Do you want to tell really obese people they dont have to li

Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to help them SOOOO badly! I work at a scrapbook store, and some ladies that come in are REALLY overweight, like cant walk without a waddle, and cant breathe well. one Lady once told me she would exercise if she didnt have a bad knee, ( she was in a motorscooter) I just want to tell them that They can lose weight, and I want to help them learn how. It feel so bad for them and I just want them to feel as wonderful as I do! :wink: I want them to know that it can happen, if you have the will to do it, if you want it badly enough, YOU CAN DO IT!
Anyone else feel this way? or is it just crazy me?:noway:


  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    First off.. WOW look at you!!! GREAT JOB!!

    But yes, I actually felt this way today. One of the girls in my glass is very obese... So much she has problems walking and can hardly make it down the stairs. We are in a nursing program together... We are to promote health and be in a "healthy" state ourselves so we can help others... Our jobs are very physical... I feel really bad for her and you hit the nail right on the head!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I can't believe how many women tell me that they'd love to change the way they eat, but their husbands wouldn't like it if they ate different food and the husbands want to keep eating unhealthy.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    ha, yeah my husband wasnt to thrilled with my change of eating, I just told him to cook his own dinners! :laugh:
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    :you have done great i feel the same way you do its hard not to want to help
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    O.M.G when I see real overweight people I feel the same way is it a feeling you get after loosing alot of weight..And what makes it so bad I work in retail in a grocery store in the deli/bakery...Severely obese people getting cakes,pies,cookies all sort of bad choices,And they are my regulars...:cry:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    One of the girls in my glass is very obese... So much she has problems walking and can hardly make it down the stairs.

    Carrie, can't you invite her for a walk? Then talk to her about health, about having confidence that "you, yourself, can do it, too". Tell her what tools there are to get there and how you don't have to starve yourself, though feeling hungry is not the end of the world. And how you don't have to put everything you see in your mouth. You know, MFP principles :). You could mix that talk with chatting about why you chose the nursing program, so that she doesn't feel like you just wanted to preach to her.

    I'm sure she feels frustarted. She might just not trust herself enough to do this. So if you could do something together, one evening, so that she feels she can have fit friends, too, she might get some confidence and start a new life. And, like I said, give her ideas about how to start off - nothing big, nothing cold turkey, just baby steps. Steps forwards, though :wink: .

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Maybe losing weight is like being an ex-smoker.... you want to tell everybody to be the same.

    I am the same way, I want to preach the gospel of MFP to everyone. However, I know that when I was not ready to eat right and exercise, I wouldn't listen to anybody. All you can do is lead by example in your life. When people are ready to lose weight, they may come to you for information or inspiration. Some people may never come to that point of readiness in their lives. It took me over 30 years to get there. When I did get there, I jumped into it whole heartedly.

    Congrats on the amazing weight loss. I aspire to be there one day myself
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Everyone has to be in the right place to do this. If someone says to you, "hey you look great, did you lose weight.?" Then you can tell them.

    Let your example be the light that shines for them.

    If you run a store maybe you could offer information, maybe put a before and after picture on it of yourself and just put on it....want to do the same? ask me how? and then put a plug in for MFP.

    After that though, let it go. A friend of my mother's keeps asking me how I am losing and I told her about MFP. A couple of weeks later she told me she loves the site but doesn't log her food everyday because it is too much bother...well, she missed the I let it go.

    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss! You are the example!!!!

    Some will change because of you!!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Speaking from the other side......before I started dieting I HATED people who gave me tips on how I could lose weight.

    However, if someone like you who had lost a lot of weight and had the experience of it working offered to share with me how she lost weight I might have listened if they appoached it the right way. Next time someone gives you an opening like "exercising is just so hard" give them the little steps that you started with.

    My turning point to want to start dieting is when a friend who had lost weight challendged me to just do one thing for a week and see if I got results - so I gave up my sugared pop and lost three pounds. I have been hooked ever since.
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    Post a "before" and "after" picture in your store. That way THEY will bring it up and you can share with them. People assume you have always looked great and been healthy. They assume you can't relate to them. Tell them. Tell them! Tell them there is hope!

