and then you can decide from there if you want to keep following it's structure or branch out on your own version. Have fun!
  • kattyb86
    kattyb86 Posts: 4
    Look up c25k - Couch to 5k program - excellent for those wanting to get into running. I'm a recent graduate! It works!

    Yep! Couch to 5K is sooooo good! I seriously am so bad at running but have been doing the couch to 5k podcasts and am finding it easier each time I run.

  • Wow this made me cry and is so inspiring!

    Good advice on this thread.