Husband wants to gain, Wife wants to lose... WHAT TO COOK!?



  • Xoxa1029
    Xoxa1029 Posts: 21 Member
    I feel your pain. My husband is tall and thin and I am short and well...not thin. It is so hard to stuff his face and not mine. I eat smaller portions of whatevewr is made for dinner. I have found that I can still lose weight if I keep everything in moderation.
  • Always serve some sort of meat for dinner (if you're vegetarian, cook meat substitute) to get protein and make your husband a larger portion than yourself. Then you're just cooking the same food, just splitting it up differently. Also, if you just want salad, have a BBQ night and make him cook his burger!
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    My husband eats a lot more than me, but not 3 times in one sitting as much, so I can see why that would be a tough one for you!

    I usually cook the same thing for dinner for us, but I give him a bigger helping of whatever meat I use. I will usually throw something high cal into his and not mine, like cheese or whatever is appropriate for the dish.
    He usually get something breadish, garlic toast, a roll or crusty bread and also eats dessert and I don't, that's a big one.
    Dessert doesn't have to be 'bad' either. I mix up peanut butter and Greek yoghurt with some honey and put it in a chocolate cookie crust then freeze it pre-sliced. Its higher cal and easy for him to grab.

    He does a really high cal/high protein smoothie for breakfast after his workout and has a protein shake on his break at work. Then a sandwich and fruit for lunch, or a frozen pizza, or something else higher carb/calorie.

    His job is very physically demanding and he does a heavy duty work out or run every morning, so he needs a lot more than I do!
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Have you seen sumo wrestlers? They're huge! Have you seen their diets? VERY healthy. They don't eat whoppers and big macs everyday it's rice, fish steamed veggies the lot. They just eat A LOT. He can gain eating healthy and you can loose eating healthy you just have to adjust your portion sizes.

    He's a meat and potatoes kind of guy huh? Well, Make salads but have yours your normal way but add stuff to his. My husband likes my "tex-mex salad" which changes every time but it's generally the salad I am eating plus guacamole, sour cream, salsa, beans, bacon-bits, shredded cheese and I top it with some pre-done meat strips. You can get pre cooked, pre-seasoned chicken strips in the lunch meat area, maybe they have beef too, I haven't looked, my hubby is not much of a red-meat eater.

    Buy steaks, chicken and pork chops and freeze them individually in freezer bags so you can pull out a pork chop for him and a chicken breast for you. Put his pork chop in a cooking bag (I use foil and just bend it up) with a bit of butter and some seasoning and stick it in the oven. Or just grill both of them on a George Formen with the same seasonings. If you have two steaks cut one in half take the half a steak for yourself and give him a steak and a half. Or chop it up and put it on a salad the next day