Baby weight has gotta go!!



  • Hello, im a 24 year old mom, got two boys a 3 year old and a 1 year old and they keep me on my toes lol. but yea I really need to lose the weight getting annoyed with wearing mens size 40+ pants just to feel comfortable. I want to get more healthy for my boys and my wonderful hubby. so all in all im losing twice the baby weight i just let it pile up. my goal is to get back into size 16 juniors girl pants.. wish me luck...
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I had my first in January and gained a lot of weight with him (50-60 pounds)! I gave in to every craving I had. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds...and he was about 9 of that...big boy! I joined MFP at the end of March and have only lost 10 pounds so far. It's slow going, but I'm working really hard! I just completed day 21 of 30 Day Shred and, let me tell you, it's getting harder and harder to stay motivated so the encouragement is needed! Yesterday was a rough day emotionally...darn hormones! I'm still sporting the maternity pants because I refuse to buy bigger clothes! I would LOVE to be out of those by the end of June...right now I'm eating healthy and my exercises focus on my core with some strength training (free weights) thrown in there. Any other ideas to get this belly fat off??

    I would add in some cardio. Cardio will help to burn the fat, and the strength training will get you toned :)

    I am in the opposite boat as you...I run or use the elliptical daily. However, after my 10K on the 19th, I will be adding in more strength training (P90X).
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    See if you can buy a 4 seat rickshaw - that'd keep you fit ;-)

    And they'd LOVE IT!!

    What he said! When I worked in daycare we had a six-seater, and seriously, best. workout. ever. Loved it!

    And it's big enough that older kids can fit as well, and it has an umbrella canopy over it too to block the sun. Worth a look!
  • lvokins
    lvokins Posts: 14
    Another Mom getting back on track here. Good luck to everyone on reaching thier goals!
  • kwheelock
    kwheelock Posts: 21 Member
    I had my first in January and gained a lot of weight with him (50-60 pounds)! I gave in to every craving I had. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds...and he was about 9 of that...big boy! I joined MFP at the end of March and have only lost 10 pounds so far. It's slow going, but I'm working really hard! I just completed day 21 of 30 Day Shred and, let me tell you, it's getting harder and harder to stay motivated so the encouragement is needed! Yesterday was a rough day emotionally...darn hormones! I'm still sporting the maternity pants because I refuse to buy bigger clothes! I would LOVE to be out of those by the end of June...right now I'm eating healthy and my exercises focus on my core with some strength training (free weights) thrown in there. Any other ideas to get this belly fat off??

    I would add in some cardio. Cardio will help to burn the fat, and the strength training will get you toned :)

    I am in the opposite boat as you...I run or use the elliptical daily. However, after my 10K on the 19th, I will be adding in more strength training (P90X).

    When I first joined I went walking a lot and I know that helps. The workout videos I do incorporate cardio as well, which is great because with the Texas heat and a baby that sweats a ton in his carseat/stroller, going outside for a run or walk is not really an option right now. I just wasn't sure what else I could be doing that would help get rid of the belly. Thanks :)
  • him1025
    him1025 Posts: 44
    i have 3 kids my self and they are 7 2 and 11 months i load them all in my double stroller and have been walking up and down a 2.5 mile hill everynight and man what a work out!! i gained the majority of my weight with my first like most moms do. i gained 40lbs with her cause the dr didnt tell me different and i young and nieve. with my last 2 i only gained 30lbs. im now at my heaviest other than being preg at 167lbs. my goal is to get down to 125-130lbs. i do my walking at night when its not so hot and i take a falsh light with me in case we stay out to late and it gets dark
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    SmallTownSweetie03 Posts: 63 Member
    It's so nice to know that I'm not alone! I also let the baby weight from both of my daughters (6 and 3) just pile up! And now I'm recently divorced and wanting to feel better about myself and wanting to do something for myself as well as set a good example for my girls! It hasn't been easy, but I'm going to do it! Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to have some support as well as offer it to anyone who needs it!
  • So happy I found this site!! I don't have time for meetings, I barely have time for the gym :tongue: Proud Mama of a 13yr and 5m old. Lost the weight and then some after my first, but this time has been a bugger. Looking to lose about 100lbs, so I will be here for awhile. Congrats to all those who have lost and good luck to all those still working on it!!