    I've only lost 12 pounds so far, but I feel the same way. I want others to experience it. My BP was very high and already it is back in the low range on a consistant basis. I have SO much energy, too. I love it.

    I love this website because I see the success of people like you and it encourages me SO much. You are AWESOME.


    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Anyone can lose weight since weight loss is mainly based on diet. I just thank god that despite my physical ailments, I can still exercise because it keeps me motivated.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I know if they are not ready to lose weight, they dont want to hear about it, And I dont tell anyone unless they ask, but the people that dont know me, dont know what I use to look like, and sometimes I feel like if they knew, they would ask.
    I only work in the store, I dont own it, so I cant put up pictures, BUT when I get to my goal weight I will do a scrapbook page on the journey and I hope to get that up in the store somewhere! lol
    The Owner of Emerald City Smoothie wants to post a before and after of me for his store, I told him when I get to my goal, he could do it! :happy:
  • ha, yeah my husband wasnt to thrilled with my change of eating, I just told him to cook his own dinners! :laugh: exchange for cooking for himself he got a hot wife who he'll be able to spend many healthy years......Sounds like a pretty good trade to me ; }

    I feel the same way you do....I sometimes wish I had a 'before picture' so I could just say' If I can do it so can you'......enough said :}
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    One thing that I'm sure you can relate to, is when someone gets as obese as myself (or as you WERE-great job, by the way!!! :wink:) is more than just someone needing to exercise, or eating too much, it's an addiction, an escape... Most people who allow themselves to become morbidly obese don't love themselves enough to want to change... I had to learn this myself, before I started losing weight... And sadly, until they get to the point that they WANT to get out of the pit they've dug themselves in, what you say would fall on death's ears...

    Suggestion: Wear a "converstaion" starter somehow... I've got a T-Shirt from my job's health/wellness program that says "I'm a Loser"... You would not believe how many people comment on my shirt... Most people say, "You're not a loser!!!" I tell them, "I'm a 50 pound loser"... and that opens up a door to discuss the weight loss... :laugh: Works EVERY TIME... :wink:
    I want to help them SOOOO badly! I work at a scrapbook store, and some ladies that come in are REALLY overweight, like cant walk without a waddle, and cant breathe well. one Lady once told me she would exercise if she didnt have a bad knee, ( she was in a motorscooter) I just want to tell them that They can lose weight, and I want to help them learn how. It feel so bad for them and I just want them to feel as wonderful as I do! :wink: I want them to know that it can happen, if you have the will to do it, if you want it badly enough, YOU CAN DO IT!
    Anyone else feel this way? or is it just crazy me?:noway:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Obese people motivate me to lose weight because I know that if I don't change my eating and exercise habits that I could be that person. No one ever starts out obese, they slowly get there. (don't want to offend anyone) This reminds me of a conversation I had the other day. Someone I know asked me how I lost my weight. So I told her the truth-I don't kill myself-I just walk a lot. Then she asked "Do you still eat junk?" My answer, "Yes, I just ate twinkies." Through our conversation I could tell she wanted to lose weight but didn't want to make too many sacrifices. I let her know that I did it and it was as simple as walking. It was a real motivator for her to get started because it was "doable." I also know that once she gets started exercising she will want to make better food choices for herself. When people ask about our weight loss it's a great time to help motivate them to do the same.
  • Hello! I actually have a friend that is severely overweight. I've tried to broach the subject a couple of times with her because I'm honestly worried for her life. She fits all the characteristics of other people mentioned on this blog. Because your weight/body is such a sensitive subject, I've had a hard time bringing it up in conversation. Has anyone else had this problem? If so- what did you do to try and intervene?

  • Hello! I actually have a friend that is severely overweight. I've tried to broach the subject a couple of times with her because I'm honestly worried for her life. She fits all the characteristics of other people mentioned on this blog. Because your weight/body is such a sensitive subject, I've had a hard time bringing it up in conversation. Has anyone else had this problem? If so- what did you do to try and intervene?


    PS- It's incredible what you've done in less than a year. Amazing!
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