Random Chat

Nothing specific really...I am sitting at work bored...and I always get hungry when I am bored!! I was a machine yesterday and got everything done...and of course my bosses don't come in until close to 10! only an hour left to go!

How is everyone?

I am also looking for some more friends on here! Need people to keep me in line!


  • Evansmama29
    Evansmama29 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi - I am also at work right now - not being very productive. My boss comes in whenever she wants (usually around 10am), so for the first 4 hours of my day - it's just me, I LOVE IT!! Apparently she thinks I have enough work to do to keep me busy all day, that is not the case - LOL!! But - she's a great boss, so I definitely will not complain!! You should see my snack drawer at work - tons of stuff - because I too get super hungry while I'm bored - I just try to keep it all healthy stuff. Sent you a friend request too!
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    LOL. I try not to bring any snacks unless they are healthy! I even have some 100 calorie popcorn! I am slowly doing work this morning..time keeping...I am a paralegal in New Orleans...I actually just realized that my profile on here still said Texas and I have lived in Mississippi since July! And recently moved to Louisiana! LOL

    I accepted!!
  • I am here at work as well... I work from home. No boss to look over me....As long as I meet my goal for the day I am golden....

    Any topics to discuss?
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    I am up for anything really!

    What do you do for work?
  • I work for a Health Insurance company. I am a dedicated rep for large companies.....so I am there contact for enrollment, billing, claims and benefits....Mostly emails very few calls....

    What about you?
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    Ah, that is cool. I am a paralegal for a small law firm. I enjoy it. I have been slowly working on billing this morning for May. I completed all my work yesterday. And since the attorneys are still not here and it is going on 10, I dont want to sit here and have nothing to do. I know once they get here i will be swamped every 5 minutes with a new task LOL.

    I dont know if I could work at home. I would be too tempted to do what i am doing now-goof around online! Or eat everything in my apt. I would go back and forth to the kitchen looking around to see what is in there! lol
  • I have been working from home for 4 years. That is question I get all the time...How do you do it....

    When I started at home the position I was in required me to be at my desk every min of the day and if you were not they knew it and would ask you why you are not working...

    I have been in my new poistion a little over a year so I had that mind set I need to be here. At least with this one I have the option of getting up and streching and etc.

    Eating....Only me and hubby that live here so we keep only healthy foods in the house....Some days I am so busy with emails I forget to eat..or just not hunry....
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    I dont know if I would like not being able to get up to stretch or something and being questioned. I hate sitting all day here, so sometimes i will walk up the stairs instead of the elevator and any time i get to leave the office i take it. I hurt myself a couple of weeks ago doing Zumba on the wii and when i sit too long my hips get real stiff and i cant walk :(

    What kinds of healthy snacks do you keep around? I just made some 100 cal popcorn...i am getting full already and only a couple bites in
  • We have a rule at my house...Try to keep it whole stay away from processed foods.

    So we keep fresh fruit and veggies cut and ready to go...Rice cakes, yogurts, protein bars. I have it stuck in my head not to eat carbrs....So i eat them in the am...Toast or grape nuts in my yogurt and then I try to have a veggie burger or veggies for lunch.

    Dinner mostly is either salads, chicken with veggies or healthy stir frys...We do not eat anything after 7pm.

    Mon, wed and fridays we goto the gym...I do Zumba on sundays and tuesdays as well. On the days we are home at night (which is rate now) I blend frozen fruit and freeze greek yogurt and blend...such a nice smoothie and it is like a sorbet. I add no sugars...Hoping to have peaches on my tree this year so I can freeze them.

    I love Zumba but it is a hip killer....I am thinking of getting the one for my wii but right now I take classes here in town....I love it...Such a great burn
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    Yeah , I haven't done the Zumba since I moved, we live on the third floor...we should be moving to a first floor apt soon, so I will get to do it then, and I plan on doing Insanity as well.

    If I didn't eat after 7 I would never eat! I wish something like that would work in my life, but it just doesnt, it never has. By the time I get through rush hour and home it is just after 6. Sometimes later since I have been doing overtime. Then, by the time I am home, I have to cook, clean up, workout, shower and pack my lunch for the next day...and by then it is often 11 :(

    I do prefer raw though! I love eating raw veggies over cooked...I eat more that way. I also love fruit, I try to get in at least 3 servings a day
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I am also bossless - all week in fact! I'm trying to get all the piddly crap done that I never have time for (since it's quieter when she's not here), but it's so boring it's not even funny.
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    My bosses have still yet to arrive and it is almost 11! I should call and ask if they are ok! I am finishing up some computer work and going to do some filing! So i might be off and on for a little while!

    Speak of the devil! Hopefully things will pick up soon with some tasks!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    My boss just left to go to the dentist. Sucks for him, but makes my morning very mellow.

    My problem is looking outside at the beautiful CA morning. It is supposed to be in the low 80's today. I would so much rather be at home playing in my flower garden.
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    It is supposed to storm here soon...and off and on all day! That is New Orleans for you...during the summer it will rain periodically, they call it a "blessing"...the 5 minutes the temp cools down before getting humid and disgusting again LOL
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I'm at work too and my boss is a seriously big time task master. I'm self employed. Peeked in looking for a break. Today's weather forecast is the sun will rise and set as normal, unless it doesn't. My dog is laying on my feet as i work at the computer begging for my carrot snak.
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    My dog begs for cheese and tuna! He hears the tuna can hit the counter, or the cheese drawer in the refrigerator open and he comes running
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    My bosses have been here a whole 30 minutes and they just left to go to lunch HAHAHAHA love them
  • Sorry had to do some work there for a bit. LOL.

    I can image getting home late puts a damper on eating after 7.... My hubby has a hard time with it....He begs for something and before I would give in to him...Now I say NO.

    It is raining here.....Blah....My dogs are inside and they keep picking fights with the cats...I just had to break one up... Supposed to rain the rest of the week.. What the heck. Last week rained all week then we had 2 good days...I got my Motorcycle rides in but now looks like it will be saturday before I ride again. Bummer
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    We have rain coming in as well..my parents live in west texas and it was hailing last night. I am attempting to work but it is going so slowly
  • BFlowers2
    BFlowers2 Posts: 50
    back to it bright and early today!! hope everyone has a wonderful day