How to calculate rice cals!?

tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
Ok so im a bit confused, it says on the packaging of my rice 100grams = 350 calls, so measure out 100grams and cook, once cooked the weight goes up so 100grams of cooked rice, is it different? How do you calculate the cals?


  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    You never know how much water it retains, so impossible. Though the energic value doesn't change. 350 calories uncooked are 350 calories cooked. It only retains water, that last doesn't energy, so yah 100 g of uncooked rice = 350 calories, while the weight changes, the calories don't :)
    The only thing that change meanwhile is the glycemic index
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    ok im still highly confused.... lol sorry. So that 100grams on uncooked rice... I then cook and it turns into 300grams of cooked rice because of water and what not, and then I only eat 100 grams of the cooked weight, does that mean I still count the calories as the 100g uncooked, or would it be 1/3? Sorry if im confusing ya!
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    No mate, different weight same calories!
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    Argh dammit! lol
  • willyzification
    willyzification Posts: 95 Member
    ^ but normally rice increases 4x in volume when cooked. So 1 cup of raw rice generally becomes 3-4 cups of cooked rice.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    allow me an attempt to explain

    Calories in uncooked rice placed in your cooking pot: 350

    Calories in water thats added: 0

    total calories after cooking: 350+0 = 350

    You donot gain calories from any other external source (in this case heat) so the calories of uncooked rice will be the same as cooked rice unless you decided to add stuff to it (like veggies or oil or something)

    Edit: Volume does not define calories. Imagine it this way, a typical candy bar with 220 calories expands in your stomach (after breaking down and stuff) but the calories from the candy bar are still the same, its volume just changed
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks thats great news to hear, I was freakingout thinking 350 cals for that piddly amount of rice! Should have listened more in maths class :laugh:
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    Just calculate it as uncooked. I weigh it before i cook it, and on MFP you can find uncooked rice.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Just calculate it as uncooked. I weigh it before i cook it, and on MFP you can find uncooked rice.

    this - its much simpler, I just measure out my portion raw in a seperate pan to my husbands, then I know the exact amount I am eating so the cals are accurate.
    Cooked weights can vary depending how long you cook for and how much water is absorbed.
  • morriusmfp
    morriusmfp Posts: 24 Member
    Rice: 250 cals

    Water: 0 cals

    Rice + water: 250 cals.

    The water adds weight but doesn't add calories. Every packet of rice/pasta/quinoa etc I have gives you the calories per uncooked portion. Weigh the dry rice/pasta and calculate your cals based on that.
  • FriarTuck817
    FriarTuck817 Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone gets it dry vs cooked is the same amount of calories. The question is this:
    Rice expands when cooked and due to water gets heavier. So if I make 1 cup (180g) of dry rice, once it is cooked, it turns into more than 1 cup and more than 180g. So if all i want is 1 cup of cooked rice and I have a whole container full or rice to last the week, how many caliries is that one cup? In that scenario it is not the same as 1 cup dry. Is there a standard formula to figure it out or do we have to meticulously measure all of the rice after it is cooked amd convert?
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    edited September 2017
    There are 350 cals in your 1 cup uncooked rice...let's say it makes 4 cups cooked. You eat 1 cup of the 4 cups cooked. You ate 1/4 of the cooked rice, and 1/4 of the calories contained within, so you ate 350/4 or 87.5 cals. Change 4 to be however many cups of cooked rice the one cup of dry made. Weighing would be more accurate but it is also more complicated math.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Everyone gets it dry vs cooked is the same amount of calories. The question is this:
    Rice expands when cooked and due to water gets heavier. So if I make 1 cup (180g) of dry rice, once it is cooked, it turns into more than 1 cup and more than 180g. So if all i want is 1 cup of cooked rice and I have a whole container full or rice to last the week, how many caliries is that one cup? In that scenario it is not the same as 1 cup dry. Is there a standard formula to figure it out or do we have to meticulously measure all of the rice after it is cooked amd convert?

    Cook your 180g of rice, weigh the cooked rice, divide that by the number of servings you intend it to be (let's say 4), then each time you have rice, weigh out that amount. Enter 45g of uncooked rice into your diary.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Weigh it uncooked!
  • fabulous1690
    fabulous1690 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks to all who have explained this. I have always wondered at the cooked/uncooked calories and how they are accounted for in the end. You are right. Better to count the raw calories than get confused with the whole cooked and uncooked palaver.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I weigh mine cooked, only because I make a bunch, then I get so much for each meal. I find a relatively close entry according to White Rice, Cooked, Ounces and go by that...
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    This is great for rice you're cooking on your own. But is there any help for figuring out the calories if eating out?
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    3/4 cup of cooked rice comes in at anywhere from 110 grams to about 185 when I put it on the scale, depending on how much water was retained. Knowing this, I'm now weighing out 50 grams dry for each cup cooked I want to end up with. But that's when I'm in control. And recognizing that the weights can vary so much, and knowing that I'm terrible at eyeballing portions (some spatial perception issues in play here), I'm hoping for some way to narrow down my guesstimates. So yes. I'm quite serious.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    ^ but normally rice increases 4x in volume when cooked. So 1 cup of raw rice generally becomes 3-4 cups of cooked rice.

    Which it basically did. It went from 100g to 350g. 3.5x