At-home Workouts



  • Jensaystoyou
    I agree also Leslie Sansone walking dvds are fantastic I began with those, I love her walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk which is my favorite and I usually burn over 400 calories during that, I have a few other of her dvds as well, they are great.

    For these Walk DVDs... do you have to have a treadmill? Do you just walk in circles or what?
  • erikapereira
    erikapereira Posts: 196
    I started with jillian michaels 30 day shred. I am in my first level. I like it, it is nice, 25 min, you feel it and is easy to follow up.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30DS! Then, her cardio burn..
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Okay here are mine:

    I tried 6 week 6pack and was not too impressed (got boring for me)
    I love Chalene Extreme (you can do free weights or band with this one)
    For cadio I started Turbo Fire and Zumba Exhilirate and love both
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    I mix it up between walking, 30 Day Shred, Zumba, Just Dance and exercise DVDs on Netflix. For me (a cream puff too), there's plenty of variety between all that, basic calisthenics and other workouts I find on the Web.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You Are Your Own Gym

    Convict Conditioning
  • This_Daddy_Rocks
    bump--for future ideas
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
  • amj3303
    amj3303 Posts: 111 Member
    Turbo Fire is AWESOME and we use bands.. also ChaLean Extreme you can use bands or weights.. The same lady teaches Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme.. LOVE HER SHE IS THE BEST!
  • natalieanderson3
    my husband and I did P90X together, religiously for the entire 90 days..neither one of us lost signifigant weight (me-7 lbs) (him-3 lbs)
    then we found out that you will only loose weight if you follow their diet too. hmmmm, a workout routein that takes over an hour a day 6x a week and there is no major weight loss? 0- wasn't impressed

    So we started doing crossfit out of our home ( it will imtimidate you, you will thnk it is only for the fit people in the world, but I started seeing results immediately - without changing my diet at all. My stomache has slimmed down the most, but I look waaaaay better all over. I've lost over 60 lbs in a little over 7 months. We do it at home, but it was a signifigant investment in gear. Honestly, go to a crossfit gym and try it out. Most of them have a free trial, most of them don't care if you have to bring kids. They create an enviroment of family and support around you. The fittest people will cheer you on, and call you when you don't show up. You WILL LOOSE WEIGHT!!! I promise, but even more amazing, you feel feel more confident and in touch with your body than you EVER have before.

    check out where myself and my friends have found our inspiration. we workout together and support each other, I know WITHOUT A DOUBT that I have grown and changed more from crossfit and my support group than I ever could have alone in my basement using a DVD....seriously, you'll be amazed!
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I alternate Jillian Michael's 30 day shred with 30 to 40 minute bicycle rides around my town. I also used to do Tae kwon do, so I also like to add a little karate workout. It's great, also, and can be done in a class or at home alone, if you know any moves. Just to get and keep your body going, involving music is a great boost.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    i not long had baby n im very unfit n overweight n finding hard to workout or motivae myself,i was told about 30day shred n its best thing ive done ,it really works for me as its only twenty mins and it mixes cardio with strength trainning so u get quicker results also i find hard to do cardio so its nice to do it two minute bursts also its the only exercise programm thats got me out of bed early n excited to do it n ive stuck it out n on level 2 as u start on 1,2 n then 3 u do 10 days on each level

    i totally recommend it :)
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    Ok so last summer I lost 23 lbs doing zumba, stopping soda, and drinking a gallon of water a day in a pretty short amount of time. I love it because its fun so I WANT to do it. Even if you cant quite get the moves at first (like this girl) trying to do them makes you sweat.
  • Tybear73
    Tybear73 Posts: 20 Member
    In my opinion P90 and P90X should not be used by self proclaimed CREAM PUFF's. It's a great program, and yes you can modify the moves, but in my opinion should be used by people with at least a moderate fitness level and experience. The risk of injury is just too great.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, started off as a bit of a beginner to home exercising, did do spinning classes for a while, but just couldnt afford them!

    I've also just got 10 Minute Solution - Target Toning [DVD] from Amazon, 4 different workouts (buns,thighs,abs and arms + powerstretch at the end) all only 10 minutes long, so you can do all or a few of them at a time, they seem pretty good.

    Also just ordered 10 Minute Solution: Blast Off Belly Fat [DVD] but just waiting for that one to arrive.

    Got an Xbox with Kinect, with Fitness Evolved on it, thats pretty good as well - you can choose the level of difficulty to suit you (plus you get to watch yourself on the tv, very odd :smile: )

    Would like to give Insanity a go as well at some point, but just slowly easing my way into it first.

    Good luck with whatever you choose :happy:
  • alixfowler
    alixfowler Posts: 16
    Well I don't go out to the gym so I use My Fitness Coach on the Wii as well as Wii Fit. I have a couple of the Biggest Loser (US version) options but I am a bit scared of Bob and Gillian lol.
  • IssyCP
    IssyCP Posts: 2
    I'm a fellow cream puff! I have always been a member at my gym and still have an active membership there but I would NEVER show my "puffy" self there now! So I have resolved to start with the workouts videos I always did when I couldn't make it out to the gym...they are:

    Find Your Spot Pilates
    Core Rythms
    Denise Austin's Walking Indoors

    I also have a home gym that I have swiffered and am starting to use again...

    I hope this helps...good luck!!
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I do Zumba, Jillian micheals,walking and will start p90x today. When first started to lose I was 250lbs. Zumba and Jillian micheals are tough but I would do what I could so it's gotten a lot easier. Since I haven't started p90x I can't really say what I can do but I will do what I can and slowly but surely it'll get easier.
  • cheree1969
    cheree1969 Posts: 98 Member
    I agree also Leslie Sansone walking dvds are fantastic I began with those, I love her walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk which is my favorite and I usually burn over 400 calories during that, I have a few other of her dvds as well, they are great.

    For these Walk DVDs... do you have to have a treadmill? Do you just walk in circles or what?

    You walk in place...and she has a couple other moves that she uses. Kick, side step, kick back.
  • Jensaystoyou
    Okay, so after checking a lot of what you guys suggested.... ::drum roll:: I have purchased Jillian's 30 Day Shred and Leslie Sansone's Walk at home Walk Slim 5 Really Big Miles DVD. I did the walk this afternoon... did miles 1, 2, 3, and 5 and I LOVEEEDDD it! I will try Jillian's tomorrow. I just need to switch things up with Slim in 6 so I don't get bored.

    TurboFire looks like a lot of fun and when I have the spare money around I might invest in it. But for now, I will stick to these 3 DVDs. :)